Astrological predictions for Sinhala - Hindu New Year
by Lakmal Welabada
[email protected]
Piyasena Rathuwithana |
Manjula Peiris |
Astrology is associate with many national festivals in Asia. The
planetary changes occurs in the Sinhala-Hindu New Year season is
presumed to be effective to human life.
Manjula Peiris, young astrologer has been making astrological
forecast both in the electronic and print media for the past many years.
Here he gives the astrological predictions for the twelve stars
according to the planetary changes that have taken place this year.
The year starts for Aries with Jupiter (Guru) in the 9th House,
Saturn (Shani) in the 5th place. Good year for business ventures. Gains
from your siblings and neighbours are shown. You will attend to
religious activities both at home and elsewhere and pilgrimages to
remote places often.
You will also partake in many happy events. Success could be achieved
because of your mature out look towards day to day life. But, do not
take this for granted as when you enjoy the good results often, you tend
to ignore or neglect the golden opportunities that would knock on your
So, always be vigilant as this year promises many favours in life.
Expenses on your child an indicated. If you wish to have a baby, it’s
advisable to follow your doctor’s advice to avoid complications.
Auspicious Day - Sunday, Colour - red, Number - 4 and Gem - Coral or
Your Lagna Lord Venus (Sikuru) is in the 7th House while the Lord of
the 12th House, Mars (Kuja) is in the 2nd House. Act with due diligence.
Mix results along with a loss of wealth indicated. Avoid signing
agreements or as guarantors. Be cautious against spending on
unproductive investments.
Try to get postponed Court hearings if you have a case, at least by
forwarding medical certificate as matters connected with Law would not
be in favour of you. Guard against ailments or injuries to face and
neck. Not a favourable year for your spouse. However, slight fortune
shown in property matters. Better ventures shown in building
constructions and plantation.
Auspicious Day - Friday, Colour - white/cream/yellow, Number - 6 and
Gem - White Sapphire or Diamond.
Mercury (Budha), the Lagna Lord and the Lord of 4th House are in the
7th House. Property matters indicated. Be cautious over the accidents
released with water. Death of a close relative and an expense associated
indicated. Though you are known as a religious person, you tend to feel
like avoiding meritorious deeds during this period.
So, be aware of that. Good time for those who are unmarried as you
will be endow with married proposals. Unexpected gains shown. Favourable
time for those who are in politics. You tend to get associated with
influential people. You will develop intelligence and foresight. Success
shown in day to day life.
Auspicious Day - Thursday, Colour - green, Number - 3 and Gem -
Emerald (green stone).
Lagna Lord Moon (Chandra) in the 3rd House. Saturn (Shani) is in the
2nd House and Jupiter (Guru) is in the 6th House. Loss of wealth is
shown, but simultaneously you can claim for the wealth of somebody else.
Heavy expenditure shown. Be extra cautious over the matters at your
working place like losing of your job, a transfer or a journey to a
remote land indicated.
Guard against health ailments and rival activities. You will have to
seek aid and assistance from others. Though a woeful period ahead, try
to think positively while engaging yourself more in religious
activities. Pay more attention to your studies.
Auspicious Day - Monday, Colour - Cream, Number - 1 and Gem - Pearl.
Your Lagna Lord Sun (Ravi) and Jupiter (Guru) are together in the 5th
House. Though you are under Lagna-Saturn Erashtaka, this year promises
good development in many facets of life. Property matters indicated.
Though you could reap better results you would feel wretched, and mental
disturbances shown.
You will tend to seek new ventures in education. Excellent gains in
exams and promotions shown. But, guard against adversaries and envious
activities with whom you assume are close to you. Opportunities to
travel abroad and success in love affairs shown.
But, you might feel lethargic and lazy in your day to day work. So,
try to get more physical exercises to avoid this condition. You would
fill your place with things often through out the year.
But, you tend to stress your mind on pointless matters, and it would
affect you psychologically. Too much of mental strain would affect you
physically, and if you let it continue you tend to have a mature
appearance than that of your age.
Wearing a ring with a Blue Sapphire and getting involved in religious
activities as much as possible would reduce the adverse effects of the
planetary change.
Auspicious Day - Tuesday, Colour - red, Number - 1 and Gem - King
Sapphire (Padmaraga).
Mercury (Budha), the Lagna Lord and Karmasthanadhipathy are in 4th
House. Heavy expenses shown. Be cautious as you tend to feel lost and
would get involved in illicit and illegal affairs even without your
But, Property matters, obstacles for career developments, lethargic
feelings and inability to take right decisions also shown. Dejected
travelling ventures and woeful incidents might occur. Business
developments, success in exams and moving to a new house or constructing
a new place indicated.
Auspicious Day - Wednesday, Colour - green, Number - 5 and Gem -
Emerald (green stone).
The Lagna Lord and the Lord of 8th House, Venus (Sikuru), are in the
2nd House. A best year in every aspect. Excellent gains in property and
wealth shown. Good for ventures in handicrafts and documentary work.
Association with influenced persons indicated. Travelling opportunities
shown. Benevolence you experience from outside tend to fade away once
you return home. Guard against health hazards.
Auspicious Day - Saturday, Colour - Blue and multi - colours, Number
- 3 and 6, Gem - Diamond.
Lagna Lord and 6th House Lord, Mars (Kuja) is in the 8th House. Loss
in wealth, property and money matters indicated. Friends tend to become
foes. Meanwhile, promotions and increments shown.
Simultaneously you will experience big controversial occurrences such
as covetousness of those who are close to you, and receiving
appreciation from those away from you. Obstacles indicate. A bad period
for one of your adults. Relatives will seek your assistance. You won’t
run short of anything. Studies you have been engaged in tend to get
changed, and you would develop interest in studying some strange
Auspicious Day - Tuesday, Colour - red, Number - 4 and Gem - Ruby.
Lagna Lord and the Lord of 4th House, Jupiter (Guru) is together with
Sun (Ravi) and Mercury (Budha) is in the 1st House. You would spend
lavishly on others. Gains in wealth as well as heavy expenses indicated.
Be wise and cautious in everything you do. Avoid association of
influenced people as you tend to get caught to spend on them as well.
Loss of a friend or close relative shown. Moderate results in
educational matters. If you develop an enmity you would have to enhance
a lot of effort and waste time to eradicate it.
Try to prevail only with what you have been engaged at present and
avail from stepping into new ventures.
Day - Wednesday, Colour - yellow, Number - 8 and Gem - Yellow
Sapphire (Pushparaga).
Lagna Lord and 2nd Lord, Saturn (Shani) is in the 8th House with
Kethu. You are under Shani Ashtama Erashtakaya. Heavy expenditure shown.
Hence divert it to a better venture such as sending your child abroad or
spending it on religious activities such as `Katina Pinkamas’ and other
meritorious deeds to reduce the adverse effects of the planetary
Tension and strain in the day to day professional life shown. You
would have to exhaust yourself a lot to gain things which you acquired
earlier without much effort. A temporary separation from your spouse,
children and family indicated due to a journey to a remote place.
Guard against the illicit liaisons and scandals which would give you
adverse reputation. You tend to seek assistance from witchcraft, but
cautious over deceptive performers. Guard against mental strain, heart
diseases and ailments in blood circulation. So, be optimistic and act
wisely if you encounter a problematic situation.
Auspicious Day - Saturday, Colour - blue, Number - 9 and Gem - Blue
Sapphire (Makara Nil).
Lagna Lord and 12th House Lord, Saturn (Shani) is in the 7th House.
You might develop an interest to learn new things. Gains in property and
wealth, success in career developments and benevolence experience in
whatever you do shown. If you are a person who has lost your job, be
positive as you would definitely get your job back along with
compensations. Excellent year is ahead.
But, if you are expecting a child, it’s better to get medical advice
more in order to avoid complications. Guard against the health of your
mother. Guard your tongue otherwise you would tend to get involved in
unnecessary problems. New house constructions and new relationships
shown. Good for health. Auspiciousness: Day-Thursday, Colour-red,
Number-3 and Gem-Dark Blue Sapphire (Kaaka Nil).
Lagna Lord and 10th House Lord, Jupiter (Guru) is in the 10th House
along with Sun (Ravi) and Mercury (Budha). Decline in the present
position indicated, so be patient and wise whatever you do. Heavy
expenditure shown. But simultaneously you would have unexpected gains
such as a lottery luck at the end of the year. Good for love affairs.
But, however the more good you do, you tend to get a bad name, so be
cautious about it. New career opportunities along with new technological
and industrial ventures shown. However you tend to reap moderate results
from most of the things you involve in. Destruction of enmity indicate.
But, guard against health ailments such as eye diseases.
Auspicious Day - Thursday, Colour - yellow, Number - 3 and Gem -
Yellow Sapphire (Pushparaga).
Meanwhile Piyasena Rathuwithana has been in the astrological field
for nearly 30 years. At present he works as the Consultant Editor of the
`Subasetha’, weekly Sinhala periodical of the ANCL publications of Lake
House. He gives some predictions for the country along with a few things
about individual stars for the Sinhala and Hindu New Year.
The planetary changes occur along with the dawn of the Sinhala Hindu
New Year seems good for the country and the Government. Economical
developments indicated.
Since both the Sun (Ravi) and Moon (Chandra) are well positioned in
the horoscope chart of Sri Lanka, the Government would shine with many
triumphs with enmity destruction, and gains of assistance and aid from
neighbouring countries. New developments in roads and highway
constructions indicated. But, special attention should be paid for the
uplift in the educational field.
Aquarius (Kumbha) is the Lagna of the horoscope of Sri Lanka. Saturn
(Shani) has moved to the House of Leo (Sinha) in the Lankan horoscope.
Every time in the history when the similar planetary change occurred,
it has given strong and favourable results for the native authorities.
Bestowing more power for the locals by increasing the number of local
Members of the Parliament from 10 to 23 in 1918, gaining Independence in
1948 and the socio and economical change took place in 1977 are the
prominent occurrences we can give as examples from history.
So, along with the present change, more power will get instilled with
a leader who has threaded Parliament from the village in the South of
the Country who knows the happy, grief and the pulse beat of the common
people. Hence President Mahinda Rajapaksa would gain glowing recognition
both locally and internationally.
Around 16 planetary changes and 22 planetary wars will occur from
time to time in the year through. The Nekatha of the dawn of the New
Year is `Pusha’ which belongs to Saturn (Shani).
The Government should guard against the secretive enmity and
conspiracies especially after April 30.
The security condition should be strengthened as well. But, all that
would be revealed in no time, as the strong planetary positions (such as
`Kuja-Shani Yoga’ in the 11th House along with a `Kuja and Chandra
Parivarthana Yoga’) in the horoscope of the present President are
powerful than any other leader born to this land so far.
The auspicious times for the Sinhala and
Hindu Aluth Avurudu as recommended by the `Avurudu
Committee’ of the Cultural Affairs Department.
Dawn of the Avurudu: At 6.29 p.m. on April
13 (today).
`Punya Kaalaya’ (period for meritorious
deeds): Today - from 12.05 p.m. to 12.53 a.m.
So, finish all your work before 12.05
today and engage in meritorious deeds and indoor Avurudu
games with your family.
Auspicious time to cook milk rice: At 6.54
p.m. today, adorning clothes in red and yellow colours and
facing the South.
`Veda Allima’ and `Ganu Denu’ (auspicious
time to start your work for the new year): Today at 8.10
p.m., adorning clothes in red and yellow colours and facing
the South.
`Hisa Thel Gema’ (Anointing oil on the
head): At 7.42 a.m. on Wednesday, April 16, facing the East,
adorning clothes in yellow-green colours. Apply oil and `Kohomba’
leaves juice on head, hanging `Kohomba’ leaves on head and
keeping `Kolon’ leaves to the feet.
Leaving for work: The best day to leave
for work is at 6.19 a.m. on Thursday, April 17, after
consuming milk rice, wearing golden coloured mix clothes and
facing North. If you want to make it earlier, the alternate
best time to leave to work in the New Year is at 6.20 a.m.
on Wednesday, April 16, wearing green coloured clothes and
facing the North. |
Gains and expenses pertaining to each Star (Lagna) is
as follows:
Star Gains Expenses
Aries (Mesha) 14 11
Taurus (Vrushabha) 06 05
Gemini (Mithuna) 14 02
Cancer (Kataka) 08 14
Leo (Sinha) 01 09
Virgo (Kanya) 14 02
Libra (Thula) 06 05
Scorpio (Vrushchika) 14 11
Sagittarius (Dhanu) 11 02
Capricorn (Makara) 05 05
Aquarius (Kumbha) 05 05
Pisces (Meena) 11 02
Pix - Chinthaka Kumarasinghe