Ceylon Chamber of Commerce targets Millennium Development Goals
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) has launched an accelerated
drive to spur the adoption of projects targeting the UN Millennium
Development Goals among its membership.
The CCC which groups together a vast cross section of Sri Lanka's
corporate sector has been instrumental in promoting Corporate Social
Responsibility among its membership by encouraging CSR practices as a
core business function. In its latest initiative, the Chamber has formed
a CSR Sub Committee with high level representation from the Top Ten Best
Corporate Citizens of 2006 to focus on helping Sri Lanka achieve targets
set under the eight Millennium Development Goals.
The Millennium Development Goals or MDGs form a blueprint agreed to
by all countries and all the world's leading development institutions,
to galvanise efforts to meet the needs of the world's poorest
communities by 2015.
The eight MDGs promote poverty reduction, education, maternal health,
gender equality, and aim at combating child mortality, AIDS and other
diseases. To achieve the MDGs, poor countries have pledged to govern
better, and invest in their people through health care and education
while rich countries have pledged to support them, through aid, debt
relief, and fairer trade.
The MDGs are the backbone of efforts of governments around the world
to eradicate extreme poverty and in Sri Lanka too, there is a concerted
effort among public, private and non-governmental organisations to align
activities along the goals.
The Chamber CSR Sub Committee has been tasked with focusing on future
projects that are targeted towards individual MDGs and the sub committee
has invited all CCC member companies to be represented. The Goal
Coordinating Committees (GCC) will formulate a 15-month Action Plan
targeting each goal.
The eight Sub Committees have identified several key projects,
including rural education; training teachers in English; enhancing
children's learning environments; nutrition programs for schoolchildren;
gender equality within organisations; minimising Sexual Harassment at
the workplace; educating mothers on pregnancy, infant care and maternal
health; improving mother's nutrition levels; creating a stable base for
medical infrastructure and to improve health facilities; HIV AIDS
awareness and workplace education; minimising plastics - use to promote
environment sustainability; sustainable water and sanitation projects
and protecting rain forests and greenery.
The Ceylon Chambers CSR Sub Committee is led by Sumithra Gunasekera
of John Keells Holdings who is supported by members Ms Shiroma
Jayawickrema of HSBC, Deepal Sooriyarachchi - Eagle Insurance, Vidhura
Ralapanawe of MAS Intimates, Suren De Chickera - Nestle Lanka, Mahesh
Wijayawardena- Singer Sri Lanka, Dilantha Seneviratne - Hayleys Ltd, Ms.
Anusha Alles- Brandix Lanka and Tharaka Ranawala from Sampath Bank.
The sub committee will receive advice and guidance from an eminent
group of development professionals including Ismail Radwan of the World
Bank, Ms. Surani Abeyesekera of UNICEF, Ms. Shyamala Gomez - UNRC, Ms.
Priyanthi Fernando - CEPA, Dr. Kumari Nawaratne - World Bank, David
Bridger - UNAIDS, Ms Shiranee Yasaratne - IUCN and Ananda Mallawatantri
- UNDP. |