Obey the rules and prevent traffic accidents
“Many road users, some police officers and the public are not aware
of the guidelines that they should follow when a traffic accident occurs
People should be aware of these. Follow the laws relating to traffic
accidents “Motor Traffic Act” Section - 161, said President of Ceylon
Society for the Prevention of Accidents and retired DIG T.
Perinpanayagam. Where in any accident due to the use of any motor
vehicle on a highway any injury is caused to any person, animal or
property, the following provisions shall have effect:-
(a) The driver of the Motor Vehicle shall
(i) Immediately stop the vehicle;
(ii) Furnish his name and address, the name and address of the owner
of the vehicle, the distinctive number of the vehicle and other
particulars relating thereto, If requested to do so by any person to
whom, or by the owner or person in charge of the property or the animal
to which, the injury has been caused or by any police officer or Grama
(iii) In any case where the person to whom injury has been caused so
requests, or if he is unconscious of if the injury caused to that person
appears to endanger life., take that person immediately to a hospital or
to a medical practitioner, and thereafter report the accident forthwith
to the officer in charge of the nearest police station and (iv) In every
case not referred to in paragraph (ii) report the accident forthwith to
the officer in charge of the nearest police station.
Punishment - (recommended) A driver who fails to report such accident
to the officer in charge of the nearest police station shall on
conviction be liable to a fine not less than two thousand five hundred
rupees (Rs. 2500=) and not exceeding three thousand five hundred rupees
In case of a traffic accident - At the scene of the accident you are
obliged to perform certain duties.
Stop, make the scene safe - warn approaching traffic - assist injured
send for help, notify the police - gather information.
1. If you are involved or see an accident happen - the first thing to
do is (a) Stop (b) Use Hazard Lights as warning signals to protect
2. Wait at the scene, but try not to block Traffic.
3. Try to stay calm and ask assistance to help injured persons or
render first and only if you are qualified and if the need arises.
4. Notify the police.
5. Call ambulance, if the need arises.
6. Warn oncoming Traffic.
7. If it is a trivial accident and the parties involved settle
amicably, remove the vehicles from the scene permitting the traffic to
flow, report the accident at the nearest police station forthwith.
8. If the parties involved fail to settle the accident with mutual
agreement, may mark the tyre positions and the place of the impact by
the opposite parties, and move the vehicle from the scene to the sides
of the road to ensure a free flow of traffic and report accident at the
nearest police station forthwith.
9. Where there is serious injury resulting from an accident do not
move the vehicle or move the vehicle with the authority of a police
10. If the injury caused appears to endanger life take that person to
a hospital for immediate treatment even by using the vehicle involved in
the accident if there are no other vehicles available and thereafter
report the accident forthwith to the nearest police station.
11. If someone has been killed, do not move the body or permit anyone
to move the body until the arrival of the police or ambulance.
12. If you are not trained in first aid
a) Send for help, b) Help the injured, keep them warm, c) To stop
bleeding put any clean cloth over the wound, d) Give mouth to mouth
artificial respiration, if a person has stopped breathing. Do not give
fluid, e) Move the injured if there is danger from traffic or fire as
improper movement could be harmful with serious injuries.
13. If the accident involves a vehicle carrying dangerous goods (gas
cylinders, petroleum products, chemicals) keep the public away.
Do not allow any one to smoke within 100 metres, Secure the area and
inform the authorities (Police, ambulance, fire brigade).
14. Avoid moving the vehicle unless it is necessary to move a trapped
person or to prevent fire.
15. Gather information:-
a) Date, time and location of accident, b) Name of other driver, c)
Address of other drivers, d) Number of the other vehicles, e) Driving
licence number, Name and address of other driver’s Insurance Company,
Name and address of injured person or persons, Name and address of
witness (es), f). Make a diagram or sketch of the scene of accident.
16 Circumstance of accident, weather condition of the road -other
17. Name and address of the investigating officer.
18. Answer all investigating officers questions. Do not discuss the
accident with anyone else.
19. Do not discuss who is at fault or details of the insurance
Notify your Insurance Company immediately.
20. Important:- Due to anger do not damage or burn the vehicles
involved in fatal accidents, since it would prevent/obstruct.
1. The investigating police officer from making any observation of
the damages parts blood stains etc.
2. Examiner of motor vehicles from examining and testing the vehicle.
3. Government analyst from scientific examination and 4. Payment of
compensation to the accident victims by the insurance companies.
Keep these instructions with you or in your vehicles compartment. |