PC Pharma in strategic partnership with Square Cephalosporins
by Jayampathy Jayasinghe
[email protected]

Chairman PC Pharma, S. H. M. Rishan exchanges documents with M.
Haque Director Marketing, Square Pharmaceuticals, Bangladesh.
Pic by Geeth de Mel
PC Pharma, a fully-owned subsidiary of PCH Holdings entered into a
strategic partnership with Square Cephalosporins Ltd, a subsidiary of
Square Group, a top drug manufacturing conglomerate in Bangladesh last
PC Pharma also launched Square Pharmaceutical's latest line of
products after the signing ceremony.
Chairman of PCH Holdings and PC Pharma (Pvt) Ltd, S. H. M. Rishan
said PC Phrama was the first Sri Lankan Pharmaceutical importer to
obtain ISO 9001 2000 certification. PCH holdings went into the
pharmaceutical industry to provide a humane service and to deliver the
best in health care and nutritional products.
He said Square Cephalosporins was a state of the art drug
manufacturing facility in Bangladesh commissioned to international GMP
standards like the European Agency for the Evaluation of medical
Bangladesh'S' Square Pharmaceutical Director Marketing, M. Haque said
their's was the number one company in Bangladesh which exports medicinal
products to 62 countries. Square Pharmaceutical has 80 per cent of the
market share in Bangladesh. |