HNB Gami Pubuduwa Micro Finance Insurance claim honoured

Chandula Abeywickrema (DGM - Personal Banking and Network Management
- HNB) presents the cheque to Mrs. Murin Mataraarachchi, mother of
deceased D. D. Shaminda. Also in the picture from left Mrs. Indrani
Weerasinghe (General Manager Life-HNB Assurance) Gerry Gunadasa
(General Manager - HNB Assurance) A N J de Silva (Chief Manager -
Business Development Subsidiaries-HNB) and M V P Gunawardena
(Manager - Development Banking - HNB).
The first claim under the HNB Gami Pubuduwa Micro Finance Insurance
Scheme was honoured recently at its Head Office, Development Banking
The beneficiary Mrs Murin Mataraarachchi (67) received an cheque for
Rs. 25,000 as a nominee for her son Dimantha Danushka Shaminda (23) who
died in a road accident recently. HNB Assurance also settled the loan
balance outstanding of Rs. 23,000 to the bank, which is a great relief
to guarantors who provided collateral for the deceased borrower's loan.
The borrower, D. D Shaminda, a Gami Pubuduwa customer of HNB Kalutara
had been engaged in house wiring and repairing of electrical equipment.
He was the breadwinner of his family and his father is also bed-ridden.
The bank together with HNB Assurance Ltd introduced this micro
finance insurance scheme in June 2006 as a value addition to the Gami
Pubuduwa concept, which covers life and liability of borrowers. |