Seminar on International Management Systems
The Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) has organised a seminar on
International Management Systems to be held on August 26 at the Waters
Edge, Battaramulla. Eminent foreign and local experts representing
private and public sector organisations will deliver presentations and
share their knowledge and experience in various fields involving
international management systems.
Overall management system of any organisation focuses on many aspects
such as quality, environment, occupational health, safety and social
accountability. Managing each aspect under different sub management
systems has become the trend in the recent past and number of
international standards have emerged to cater to such management
The international standard ISO 9001 provides requirements for a
Quality Management System and ISO 14001 provides requirements for an
Environmental Management System. Some of the other standards are ISO
22000 for Food Safety Management System and OHSAS 18001 for Occupational
Health and Safety Management System and, HACCAP and GMP are two other
management systems mostly used in the food industry while SA 8000 is a
standard dealing with social accountability.
SLSI operates certification schemes on all such management systems
and many of them have been accredited by RvA of Netherlands, a world
renowned accreditation body. SLSI had certified more than 375
organisations in the country as well as overseas under these schemes.