English literature made easy - GCE A/L
Eliot's use of fine rhythm highlighting the
"plasticity of rhythm" His stresses are natural bringing out the meaning
of the word in a profound manner. Eliot has expressed his own views of
man becoming a worshipper of "Mechanical rocess",
Eliot was born in America in 1888 but lived and worked in England. Eliot
was a shining poet and a prominent figure in the field of English
poetry. Eliot and Ezra Pound are considered as the pioneers of the
school of modern poets.
Eliot being a distinguished poet, with his poetic genius inherent in
him cut out a colossal figure. Eliot preferred the langu age of common
speech taking incidents and subjects from every "sphere of human
experience" Eliot became a reputed poet with the publication of "the
Waste Land", a longer poem whose tragic vision was a world that had lost
its traditional values and found nothing meaningful to replace them
with" (Angela Hussain) His poetic drama "The murder in the Cathedral"
describing the killing of Thomas a Beckett is highly applauded.
"The Family Re-union" with the echoes of the Agamemnon myth, "The
Cocktail Party" being West End hits. His delightful book of light verse
known as "old Possum's Book of Practical cats" won public applause.
"The Four Quartets" is divided into four complete poems. The theme of
this poem is expressed and highlighted through imagery. Children's
laughter, love, man as a traveller and man's traditional values. "The
river and the sea represent natural forces over which man has no control
and which he must respect forces which sustain
and destroy life" (Angela Hussain).
Eliot's use of fine rhythm highlighting the "plasticity of rhythm"
His stresses are natural bringing out the meaning of the word in a
profound manner. Eliot has expressed his own views of man becoming a
worshipper of "Mechanical Process", forgetting power of the
emotions and having too much faith in his "intellectual Attainment."
The dramatic climax lies in the lines from "implacable" to "watching and
"By the dwellers in cities - ever, however implacable," :By
worshippers of the machine but waiting watching and waiting." "The Dry
salvages" taking a mature style represents the best poetry of Eliot.
water images of the river and the sea embody concepts of creation and
destruction as a continuing process, concepts inspired by Hinduism."
"The four quartets" seems to represent the best poetry of T.S.
Eliot. The high degree of concentration is produced through concrete
images. Avoiding vague phrases, his use of words with stress on the
right word, maintaining the conversational rhythm he is accustomed to.
The rhythms and internal rhymes building up the image of the waves
rising and breaking. The tied images and free images in Eliot's poetry
enhance the theme and meaning of the poem. I.A. Richard (Principles of
Literary Criticism) has pointed out that Mr. Eliot's poetry has
"occasioned an unusual amount of irritated or enthusiastic
Mrs. C. Ekanayake,
Retd. Specialist Teacher Eng.,
St. Anne's College,
Kurunegala |