Academically / professionally qualified handsome partner preferably
living in UK, sought by Colombo suburb Buddhist parents for their only
daughter 29 yrs, 5'4" graduated from UK University working in UK as an
Accountant. She is fair complexion, pretty slim and well mannered. Reply
with horoscope. Tel : 94-912247437, 94-112835031.
[email protected]
A suitable partner is sought by Sinhala Buddhist Karawa mother
retired Teacher for daughter 39 years 5'4" fair pleasant Science
graduate executive reputed company. She inherits valuable assets
including house with modern conveniences. Malefic horoscope. Elder
brothers Engineer and Doctor. Reply with all details and horoscope.
Caste immaterial. Email:
[email protected]
A suitable partner is sought by B/G parents from Southern Province
for professionally qualified Graduate daughter 28 years, 5'4" employed
as Customer Service Executive HSBC. A land from Colombo with Rs. 2
million. Apply with full details and horoscope.
[email protected]
A suitable partner is sought by mother from Kandy for pretty young
looking Deputy Director daughter born 1963 5' with 8 mn assets
differences immaterial
[email protected]
A 37 years old Sri Lankan highly educated well established journalist
seeks a foreign journalist / a foreigner from any country in the world
for marriage. He should be willing to reside in Sri Lanka for three
years after marriage. Email
[email protected]
A suitable partner is sought by respectable Buddhist Durawa parents for
their only child daughter pretty fair attractive 26, 5'1" leading State
Bank employed inherits valuable assets including house and land dowry
available caste immaterial professionals or banking sector preferred
details with horoscope. Email -
[email protected]
A Tamil (Baratha) Catholic mother seeks an academically /
professionally qualified well mannered loving, caring preferably non
smoking partner below 50 years for daughter 41 yrs 5' in height,
extremely attractive professionally qualified and employed in Colombo.
Widowed after a brief marriage with no encumbrances. (Difference in
race, caste immaterial). Reply in detail. E-mail:
[email protected] /
G/B parents seek an aca - professional son 5’9” - 6’1” from USA with
PR for IT ungrd daughter 30.
[email protected]
B/G very respectable family seek suitable partner for their pretty
fair slim educated well employed daughter age 44 height 5'2" possessing
very large wealth. email:
[email protected]
B/G respectable parents seek a professional son for their well
mannered 29+, 5'2" fair attractive graduate daughter. She inherits two
houses and other valuable property. Sons living abroad are also welcome.
Please contact via:
[email protected]
Buddhist Visvakula Govi parents in Colombo seek suitable partner for
slim tan pretty only daughter 27 years 5 ft. 1 inch private Bank
Executive qualified in Music (London - Piano) owns valuable assets.
Reply with horoscope and family details.
[email protected]
Buddhist Salagama retired teacher mother seeks executive partner for
daughter 32+, 5'5" BSc Assistant Director of Education SLEAS owns house
and other assets. 94-777216959.
[email protected]
Buddhist Karawa parents living overseas with dual citizenship are
looking for their 23 year old slim attractive fair and 4'11" tall Civil
Engineer daughter employed in an Australian Engineering Consultancy
Practice, a kind hearted professionally qualified partner, preferably
willing to settle down overseas or already living and working in
Australia, New Zealand or England. Please apply with horoscope and
family details to [email protected]
Catholic mother seeks suitable partner for daughter, convent
educated, academically and professionally qualified, well-mannered,
5'6", 37y, with furnished house, cash 10 lks with a very good monthly
remuneration E-mail:
[email protected]
Colombo G/B parents, father professional Engineer, seek an educated
partner, preferably residing in the US, for their eldest daughter who is
completing her PhD in a science field in same country. She is 30 years
old and 5'3" in height. Please apply with horoscope and contact
information to [email protected]
Colombo Buddhist Vishvakula parents seek same caste below 30 a
suitable partner for their 22 years 5’1” educated pretty daughter Doctor
Engineer IT professional Accountant or professionally qualified partner.
She inherits respectable dowry prefer willing to migrate abroad.
Horoscope with details. Tel: 011-2789100. Email:
[email protected]
Educated employed son sought by G/B parents from Colombo suburb for
daughter 5'2" 30 years degree holder with post graduate Diploma from a
foreign university, employed at foreign mission in Sri Lanka. Reasonable
dowry Shani / Kuja in unfavourable positions also considered. Email:
[email protected]
Educated professional partner below 40 sought by GB parents UK for
qualified professional daughter BSc and ACCA 94-775 8201490.
G/B parents in Colombo seek suitable partner for professionally
qualified youngest daughter MBA foreign degree holder just 33 slim
young-looking well employed drawing monthly package over one lakh. Reply
with details horoscope.
Govi Buddhist parents residing in Ireland seek a groom Marketing
Manager Computer Engineer Accountant/CIMA qualified for their pretty
daughter aged 23, 4'11" Accountancy/CIMA undergraduate well employed
persons in UK also may reply. Catholics considered. Horoscope required.
94-112532573, 94-602106509.
[email protected]
G.B. respectable professional parents from Colombo seek a partner for
their fair, pretty, highly qualified (MSc) daughter (32, 5'3") who has
well settled down in USA (Holding Executive Position, Green Card, own
house) and assets in Sri Lanka. Suitable partner should necessarily be
of a similar education and professional background and based in USA or
would like to settle in USA. Since compatibility and mutual
understanding of partners are considered as the main selection criteria,
getting to know each other prior to any commitment is considered
obligatory. Caste, religion not considered. Pls respond to
[email protected] with all details
including horoscope.
Govi Buddhist age 40 divorced children 14 / 16. Looking professional
/ businessman. Write with phone No.
[email protected]
GB respectable parents from Nugegoda seek professionally qualified
well mannered partner for pretty employed graduate daughter 24 years
5'11" inherits substantial assets. Reply with details and horoscope.
G/B sister seeks a suitable partner for her well employed good
charactered 46 yrs, 5'1" height beautiful, fair, slim sister owns large
wealth including property / motor vehicle / fixed deposits. Reply with
family details and horoscope. email -
[email protected]
Govi Buddhist professional parents seek suitable partner for daughter
32, 5' fair pretty very young looking graduated in UK with postgraduate
qualifications at Cambridge University, worked in Sri Lanka as a
Research Economist. Currently reading for PhD at University of
Manchester UK. Partner should be a professional with University
education or postgraduate student in UK. USA Australia also preferred.
She will be in Sri Lanka about 6 months from August. Inherits
substantial assets. Reply with horoscope and family details. E-mail
[email protected]
G/B professional parents from Colombo seek a partner for daughter, 29
yrs. 5'4" fair slim UK/SL dual citizen with post graduate qualifications
working in London. A professional partner up to 34 yrs. working in UK /
Australia. Send details and horoscope. Tel. 94-11-2853682.
Highlevel Professional parents, G/B, seek suitable partner for their
daughter only child, age 36+, height 5’ 2” medium complexion, pleasant
looking, highly qualified with PhD in Molecular Biology and
Biochemistry, presently holding post-doc position, both prestigious
universities in USA horoscope essential. Email
[email protected] Tel. 94-777-641735
OB-8521, C/o Sunday Observer.
Moor parents in Colombo seek for professional slim fair 5'3" 27 yrs
daughter suitable professional or businessman partner. Email
[email protected]
Roman Catholic Vellala Malayala mixed parents seek groom from very
respectable family for 43+, 5'5" fair home loving Tutor. Dowry
negotiable. [email protected]
Retired Government Executive parents seek kind hearted professionally
qualified son for their daughter Government Veterinary Surgeon 37, 5'
with good character and dowry.
Ratnapura G/B business parents seek well established partner from a
respectable family for their daughter 28 height 5.5 very pleasant and
slim international school teacher presently engage her higher education
in Australia, hope to be there for another five years. Write all details
with horoscope. E-mail
[email protected]
Tamil Hindu Vellalar Colombo parents seek a suitable partner (below
45) for modern thinking very beautiful, slim, Bishopian daughter 39, 5'
7" employed in Canadian organisation divorced innocent party, no
encumbrances. Religion, caste immaterial. Overseas reply also welcome
[email protected]