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DateLine Sunday, 13 April 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

When will they learn?

We apparently never learn lessons and do not learn from history. Jayaraj’s death is untimely and unwarranted. It could have been easily avoided. One may argue that he is dead and what is the use of a post mortem. It is not so. This is a loss to the nation and as important as or more important than the loss of Lashman Kadirgamar.

 Jeyaraj Fernandopulle: The “Silver Tongue” that was silenced by a ruthless terror outfit

For that matter loss of every Sri Lankan is a loss to the nation. We mourn and feel for them. But the difference is that Lashman and Jayaraj are institutions, rather than individuals. Lashman fearlessly defended the Nation, while exposing the LTTE to the world.

He worked untiringly to convince India, U.S,A., EU and U.K. - and the world - to expose LTTE as a terrorist organisation. His efforts made the LTTE an international “Pariah” (pardon me using the word pariah - international pariah - is frequently used in academic circles in that context today).

But the LTTE is still active in the form of front organisations and NGOs. Even the NGOs in Sri Lanka tacitly help LTTE in various ways using their financial strength and international contacts. Even in the UK and the USA its operations are prohibited. Therefore we must learn form the past experiences and learn lessons from mistakes.

Truth exposed

Kadirgamar eloquently and fearlessly exposed the truth to the world on the atrocities of the most dangerous and ruthless terrorist organisation in the world. A speech mad by Kadirgamar in London at the “Centre for International Law” was one which no other Sri Lankan leader has ever made exposing the LTTE and its picture.

This writer has followed a number of Sri Lankans addressing international and academic gatherings worldwide on this subject. They were not so hard and convincing as Kadirgamar’s who fearlessly and forcefully presented our case to the world.

He had no political base. But the goodwill and reputation created by him in the international community was strong. On the other hand Jeyaraj was a versatile man from and for the masses; a debater, orator, a fine parliamentarian, an experienced and a hardworking member of the party.

Though Jeyaraj belonged to a minority group he never had the minority complex. He was a better Buddhist than an average Buddhist and a better Sinhalese than any average Sinhalese.

It was our duty to protect these treasures in the interest of our nation. On the day Kadirgamar’s portrait was unveiled at the Oxford University too he made use of his goodwill, reputation, knowledge and eloquence to expose the LTTE terror and enhance our image worldwide.

The LTTE has lost territory, reputation and military capabilities. Prabhakaran is wounded and is on the run. The entire organisation depends and revolves round the leader who is losing the grip of blind followers day be day. Now they attack soft targets out of desperation. They attack civilians and political leaders who they think are a threat to their movement of terror.

Kadirgamar was a “Good Catch” for the LTTE. They were not in a hurry - even today not in a hurry for further preys. They would watch all and every movement for a long period. They patiently wait until things are forgotten. Weliveriya though thought to be a safe village area, has been infested by the LTTE previously. The Security Forces should have known all these facts and the ground situation in the area.

We read in news conflicting reports on the tragedy. There was news that security forces are blaming the organisers and that only basic inspections were followed. Why did not security forces take control is the million dollar question!

It appears that there are wheels within wheels which is unexplained! As there is a full-scale inquiry on the matter, we need not go into details and wait for results. But the irony is that results of all previous tragedies have not brought desired results as the LTTE killing spree is still continuing freely despites convoys of vehicles and large number of security personnel follow the prime targets.

The LTTE is devising various methods to spread the network using funds and other methods. In a way Jeyaraj is a better catch than Kadirgamar as he is a political leader who was doing a yeoman service to the Party, Nation and the President.

He defended and presented facts vigorously and to the point in the Parliament. We understand that he was the 10th in the LTTE hit list. Steps must be taken to protect the rest of the members of the hit list forever and no more suicide bombings. We must see to it that this is the last tragedy and not any more please! All the precautions should be taken and loopholes be completely shut at any cost. He may have been followed by the LTTE discreetly and carefully for a long time.

Chilling message

Jeyaraj moved with the masses freely and had a large number of friends and supporters from many backgrounds. He was powerful and knew all power bases and sources of power. There is a school of thought that “Damu” (D.M. Dassanayake) was killed by mistake.

The theory is that the actual target of had been Jeyaraj though they carried on the mission by eliminating “Damu”. This shows that any member of the Executive and Legislature is a target however small the prey is. This is a chilling message to others to be careful and the people to protect them by not exposing the Members of Parliament by inviting them for public functions.

There is news that LTTE cadres have been hovering round Welihena - Katana, where Jeyaraj lived - before this incident. After both assassinations we hear of a lame excuse, that there was no security lapse and that the two victims have not taken security advice seriously.

This is an indication of un-professionality on the part of security and a serious lapse on their part. We are feeling Jeyaraj’s absence all over now. We must not let the LTTE feel that they have won the day. We must carry forward his vision, thinking and the programs however difficult it is.

The saying goes that it is a matter of seven days for Sri Lankans to forget a tragedy of any magnitude. Let us prove them wrong. Let us not forget the fallen heroes and learn from past mistakes.

India and Indians have not forgiven or forgotten Prabhakaran still, for having killed their beloved leader Rajiv Gandhi. The LTTE is said to have sent messages to Kadirgamar that he would be out of danger to make the way for their day. After Kadirgamar was assassinated security forces blamed each other giving a lame excuse that Kadirgamar did not listen to security advice. We hear the same story in Jeyraj’s case.

This indicates the inefficiency and un-professionalism of our security. If we are unable to provide security for the Members of Parliament and other LTTE targets, it is time to seek assistance from other countries. In Kabul and Iraqe it is foreign security professionals who provide security for political targets. People point fingers at security for the death of both great sons of our nation.

War on terror

In the USA, UK and even in EU security has been given priority in governance. Both Gorden Brown and George W. Bush are engaged in a war on terror. In EU, USA and UK human rights are secondary to security where the motto of the nation are security! Security!! and security!!! of the political leaders and the nation.

Bush has allowed the extraction of information form terror suspects by using torture methods. UK has introduced most stringent and dreadful laws including the PTA internment to crush terror while preaching to Sri Lanka to maintain international human rights standards in the “war on terror zone”.

They use double standards on us because we are week in making our stand firm and straight. The LTTE, from its inception, has not changed the position that their ultimate goal is a separate state. The essence of Thimpu talks, ISGA, and subsequent peace talks have not deviated from the main thesis.

Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga took a different view from the traditional SLFP thinking by agreeing on devolution by introducing the “Package” based on the theory of self-determination which is a principle adopted during the de-colonisation process, which is presently not being used by the modern world.

The Mahinda Chintana brought the issue in the correct tract and the solution proposed today based on the Mahinda Chintana, stands firm based on equality, fair play and protection of individual and collective human rights rejecting division of the nation on communal basis.

Today the President speaks firm and with one word on the North and East issue. The only leader who speaks straight and firm - on the language understood by the LTTE and the international community. The trouble is that there is no unanimity by the main opposition and the obstruction from “NGO fat cats” heavily funded by misguided international organisations and tacitly supported by political parties with ulterior political motives.

The USA has categorised the LTTE as the most dangerous and ruthless terrorist outfit which has set up “branches” in 12 countries, including USA. They have killed 4000 civilians for the past two years. The LTTE has killed an Indian Prime Minister, a Sri Lankan President, ministers, priests, clergy, and innocent civilians including children and women - they keep going through the killing spree.

The EU says on the killing of Jeyaraj: “The EU condemns all forms of terrorism and violation of against civilians. EU continues to believe that there can be no military solution to the conflict in Sri Lanka and only negotiated settlement can open the way for a lasting peace.”

The UK and USA too has issued similar statements while fat cat NGOs are completely silent on this tragedy which has shaken the entire nation.

Peaceful solution

We should negotiate with democratic forces in arriving at a peaceful resolution to the North and East conflict and not with the ruthless LTTE at any cost. We have won the war by introducing and implementing democratic ideals and values to the North and East and it is a good sign that all the political parties have agreed on this by taking part at the forthcoming elections.

The EU does not talk of a negotiated political solution to Afghanistan and Iraqe where a war on terror is legalised and intensified day by day. Israel has been given a free hand to deal with the Palestine issue. We stand neutral and impartial on international affairs - but these are facts - the Gaza strip is denied of the basic living needs such as power and water. But Sri Lanka is more human.

Sri Lanka is the only country which provides all basic needs to terrorist infested and controlled areas with the tax-payers money from the South.

It is the duty of our missions abroad to be more active and professional on this main issue at this hour of need when the President, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister in charge of Human Rights and the Foreign Secretary are carrying on a lonely battle to maintain our image abroad. The good news is that our expatriates all over the world are helping the nation following the footsteps of Israel.

Israel’s worldwide help to their small but powerful nation against almost all Middle East is the main strength of the country fighting a fierce battle in the midst of rich Middle Eastern countries. Israel throughout history has been firm and maintained their position unchanged.

The Palestine issue is in this pathetic situation as a result of the mismanaged brokering of Norwegians who closed doors for any future political negotiations. Their intervention to settle the dispute has aggravated the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

In Sri Lanka too their involvement aggravated the situation to the present unfortunate context. It is a tactical and historical mistake made by Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga by inviting the Norwegians which internationalised our internal issue which could have been sorted out easily within.

Now the NGOs have got the taste of money and power and foreign interests make use of our weakness to interfere in our internal affairs in the guise of Human Rights. The Norwegian intervention is a miserable failure and we are paying for the sins of short-sighted steps taken by misguided political leaders.

Canada too has made their statement as “We are deeply concerned about the worsening impact of this ongoing conflict on civilians including humanitarian workers and human right defenders. It is clear that violence will not bring lasting peace to Sri Lanka” - EU, USA and Canada are among donors who try to pressure both sides to resume peace talks.

This is a funny and strange position. The killings take place because peace talks have not resumed. The LTTE never wanted peace or genuine negotiations. They claim to represent the Tamil minority when it is adequately represented in the Parliament and outside.

Autonomous powers

A 2/3rd of the Tami population is living in the South with Sinhalese and the majority population in Colombo and North and East are Tamils. By the 13th Amendment North and East are given autonomous powers - even more than that of provincial States in India.

Steps are being taken by the Mahinda Rajapaksa Government to implement the process of de-centralisations of power, on implementing the 13th Amendment, which India too agrees as an acceptable and a violable solutions to the requests of the moderate Tamils in North and East. We do not understand the stand taken by this statement. It seems that they find fault on the Sri Lankan Government for not resuming peace talks as the cause of the suicide bombing.

The LTTE walked away form peace talks and it is the normal stance adopted to regroup them selves. We believe and it is correct that terrorism should be crushed militarily which is urgent and imminent. This is the best opportunity as any delay will cause further misery to the ordinary man suffering in the hands of terror and especially in the interest of the trapped brethrens in the North and East.

Jeyaraj has been a prime target. His security unit should have been careful despite his desire to move freely with the masses. We have not learnt from the mistakes of tragic deaths of Premadasa, Gamini, Lalith, CV, Damu, other Tamil and Muslim leaders and ordinary citizens, clergy, women and children.

Prabahakaran does not need to go for targets. They come walking to him. There is a war on terror and the ruling party should take measures to protect themselves in the interest of the nation. The people too should not expect them to be exposed on day-to-day functions. It is still not too late to learn from the past and bitter experiences. We hope Jeyaraj’s untimely demise will lead to a new era on safety and live without fear of tragedies.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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