Protest Artist
by Prasad Abu Bakr
He first showed his work in 1974 at the
Samudra Gallery, which was a part of the Hotel
Samudra where
Hotel Taj Samudra today. Since that first move the artist has exhibited
a mere 5 times in a span of 33 years. which may appear to look like a
life time to many artist's of today because today many tend to show
their work more often than they can afford to.
Afford, meaning! That they show their work come what may. But to an
artist of Colvin's calibre he would think twice before he set out on the
idea of making his work go public, for the simple reason that most of
his work is an extension of his very inner feelings.
He is an artist who never piled work in a hurry with an idea of
having one exhibition after another annually. Beside showing his work 6
times in Colombo the artist had exhibited once in Singapore.
Colvin's work beside being exhibited as paintings were also
popularised at one time as work of art through the medium of handmade
batik. It was a popular note at the time and his work travelled the
world under the
of Buddhi Batiks which had its products well place in the world of fine
arts throughout western capitals.
The artist always maintained a certain sense of style that he hardly
wavered from
throughout his career. A soft spoken, mild mannered introvert Colvin
always used his medium to make his strongest statements against any
injustice that he observed metered out in society.
In fact all his innermost feelings be it happiness, pain or tragedy
it all appeared on his canvas' making Colvins paint brush a tool that
expressed not only the artists inner most thoughts but also his attitude
towards the world that surrounded him, especially of injustices faced by
the underprivileged beings of society.
If one ever knew the artist and his work for long enough to compare
notes one would feel that Colvin's paintings too depict much of the
artist himself within them. Well composed and undisturbed.
Paintings by Artist Colvin Settinayake at the National Art Gallery
22nd - 24th April 9.00 am - 6.00 pm daily.