UNP media spokesman misleading public on printing currency notes -
Deputy Finance Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya said the UNP media
spokesman was trying to gain political mileage for his party by
misleading the people with incorrect information on money printed by the
Central Bank (CB) this year.
The Minister said the CB had to print Rs. 12 billion in excess last
year due to the economic growth rate and the GDP deflation exceeding the
anticipated rate.
The economic growth rate last year was 7.4 percent though the
anticipated rate was 6 percent and GDP deflation reached 10.3 percent
though the anticipated rate was 9 percent.
The CB printed notes worth Rs. 12 billion in excess of its target due
to the high economic growth rate and the GDP deflation reported last
year. The bank planned to issue notes to the value of Rs. 30 billion
last year.
The CB annually prints currency notes taking into consideration the
economic growth rate and GDP deflation of the previous year.
To accuse the Government that it wanted the CB to print currency
notes worth Rs. 38 billion to spend on promotional activities and
maintain a jumbo Cabinet is sheer ignorance of the actual maintenance
cost of the Cabinet and the Government's monetary policy,
Siyambalapitiya said.
The Minister said the maintenance cost of a Cabinet Minister for a
year is Rs. 20 million and the overall cost of the Cabinet is around Rs.
800 million.
When asked why the Government doesn't slash the maintenance cost per
Cabinet Minister by cutting down his or her perks, he said the fuel
allowance per Minister has been reduced and unnecessary expenses have
been pruned.
Ministers and MPs of successive governments have been severely
criticised for enjoying too many perks and misusing public funds.
Siyambalapitiya said increasing productivity is the only way to
balance economic growth and inflation. The fertilizer subsidy has
increased the yield by 20 bushels per acre. The Mahinda Chintana 10-year
development program is focused on developing industries and increasing
productivity in all sectors.
Siyambalapitiya said the Government gets money for its development
projects from international donor agencies and most investments are on
infrastructure development activities.
Deputy Director Economic Research CB, Swarna Guneratne said the focus
of the 2006 monetary policy was to contain high monetary expansion
without interrupting the growth of the economy.
The CB is following a strict monetary policy this year under its road
map for monetary and financial sector policies to curb inflation while
supporting economic growth.
LF |