An Appeal
Young girl appeals for help
Yasara Himarshi suffers from a severe ear defect due to an attack of
measles she had during her infancy. Due to this illness she could
neither hear nor talk. At the moment she is studying at Samudra Devi
Vidyalaya Special Unit in Nugegoda.
In order to treat her Dr. Devanand J. H. A. Appollo Hospitals advises
that a Cochlear Implant be performed. According to his reports, a sum of
Rs. 2.8 million would be required of this surgery and the surgery be
undertaken without further delay.
The President's Fund has granted a sum of Rs. 400,000 for this
purpose. Her father S. M. D. C. J. Perera (Fleet, Chief Petty Officer)
is working in the Sri Lanka Navy attached to Karainagar Camp (Jaffna).
But the balance had to be met and seek help from kind hearted people for
the balance sum of Rs. 1.0 million would be required.
Monetary donations could be remitted to:
S. Vithanage (mother) - A/C: 8290013348, Commercial Bank,
Battaramulla Branch, Tel: 0722972078