Intel to popularise personal computers among school children
by Jayampathy Jayasinghe
[email protected]

Intel’s Country Business Manager Indika De Soysa displays the
latest Intel Atom brand Personal Computer.
A move to popularise personal computers among school children has
been launched to broaden the knowledge of students in subjects taught at
schools in Sri Lanka, the Country Business Manager Intel EM Ltd, Indika
De Soysa said introducing two new Intel Personal Computers (PC) at a
media conference held recently.
He said 5,000 school teachers have undergone training in computer
science and an additional 5,000 teachers will be trained this year under
an Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded project approved by the Ministry
of Education.
Intel has launched a website titled for the benefit of
school children on subjects such as science, social science, mathematics
and biology.
The Country Manager said that more subjects will be added to the
website soon. According to estimates, the Sri Lanka student population
stands at 3.9 million.
Estimates show that around 20,000 teachers have already followed some
type of training in computer science. Statistics reveal that around
10,000 teachers possess their own PCs today. According to Government
figures the IT literate rate in Sri Lanka is 12 per cent.
The Country Manager said two new Intel Atom Personal Computers priced
around Rs. 25,000 will be available in Sri Lanka in June this year. Of
the two PCs one had been specially designed for rugged use by school
The computers with low power processors have been designed specially
for mobile internet devices. Because of its affordability the product is
likely to see high usage by school children and university students, he
said. |