Pilot training academy to strengthen Ruhunu open skies
The Asian Academy of Aeronautics (AAA), is due to be active in the
very near future.
The academy was granted “provisional approval” by the Civil Aviation
Authority (CAA) and further granted approval to import training aircraft
by the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
The aircraft are due to arrive and meanwhile the academy was approved
by BOI on July 9 under section 17(2)...
Promoter of the project (academy) Capt Suranjan de Silva , is a
senior industrialist, aviator with a wealth of experience in the
“general aviation industry”. The academy’s facilities are located at
Ratmalana airport having its own hangar and the administration building,
which consists of spacious lecture rooms for private and commercial
pilot programs, technical workshop including facilities for maintenance
of the academy’s fleet., flight briefing, library and crew rest
facilities, including aircraft parking and hangaring.
Capt. de Silva. has trained over 200 pupil pilots who are now flying
with their respective national and other domestic carriers.....ie; Air
India, Indian Airlines, Jet, Sahara, Air Maldives, Maldivian Air Taxi,
Trans Maldivian Airways, Jersy-UK, Singapore and Malaysian airlines and
also with our national carrier Sri Lankan Airlines. Some are working as
‘flying instructors’, building experience and awaiting opportunities.
“At present the demand for pilots in this region is huge, the Indian
aviation industry is looking at over 5000 pilots with in the next few
years to service their major domestic carriers Jet, Sahara, Deccan and
Kingfisher, who operate a “mixed fleet” concept and having 30 to 50
aircraft in their respective inventories....... we shall strengthen the
industry and make Sri Lanka a training hub in the region” said de Silva.
He further said that “the academy will extend its facilities to
Katukurunda airport, which is being administered by the SLAF and further
will be focused at a “Training Village” concept, which will be
introduced at the Wirawila Regional airport, and will be initiated upon
evidence of the first light.
” Training village concept at Wirawila will create aviation / travel
awareness and promote the destination, whilst strengthening the “Ruhunu
open skies policy” launched by President Rajapaksa.
When asked about expansion activities, Capt. de Silva said “ Yes , we
are much optimistic of setting up a branch within the Asian region, to
meet the prevailing demand for air crew......”
The academy will conduct training from ab-initio to private,
commercial, instrument, multi-engine and flight instructor rating and
licence standards.
The aircraft fleet will consist of 4 Cessna-150/152 single engine,
Cessna-172 RG “complex” and PA23 Aztec twin engine class. Instrument
rating training will be conducted in a dedicated “IFR” equipped C-150
type aircraft , a special feature will be the incorporation of GPS/Com.
Cessna-172 RG “complex” is a “single engine, 4 seat” aircraft, which
will be used for Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) flight checks, and also
limited training hours will be done to endorse the “complex” experience
during the commercial pilot training phase, which is mandatory in
accordance with the Sri Lanka CAA “training & licensing requirements”.
The proposed academy (AAA) will introduce computer based instrument
training, a device known as “Personal Computer Aviation Training Device”
(PCATD) an approved product by FAA, providing provisions to log 10 hrs
of instrument time towards the “Instrument Rating”. We will request CAA
to “validate” the approvals granted by FAA. This will be an extremely a
cost effective exercise, reducing 10 hours from actual aircraft flying
time, extending a huge benefit to those pupil pilots engaged in
instrument rating training said Capt De Silva.
Capt de Silva is the Director/CEO & Head of Pilot Trg; of the
proposed academy. Having over 20 yrs extensive experience in General
Aviation management, flight operations, training and checking, a
“Designated Flight Examiner” to Sri Lanka Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
since 1988, and was also an “Designated Flight Examiner” to Indian DGCA
during 1993-95 period to conduct “flight tests” of Indian pupil pilots
in Sri Lanka for “issue, renewal and endorsement” of licenses by the
Delhi DGCA.
On November 10, 1998 Capt de Silva was appointed as a Member of the
Consultative Panel by the late Dharmasiri Senanayake Minister of
Aviation and Tourism to formulate policy in the development of the
Aviation Industry in Sri Lanka. He was also appointed as a member of the
panel to conduct English language” proficiency test on Air Crew Licence
holders on September 14, 2006 and on January 2, 2008 was appointed to
the CAA Examination Board for the evaluation of “CPL Bridge Examination”
by the SLCAA. |