BOI to woo maximum investment, boost economic growth - Chairman
by Lalin Fernandopulle

BOI’s new Chairman and Director General Dhammika Perera addresses
the media
Pic by Sumanachandra Ariyawansa
The Board of Investment of Sri Lanka (BOI) will be transformed into
an efficient and investor friendly institution to attract maximum
investment that will create employment opportunities and boost economic
growth, said BOI's new Chairman and Director General Dhammika Perera who
assumed duties on Wednesday.
He said the BOI will not depend entirely on foreign investors but
encourage locals to invest on infrastructure development projects that
would be more beneficial to the country in line with the Mahinda
Chintana. The progress of the BOI over the past 30 years has not been
satisfactory in keeping pace with developments in the modern world.
The institution has been depending too much on foreign investments
and as a result local investments dried up over the years. Local and
foreign investors will be treated alike and there would no
discrimination, Perera said.
Commenting on the Committee on Public Enterprises (COPE) report that
the BOI is an inefficient organisation, the new chairman said COPE has
been making the same allegation for the past five years and had the
officials taken steps to restructure and improve the set up of the BOI
the institution would have been much better than earlier.
The chairman said that he would make maximum use of unutilised land
and human resources for the development of the country. Over 60 percent
of the BOI land at the Katunayake Free Trade Zone is unutilised and
speedy action will be taken to make optimum use of it for development
The talents and skills of small and medium entrepreneurs in the rural
sector and traders in and around Colombo will be provided training to
boost their entrepreneurial skills. The BOI is targeting US$ 4 billion
in terms of local and FDIs with infrastructure development this year.
When asked about what strategies have been planned to achieve the set
target, he said an investor-friendly and confidence building approach
supported by a faster documentation process will bring in better results
than expected.
Unlike in BOIs in other countries the documentation process in Sri
Lanka takes approximately six months. He said the security in the
country which is said to be an impediment for investors is an
exaggeration. Over 500 applicants are seeking approval for projects this
This is an indication that security is not an obstacle for investors
who are willing to invest in the country. Responding to a question that
the institution has not been quite focused in carrying out its task the
BOI Chairman said he would not leave anything at policy level but ensure
that they are implemented in a shorter period of time.
Some local investors allege that the BOI rejects new applications for
pro projects by obtaining money from companies who want to maintain a
He said there will not be any conflict of interests with his
ownership of companies and heading a State institution since he does not
chair the companies.
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