ATM 2007 to tap Mid-East markets
by Chanuka Mannapperuma
The Arabian Travel Market (ATM) 2007 is the industry's leading travel
and tourism exhibition to tap the potential of the Middle East markets.
Sisira Aberatne, Management Assistant Marketing Sri Lanka Tourist
Board (SLTB) told the Sunday Observer, the objective of the exhibition
is to promote Sri Lanka as a travel destination among other countries.
The ATM 2007 will take place for the 13th consecutive year from May
1-4 at the International Exhibition and Convention Centre in Dubai. The
SLTB has been participating in the event since 2003 with the Travel and
Tourism Industry and SriLankan Airlines. Over 16 companies are expected
to confirm their participation at this year's event.
Around 25 local hoteliers and those in the travel and tourism
industry will also participate.