[Memory Lane]
Food habits
Though Samadhi and I are good buddies, we have
entirely different food habits. She is a strict vegetarian and I’m a
non-vege. Wherever we go we always face this awkward problem, with
Samadhi being a vegetarian.
Of course she is not that fussy about food like me but then again,
most of the places do not offer vege stuff. I remember one day Samadhi
was dying to have something sweet and I suggested that she go for an ice
cream, while I had already decided on a cake. Sometimes she can get
really stubborn and this was such a time, she wanted to have a cake but
without the eggs in it!
Phew, now from where the hell am I to find a cake without eggs?
Imagine the plight I was in and luckily for me the manageress of the
restaurant who is also a friend of ours came to our table. I knew that
only she could pull me out of this dilemma and imagine when she said,
they have eggless cake. Well, actually that was the day I found out that
there are cakes without eggs.
So eventually, we both settled down to a delicious piece of cake and
whenever we go across to this particular restaurant, Samadhi looks
around for the famous ‘eggless cake’. It’s easy for Anuki to say. I am a
vegetarian and most of the time I can’t eat icecream because I have
either a sore throat or tonsilitis.
So, that day the manageress was kind enough to get me a piece of the
eggless cake, which was put on display, free of charge! And when Anuki
cannot force-feed me with cake or an icecream out of pity.
Anuki would feel guilty and wouldn’t want to have the dessert alone.
So on one such day she asked one of the guys in the restaurant whether
they would cut the eggless cake for me. But the guy said that he
couldn’t and as an afterthought added that all cakes have eggs in them.
“Even this one has a little bit of egg in it.” he said. You can
imagine how I felt, because I had already had a slice earlier. I yelled
out, “What? it has EGGS in it!” and the whole lot in the restaurant
turned and looked at us, while Anuki tried - to no avail - to hush me
Enough about me. At least the habits I have, are not bad for health.
But what about Anuki? The guys at the restaurant actually opened the
bottle - of this particular soft drink she’s in love with - before she
picks her seat at the restaurant table. She has one of those yucky,
tasting bottles every single day. I don’t know how she even drinks one
of those, every day, let alone love it.
The doctors had strictly advised her not to because she had been
interned a couple of times due to her allergic reactions to the yucky
drink. But she never took up their advice. Every time she takes a sip of
that drink, she lets out a very satisfied ‘A...hhh’, just to irritate
me, perhaps. I sometimes wonder whether she actually loves the drink
more than she loves her boyfriend!
She can even go for an entire day without water and food, without
grumbling, but not her beloved soft drink. |