Susie’s tribute
Susie paid tribute to MR for helping sportsmen and women in the
country. Susie told the media during the Beijing Games, that the First
Citizen has always encouraged her and inspired sportsmen and women.
Patriotic Ra-blue
Ra-blue tried to prove to the masses that he too is a patriot. When
he saw some ambulances passing by during his A’pura rally, he asked the
people not to obstruct the road and make way for soldiers injured in the
battlefront. However, people around said that there were no patients in
those ambulances.
Bellboys’ battle
Unlike in previous elections, the Bell Boys openly clashed for
preferential votes at the PC polls, undercutting one another. Laally,
the Kantha too openly supported three of his clan while there was a
similar battle in Ratnapura.
Low profile
More proof has been unearthed by the detectives probing Sun
Kind-Leader’s massive three million-dollar foreign currency transaction.
Knowing that he will soon be checkmated, he kept a low profile during
the polls campaign.
Thursday’s meeting
Thirteen senior Green Em Pees have fixed a meeting on Thursday at a
secret location to take the leadership issue forward, irrespective of
the outcome of the PC polls. They accused Ra-blue of depending heavily
on One Shot and Gun Shot to retain his leadership.
Dual purpose
The internal power struggle of the Elephant Party is likely to worsen
when their seniors evaluate the outcome of the PC polls. “Our leader
will take the credit for the electorates we win and put the blame on the
organisers for the electorates we lose,” a senior citizen from
Sabaragamuwa said.