EGSL chief repudiates Ranil's allegations
The charges levelled by UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe at a rally in
Gampaha recently against the Editors Guild of Sri Lanka (EGSL) and its
President are completely baseless President of the EGSL Upali Tennakoon
Already, UNP Spokesman Gayantha Karunathilake has issued two further
letters of condemnation regarding a statement I made in this regard
which was aired on the Independent Television Network.
I am well aware of the concerted effort to get these letters
published in several leading newspapers in order to give them maximum
publicity and circulation. There have also been attempts made to speak
directly to the management of publishing houses in order to get the
letters published.
It is a serious breach of media ethics to misinterpret and
misunderstand my statement on ITN and use those misconceptions to issue
such blatantly nonsensical press releases. Furthermore the incessant
attempts to get those releases published has exerted tremendous pressure
on newspaper editors, media organisations and the officials of those
There is no other way to put it than to claim that this too, is media
oppression and a breach of media freedom two things the Opposition
Leader has taken up as his per causes recently.
It is actions such as these that have led to charges being levelled
against him at one point about the creation and nurture of a media
I made three key points during my statement on ITN. The first was
that politicians speak of media freedom only while in opposition. The
second was that there is a law of the land and the third was that no
person, his or her status notwithstanding, may go against it.
There was no mention in my statement to the effect that media
personnel and media organisations were taking cover underneath the media
freedom banner in order to violate the laws of the land? My statement
has been thus misinterpreted and warped in order to mislead newspaper
editors and media organisations. I see these attempts as being an effort
to deliberately exert untoward pressure and influence on both editors
and organisations.
At the time of my statement, there was no issue of Mawbima accounts
being frozen. Furthermore, the problem regarding Mawbima needed to the
discussed separately at a different forum. It is unfortunate that the
Opposition Leader was unaware of our attention towards this matter.
It is also shocking that all the statements we have issued regarding
the threats to Tamil media personnel and Tamil newspapers from the LTTE
and other Tamil organisations have eluded the Opposition Leader so far.
It is also very unfortunate that this is the case, since very few people
speak on their behalf today. The reason for this reluctance is no doubt
the fear of reprisals from the LTTE or because they dislike making
allegations against the Tigers.
To this day, I stand by the statement I made on ITN. I maintain the
same position that the law of the land is common to all.
I use this opportunity to make one request of the Opposition Leader.
I beseech him to refrain from creating divisions among media personnel
and media organisations based on political leanings. The attempt to do
so would result in monumental problems that will benefit no one, and
least of all our country in the long run, Tennakoon said.