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DateLine Sunday, 8 April 2007





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

New Year planetary changes and you

When the cuckoo starts its annual singing on the branches of cadju fruit trees, and the smell of Kevum and Kokis and other sweetmeats begin to emerge from the kitchens, the message of Sinhala and Hindu Aluth Avurudu (Sinhala and Hindu New Year) begins to spread all over Sri Lanka.

However, whether this wonderful period will stretch throughout the year or shower bad spells on the country and its citizens is a question. Hence, astrological forecasts play a significant role during this period.

Three leading astrologers Piyasena Rathuwithana, Albert Sudasinghe and Manjula Pieris give their respective forecasts according to the planetary changes that occur in the coming year, and the effects on the country and the Sunday Observer readers. The forecast for each individual Lagna (Zodiac signs) is given by Piyasena Rathuwithana.

Piyasena Rathuwithana

Piyasena Rathuwithana

The New Year dawns at 12.29 pm, an hour of Shani (Saturn) on Saturday (April 14). Thathkala Lagna at this hour is Kataka (Cancer). Vakra Shani travels in the Lagna Rashi.

Planet Ravi (Sun) transits into Mesha Lagna at the malefic period. The Lagna Lord Chandra (Moon) in the malefic position in the eighth house of the Thathkala Kendraya.

So both the Lagna (star sign) and the Lagna Lord are compressed. Hence the time of the dawn of the New Year does not seem favourable on the whole.

There will be bloodshed and accidents due to weapons, fire and carelessness. The leaders should act wisely without making hasty decisions. The planetary positions of this time is equal to the time of the Uprising in 1971 and the Black July in 1983. This malefic effects will continue until July 15.

Shani (Saturn) moves to Sinha (Leo) on July 15. Sinha is also a malefic place for Shani. But is not harmful as if it is in the Kataka Lagna. Until Shani moves completely from both Kataka and Sinha, the country will experience bad effects.

However since the Guru (Jupiter) comes to the eleventh house of the horoscope of the country on November 22, we can experience an economical exhilaration as the prices of the essential goods would go down and new ventures for businesses and job opportunities would come up.

Countries along the Equator might experience bad effects. However the Ravi (Sun) will be in a very powerful position as it moves to its best Rashi Mesha on April 14. This would help the government to destroy enmity and hatred.


Manjula Pieris

Manjula Pieris
Pix : Chinthaka Kumarasinghe

The government would face a barrage of enemy attacks, which would cause a great headache. Also there will be many accidents and blood shed throughout. The leaders should take precautions and think twice before making important decisions.

By the middle of the year, the enemy sources will retreat and the government will return with full power. Guru (Jupiter) will move to the eleventh house on November 22. And this will help the country to strengthen the economy more effectively. Chances are that exploration of oil in Sri Lanka will succeed.

People should live an exemplary life, as the planetary changes seem to be giving extremely bad effects for many Lagnas (star signs). Helping the under privileged with clothes and food or in any other way, and assisting students of any age for their education, releasing cattle compelled to be killed, releasing caged birds or any other animals and looking after senior citizens, helping the hospitalised patients and nursing the sick will give a lot of good consequences which would help to diminish the bad spell of the planetary changes.

There's another ritual practised in ancient times to lessen the adverse Saturn effect. On Saturdays, one should fast until 10.00 am while giving away the portion of food to birds (especially crows), fish or any other animal. Watch them enjoying the meal with a contended mind. This will also help to eradicate the mental stress caused by the problems that arise due to the bad planetary influences.

If you learn to help others as much as possible and create a harmonious environment around your while forgiving people for the sins committed against you without always seeking revenge, you will have peace of mind and a better quality of life. This will also help you to evade the bad planetary changes which will be showered upon you.


Albert Sudasinghe

Albert Sudasinghe

This is a Sarvajith year which comes under Vishnu Vinshathiya. Sarvajith year is a very auspicious period with agricultural and economical development in a country. We can expect adequate rainfall throughout. But the Sanvathsarika Kendra (yearly planetary position) of the world seems to have some malefic condition which leads to adverse consequences within the first 10 months after April.

Natural disasters like weather and climate changes, devastating earthquakes and cyclones are expected especially in the Asian region. Also unidentified germs tend to intrude the earth causing many undiagnosed illnesses.

Since Kuja (Mars), Rahu and Chandra (Moon) are together in the 8th house global terrorism tend to raise its ugly head with barbarious deeds such as using poisonous gases for killing innocents. Accidents for aircraft and watercraft are also indicated.

However since Ravi (Sun) is in the 10th house, all the governments and States in the world tend to get together to smash terrorism away from the earth.

Though fire and bomb scaers will prevail throughout, this is a good time for children's education. The government will be powerful since Ravi is in the 10th house.

After January, 2008, new explorations of oil mines are indicated. To evade the malefic influences of the planetary change, always be truthful and try your best to be patient when dealing with everybody - family and office staff, while travelling or even at the market.

Bodhi Poojas and Deva Poojas done according to your religion would give you immense satisfaction and help to eradicate the mental frustration during this period.




You will start the new year with benevolent feelings with super self-dignity and lots of aesthetic interests. You tend to spend lavishly since your personal economical state will rise.

The first 6 months indicate an upliftment in your career, and you will tend to focus on other chances of drawing a better income or better job opportunities. But if the Chandra (Moon) is in the 10th or 5th of your birth chart, then you might experience a distracted period in your career after July.

Kethu travels in the 5th house, so you tend to concentrate a lot on your studies though there can be a slight disturbance as well. You will shower more duties on your children.

Slight adverse effects are indicated in your marriage. You tend to get a lot of mental disturbances due to illicit love affairs and unfaithful friends. But as the month of November passes by your homefront and love affairs will be more fruitful and pleasant.

Take more care of your health, especially after July as stomach related problems like urine infections and constipation are indicated. Those who are greedy for toxicants would experience extreme bad health problems during this period.

Lucky numbers - 1 and 9

Lucky colour - Red




Setbacks in life with criticism and offences which might make you come in contact with the police or courts indicated. There'll be adverse changes in property matters.

Sometimes you tend to sell a property you had inherited from your paternal side. You will have to spend a lot on some kind of renovation.

Obstacles in the working place indicated. Not a favourable period to fight for your rights, and lie low when dealing with superiors and co-workers. But good for foreign careers.

Threats from your close relatives indicated. Be careful when dealing with strangers and even close acquaintances as you can be subjected to jealousy and envy. Extreme patience is needed to maintain peace and happiness in married life.

Good for education. If you are under a major period or sub period of Buda (Mercurry), Guru (Jupiter) or Sikuru (Venus), you can expect better results in education.

Guard against your health as you tend to get illnesses connected with consumption of toxicants.

Lucky numbers - 6 and 3

Lucky colour - light green




You will enjoy associating with the cream of society. And will also get full backing from the State. But criticism from society will be encountered. You will also be shouldering many responsibilities. Less physical and mental happiness is indicated.

Favourable year for gaining money. You tend to earn from writing books and other aesthetic fields. Think of a part-time career in addition to your main career as it tend to be successful. Tend to spend on children's education and health ailments of your spouse.

From May to September is the best period for education. Good period for those who are in journalism, and for poets and writers.

Your health is in moderate condition. Worries connected with an ailment of your paternal relative or elder brother or elder sister is indicated. If Chandra (Moon) is in your second house you will definitely have to worry over the bad health condition of somebody whom you esteem a lot.

Lucky number - 9

Lucky colour - green




Shani (Saturn) travels along Kataka (Cancer) within the first six months. A period with mental distress and disturbances is encountered. But a benevolent period is also indicated due to some other planetary position in the world chart. Hence you might feel you are living among both with friends and enemies. Good for career, business and gains.

But you tend to spend off your deposits. You have to spend for educational matters both your children and you.

Once Guru (Jupiter) moves to the 6th house in November you tend to pay interest in court cases or legal matters. As Rahu and Kuja (Mars) move to the 8th house your health might be at slight risk.

If your Chandra (Moon) is in the 1, 2 or 6 in your birth chart you will have to face many obstacles and adverse effects throughout the year. Ignore getting involved in conspiracies as you tend to earn a bad name from them. Always be patient and farsighted when taking a decision.

Lucky numbers - 5 and 6

Lucky colour - yellow




Since slow motional Guru (Jupiter), Shani (Saturn) and Rahu are travelling in your chart you will be facing a lot of adverse effects, but you can overcome all this if you act wisely and patiently.

Since the 11th house is powerful your money gains will be in moderate conditions. But better if you can avoid getting involved in borrowing and lending money.

Career positions seem to be in moderate condition. You might think of starting your own business or career rather than working for somebody else. Good for those who are involved in businesses connected with cultivation and mining.

Rahu in the 7th house would give malefic consequences in married life, homefront and love affairs due to unreasonable suspicions between spouses and lovers.

End of the year would be favourable for education. Foreign training or additional education is indicated.

Guard against illnesses since it will take a long time to get cured.

Lucky number - 1

Lucky colour - Red




Slow motional Guru (Jupiter) and Shani (Saturn) will travel in your chart throughout the year while Rahu is in the 6th house. You can experience a mixture of both good and bad results in the new year.

Good for gains. But since Shani (Saturn) moves to the 11th house, after July you tend to spend on unnecessary things. So, always remember to think twice before pulling your notes from your purse.

You will shoulder responsibilities in your career which indicates a lot of favourable signs. However due to this planetary position, less leisure is indicated. Especial benefits can be seen in the careers attached to the government sector.

You tend to get into arguments and disturbances over your parental inheritance with your siblings. Through whatever the luxuries you get, some sort of deep mental worry would disturb your inner peace.

You have to be careful not from the distant enemies, but from your closer ones who tend to be your friends. Not a favourable period for love affairs as there will be a lot of obstacles from outsiders. Moderate conditions are indicated for those who are studying. If Chandra (Moon) is in 11, 12 or 4 you have to guard against your health.

Lucky No - 5

Lucky colour - Yellow




Ravi (Sun) is in a very powerful position and Shani (Saturn) is in the 10th house. Favourable signs are shown in every aspect. Your personality will start to shine.

Your deposits and investments will rise. You tend to renovate old things or places. Slight obstacles in career indicated. Since Rahu travels in the 5th house, unfavourable for education. Slight health ailments indicated. Good for foreign tours.

Excellent period for marriages. Proposed marriages seem more strong than love affairs during this period.

But if Chandra (Moon) is in your 10 or 3 house the good results would diminish to a certain percentage.

Lucky number - 2

Lucky colour - Pink




Quite favourable signs are indicated during the first half of the year. You can triumph many obstacles that come your way.

Although you cannot expect an upliftment in the economical status, you will experience a vast development in your mindpower and religious involvements. Less expenditure is indicated.

Favourable sign for education for all walks and age of Scorpios. Especially this is a good year for journalists, poets and writers.

Rahu travels in the 4th house throughout the year.

A long journey, most probably a pilgrimage is shown. Moderate health condition. Since Rahu and Kuja (Mars) are together in an adverse position, guard against injurious situations.

But if Chandra (Moon) is in 2nd or 9th house good consequences tend to be decreased.

Lucky number - 1

Lucky colour - yellow




Shani (Saturn) moves to 8th house and creates an Ashtama Erashtakaya. Lagna Lord travels in the 12th house. Unfavourable signs are indicated.

High expenditure is shown. You will have to look after your elder sibling (brother or sister) during this period.

Favourable for education. Better prospects for love affairs and marriages. Moderate health. If you are under the major period or sub-period of Chandra (Moon), you tend to face a lot of obstacles.

Lucky number - 5

Lucky colour - yellow




Lagna Lord is in the 7th house and Guru (Jupiter) is in the 11th house. Mix results are indicated with busy schedules. But you will be assisted by many around you.

Better prospects in the economy is stated. But expenditure is also shown parallaly.

However your parental inheritance will be a great help to you throughout. Favourable for education. Good for love affairs, but be careful from those who pretend that they are in love.

Moderate health. Ailments like constipation and urine infections are shown. If Chandra (Moon) is in the 7th or 12th house you tend to face bad effects.

Lucky number - 4

Lucky colour - blue




Slight unfavourable signs are indicated. You tend to fight for your rights. Good for gains and deposits.

Moderate health. Always try to treat and cure even the slightest ailment you get as it can turn to worse during this period. Over-work and not taking meals at proper time would trouble your health.

You might have to put extra endeavour to gain success in education. Good for love affairs and marriages. Do not over estimate yourself as it would be unfavourable in your love matters.

If Chandra (Moon) is in the 6th or 11th house good consequences tend to decrease.

Lucky number - 3

Lucky colour - light red




Lagna Lord is in the 9th house. Rahu in the 11th house. Shani (Saturn) in the 5th place. Prospects are indicated in your career if you work for it. Less additional income indicated. You tend to spend lavishly on long tours and fame, but it will be of little use.

Less attention to education is shown. No deterioration in health is indicated. But there can be minor accidents and injuries. Hence especially be careful while driving.

No obstacles shown in matrimonial matters. If you are under the major period or sub-period of Buda (Mercury) and Sikuru (Venus) your love life will be success.

But if Chandra (Moon) is either in 5th or 10th house you tend to face hardships.

Lucky number -9

Lucky colour - green

Happy New Year!

[email protected]


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