Poverty stricken bright student needs help
Victor Marambage Talawa Group Corr.
J. P. Shanika Anjalie Jayalath of Kuda Bellankadawala, Malwanegama
got through her G. C. E. O/L examination last year with ten 'A' passes
she is a product of Bellankadawala Novodya school. She is the only
student to obtain 10 A passes in her school. But to gain this
distinction she had to fight a hard battle.
She has no proper home The house is a tin-roofed mud-walled affair
with room only, one for sleeping and other for her studies. She studied
under the light of a kerosene lamp seated on a mat on the floor.
She did not go for any extra classes as she was unable to afford
She thanks her school principal Sarath Wijesinghe and her teachers
for the support given to her in pursuing her studies. Sheer
determination drove her for this achievement. Her mother is mentally
retarded and goes to Anuradhapura General Hospital for treatment. Her
father earns their living on daily labour, which is almost insufficient
to support five children.
Anjalie has an aim, she wants to be a doctor and save her family,
from the state they are now in.
She wants to study science subjects but unfortunately her school has
no facilities.
She expects to go to Anuradhapura Central College. But her poverty
does not allow this.
Her elder sister has also got through her Advanced Level examination
with 3 A passes and is awaiting for University entrance.
Anjalie expects assistance from philanthropists for pursuing her
higher studies which at the moment is deprived to her due to her
poverty. She requests any financial or material assistance to be
provided to her through the Principal of Maha Bellankadawala Navodya
School Malwanegama. |