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DateLine Sunday, 4 May 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Personality development unleashes true potential

It may not have been a commonly discussed subject a few years ago as it is today; yet it has drawn much focus and the scenario is different with many people wanting to achieve that ‘millennium personality’; discover latent talent, change their thinking and behaviourial patterns to make the best of life.

Today, ‘personality development’ has broadened its horizons: the most recent of techniques ‘The Mind Muscle Vibration Therapy;’ a hundred per cent interactive group activity methodology has proved to be the most progressive, practical and innovative model of training young children, teenagers, adolescents and adults.

A professional with many feats; a practising lawyer, psychiatrist, Ayruvedic Physician and Doctor of the Neuro Linguistic Programme (NLP) USA. He has helped people unleash their true potential and develop their personality.

Having an insight into numerous related fields with regard to personality development Dr. Iddamallena talks much about his new found innovative, practical training model, the Mind Muscle Vibration Therapy which he says is most effective as it is hundred per cent interactive.

With twenty one methodologies to his credit in public speaking, leadership training, stress management, exam secrets, memory plus, love, super change, life and marriage and two special Continuous Improvement Clubs to name a few; Dr. Iddamallena says he began his journey of a thousand miles with one step.

His forte to help the community to live life to the fullest with health, wealth, wisdom, happiness and peace through practical education and innovative training, shifting the paradigms of behaviour and attitudes by cultivating positivism, higher morals and better values are today an affordable opportunity to any one who wishes to avail themselves of it.

According to him, mannerisms of speech, the manner in which you walk and do things, fight about things and react to a situation constitutes the ‘personality’ of a person.’ Interestingly, ones personality can be categorized as either an ‘inward personality’ which relates to the thinking patterns, attitudes, hopes, beliefs and values of a person or an ‘outward personality’ which is a direct rejection of the inward personality.

‘People are born with a lot of capacity, potential, talent and skill but in the event of them not being exposed to the right environment these talents become latent and may never be exposed if not given the opportunity to do so. Thus, people really have a need to unleash their true potential and this is why ‘personality development’ is of importance in today’s context.

This is one reason why people need personality development training to unlearn the wrong they have learnt from environmental factors over the years.’ ‘Personality training is not so easy as it may seem to most of us, it is very challenging. It is a deal with the conscious and the subconscious of a person and if you don’t know the art of training you could ruin a person’s life.

Personality development can neither be achieved by attending a series of lectures. People are of different personality types and depending on the personality type, training should be decided upon.

Prior to training sessions he interviews the participants simply to distinguish between the ‘normal’ behaviourial patterns and those with schizophrenic tendencies as it is very vital that patients with any abnormal behaviour should not be permitted to participate in general personality development workshops.

He advised that although everybody requires training irrespective of their standing in society those with behaviourial abnormalities should be in such instances be immediately referred for psychiatric counselling or treatment’.

Another methodology practised by him is the use of the NLP which refers to the neurons of the brain, its language and the programming of the brain.

“I believe that any training has to be practical and this therapy has a 99 per cent absorption capacity,” he said.

His target was to get people from the public service to join the personality development programmes over the years so that we could see discernible changes. However, it is the private sector that nominates their candidates; it is rare in the public service so it is a challenge.

‘When we organize such programmes the heads of the Public Service do not participate and the common hue and cry is that the bosses mindset is inflexible and there is not much a subordinate could do. It took at least ten years to convince some folk that such practical training is very important and could bring about significant changes’.

He stressed the importance of introducing this to the early childhood level, a step by step process which would necessarily make an individual who has been exposed to such training an outstanding personality by the time he or she reaches adulthood. (RKA)


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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