A hero of our times
It was as usual very crowded at the Sunday Fair at Anuradhapura.
Adults and children were going here and there to buy the necessary
things for their homes and school.

N. S. W. Bandara (right) with the Navy Commander. |
N. S. W. Bandara, a sailor who was on leave, had also come to the
fair with his wife. They had bought the necessary things and were about
to go home when his wife had reminded him to buy a school bag for their
So, they had once again gone to a stall selling school bags. All of a
sudden Bandara had noticed a parcel on a rack. He had asked the owner of
the stall whether he knew to whom the parcel belonged.
The owner had said that he did not know anything about it. Then
Bandara had felt suspicious about the parcel. He had gone near it and
examined the parcel. To his horror he had seen a time bomb inside it.
The time indicated on it was ten forty five a.m. He had immediately
shouted to the people to run away from that place as there was a bomb.
Then he had quickly run and brought a pair of scissors from a fruit
seller and cut the wire that was connected to the detonator.
There was only five minutes more for the bomb to go off when he did
this.By acting very fast, at the risk of his own life, he saved hundreds
of lives. He has set an example to the whole world. We should be very
proud of him and also be very grateful to him for saving so many people.
Grade 6 B, Sacred Heart Convent, Galle.
Books are my friends
My favourite hobby is reading books. From my small days I was keen on
reading. So, when ever I have free time, I read books.
Books help me to improve my knowledge. I learn a lot about the world
through books. Reading is a very good hobby for people to have. Books
also help me to spend my leisure in an useful manner.
I have lots of books in my cupboard. When I feel dull and bored, I
read a book. Books then become my friends.
I am a member of a library and so I read books everyday. I read
English and Sinhala books. I have lots of English books. Some of them
are Oliver Twist, the Secret Seven Series, Heidi and Snow White. They
are very interesting stories. My mother brings me different books.
By reading books we can learn lots of things about history, science
and the environment too.
There should be a library in every school. Every one in every country
should read books to improve their knowledge.
I always take good care of my books, because I intend to keep these
books for the future. Books make people knowledgeable.
B. Yashika Hanshini PERERA,
Grade 7, Good Shepherd Convent, Panadura.
Animals should not be kept in zoos
Every living being that we come across on Earth has the right to live
in peace and harmony. Animals too like to have freedom like us. But, at
present animals are unable to live peacefully in freedom because of the
selfish desires and motives of humans.
The majority of people like to see different animals and observe
their behaviour. So, many animals are kept in zoos for people to watch
and enjoy.
Animals miss out on their natural lives and live in enclosures for
the benefit of the humans. They are captured from the wild and placed in
various types of dens, cages and rooms built out of artificial material.
Most often they don’t get enough fresh air and even the type of food
they enjoy, even though they are fed regularly. Some of the animals in
the zoos are brought there as a result of being displaced due to habitat
loss, being abandoned by parents, orphaned or injured by people.
Some animals like to play and roam about, but they cannot do so in
the zoos. Certain animals have been trained to display actions that
amuse humans, like in circuses. They are used to make money.
We know that plants beautify the environment. Animals also do the
same. They too are an important part of nature. Just because they are
innocent and cannot talk to express their feelings, they should not be
It is not right to cage them and restrict their freedom. Animals also
have the right to live in this world the way they like. They may feel
sad and depressed when they are forced to spend their lives in strange
places. It is awful to even think about it. It is such on unworthy act
to keep them in zoos and deprive them of living in their natural
habitats, restricting their freedom.
Grade 11 B, Prince of Wales College, Moratuwa.
Water and sanitation
A limited resource around us,
Colourless, odourless and tasteless,
Precious and priceless gift of nature,
Vital for all on the Earth.
Where there is water, there is life,
Where it is scarce, there is a struggle,
Water, the basic element,
Vital for all on the Earth.
“Arogya Parama Labha”
Good health is the foremost gain,
Pure drinking water for good health,
Vital for all on the Earth.
Chemical waste, garbage go into waterways,
Making breeding grounds of deadly diseases,
Waterways without any dirt,
Vital for all on the Earth.
Cheapest, cleanest form of energy,
Mostly from hydro power stations,
A healthy environment without pollution,
Vital for all on the Earth.
On March 22 every year,
All celebrate “ World water Day’,
Conservation of this invaluable gift,
Vital in every way, every second.
Diduni Chamathka Pushpakumara,
Grade 11-G, MR/Sujatha Vidyalaya, Matara.
A trip to the south
During the December school vacation we went on a trip to Matara. We
started very early in the morning as we wanted to see the Galle Fort,
the corals in Hikkaduwa, Martin Wickramasinghe’s Museum and also have a
sea bath during this trip.
It was a clear morning by the time we reached Kalutara. We could see
several damaged houses and boats along the beach. We recalled the horror
of the tsunami which took place in 2004. We knew it was a frightful
experience from what we saw on television. Lots died and went missing
during this natural disaster.
Many people were displaced, lost family members, relations and
friends. They are now living in new houses and trying to move on in life
despite their losses. We saw many new shops and buildings that had come
up in the area. We met people who talked about the tsunami which they
say was like a nightmare.
The Martin Wickramasinghe Museum was a very important and fascinating
place. We learnt a lot about the history and the culture of the Southern
Province. There are many things displayed at this place. The Galle Fort
too was a nice place and we enjoyed our visits there. What we enjoyed
most however was the sea bath.
Kavindu Hansitha Kahanda,
Grade 7-3, Ananda College, Colombo.
An unforgettable day
The most unforgettable day in my life is the day my parents came back
from Mecca. Last December my parents went to Mecca to perform Hajj. They
were away for three weeks. I missed them a lot. My sister and I were
impatiently waiting for them to return.
At last the day came. The plane they were travelling in was due to
land at the airport at 4.00 a.m. but from 1.00 a.m., I could not sleep.
At last the time came and we went to the airport and bought the tickets.
But then my parents came, first they gave salaams, then hugged and
kissed. I got lots of gifts. That was indeed an unforgettable day in my
Amani Gaffoor,
Grade 4 (Local),Royal Institute, Havelock Town,
Colombo 5.
We need to love trees
Trees are very useful to us. We cannot live without the many things
that trees provide us with. Apart from the fresh air, we also get
various types of food and wood to build houses, boats and ships, make
furniture, turn out papers and firewood for cooking.
Some tree leaves, fruits, nuts, seeds and even roots give us valuable
medicines. We like the smell of their flowers and fruits too.
Trees are the home of many birds and animals. We must not cut down
trees. We need to protect trees because, all of us want to enjoy the
pleasure of the environment.
Navod Nanayakkara,
Primary 2-A,Leeds International School, Panadura.
A gift bonanza for you
Here is some good news. The Junior Observer in collaboration with
Richard Trading Company Pvt Ltd, will award gift packs to the five best
contributions. Only original articles attested by a parent or teacher
will be selected.
Winners will be indicated in the pages, and they can collect their
gift packs from the Assistant Manager Advertising, Sunday Observer,
Ajith Siriwardena, (Tele:2429362) by producing some form of proof of
identity. |