Tribute to the guardians of law and order

In ceremonial garb

Mounted Police

Despatching food to the North |
Everyday brave men and women place their lives in harms way to
protect their fellow human beings, with little or no regard for their
own personal safety. On March 21, 2007 the Sri Lanka Police Service will
commemorate those heroes who have paid the price for the freedom we
enjoy today.
The day marks the death of the first police personnel while on duty
in the history of the police service - Police Constable Saban who died
of gunshot wounds inflicted by Mamal Marikkar, a member of the gang of
highwaymen led by Deekirikewage Saradiel.
March 21, is observed every year to pay tributes to police personnel
who laid down their lives while on duty through out the country.
