Heritage Splendour
Stupas of Sri Lanka
The architecture of ancient Sri Lanka
displays a rich variety of forms and styles. Even in their ruined

the buildings of ancient Sri Lanka denote(indicate) a cultural
heritage and architectural significance which is important to the modern
Sri Lankan culture.
Buddhism had a major influence on architecture, as on many other
aspects of Sri Lankan life.
The dagobas or stupas are important for many reasons. They are
probably the largest brick structures known to the pre-modern world.
Demala Maha Seya, which was never completed, had a circumference of
2,011 feet. Jetavanaramaya is the largest stupa constructed in any part
of the world.
It is over 120 metres in height and has a diameter of 367 feet. The
foundation is 28 feet deep.
It needed bricks that could bear the load of 368 pounds. Jetavana was
the third tallest building in the ancient world. Abhayagiri, which is
370 feet tall, ranked fifth and Ruvanvelisaya, being 300 feet in height,
came seventh. You may be wondering what structures took the first,
fourth and sixth places. These places were secured by the Pyramids of
Giza, Egypt.
The structure
The construction of a dagoba was considered an act of great merit.
Dagobas were built to enshrine relics. They were constructed according
to strict specifications.

Jetavanarama during early times.
Entrances to stupas were laid out so that their centre lines pointed
to the relic chambers. Initially, there was only one relic chamber, but
a number of additional relic chambers were added when the stupas were
The dagobas are admired today for their perfection and stability.
Engineers who examined Jetavanarama in the 1980s said that its shape was
ideal for the materials used in construction.
Stupas such as Jetavanarama, Abhayagiri, Ruvanveli and Mirisavati
were initially in the shape of a paddy heap, known as 'Dhanyakara'.
Other shapes such as the bubble, which is known as 'Bubbulakara', pot
shape, which is known as 'Ghatakara', and bell shape, which is known as
'Ghantakara' developed later. It is suggested that the stupa at
Nadigamvila Digamvila was in the shape of an onion.
An ornamented vahalkada was added to the stupa around the second
century. The four vahalkadas face the cardinal points. They are
ornamented with figures of animals, flowers, swans and dwarfs. The
pillars on either side of the vahalkada depict figures of lions,
elephants, horses or bulls, depending on the direction of the structure.
The bricks were bonded together using a clay mixture, called butter
clay or 'navanita mattika'. This was composed of finely crushed dolomite
limestone mixed with sieved sand and clay.
The stupa was thereafter covered with a coating of lime plaster. This
was sometimes ten inches thick. There was a range of plaster, using
different combinations of materials.
The items used included some common materials like lime, clay, sand,
pebbles and crushed seashells.
They even used some unusual materials such as sugar syrup, white of
eggs, coconut water, plant resin, drying

A vahalkada
oil, glues and even the saliva of white ants. Some of these
items are mentioned in the Mahavamsa.
Small pebbles were used to make the fine plaster at Kiri Vehera.
Crushed seashells mixed with lime and sand were used in the stupas of
the fifth to twelfth centuries.
Expensive plasters were used sparingly, for specific purposes such as
water proofing. Did you know that although stupas in other countries
have been struck by lightning, this hasn't happened in Sri Lanka? The
Mahavamsa speaks of lightning protection for the stupa.
The conical metal cap and its 'vajra' at the top of the dagoba were
supposed to have earthing properties. The Mahavamsa also refers to
laying a sheet of copper over the foundation and applying arsenic
dissolved in sesame oil on this sheet. This is believed to have kept out
white ants and helped prevent plant life growing inside the stupa.
Sri Lankans as well as the entire world admire the great work of our
ancestors. We must take every step to protect this rich heritage and the
engineering expertise that has led to these wonderful creations that
symbolise the capabilities of our ancestors.
Compiled by Janani Amarasekara |