Aesop’s fables: Conceit shadow
Retold by Panchamee Hewavissenti
A wolf was loitering in the jungle in
the early hours of the evening. When the sun was setting it could see
its lengthened shadow. It was many times bigger than the actual size. On
seeing the huge stature of its shadow, it was fascinated and exclaimed
boastfully “I’m such a huge creature, bigger than the lion! I couldn’t
see my size earlier. How huge am I? Why have I been so scared of the
lion all these days. That’s because I couldn’t see the huge stature of
my own. Don’t I deserve, having such a huge stature, to be the king of
all animals?”
The haughty wolf saw a lion was coming towards it but it made no
major notice on that since it was deceptively infatuated by its own
shadow. Instead of escaping the danger,the conceit wolf continued to
boast about its size till the lion jumped on wolf and tore it into
Moral of the story
The wolf’s vain and conceit demeanour caused its own destruction.
Likewise people too put themselves in trouble merely out of their
boastfulness. Those who overestimate their abilities would be fallen
into a pitiful plight when they really encounter a situation where the
actual talent, not affected boastfulness requires. They will be at their
wits end when they have to face a failure when accepted a challenge
would only realise that they are not capable, though overestimated.