Hoodoo, myth or fact?
by Lionel WIJESIRI
What’s your lucky number? I will hold a bet with you. It can be
anything but the 13. For whatever reasons, this fear for number 13 is
deeply rooted in us from our younger days as an unlucky and evil number.
In Russia this number is known as the devil’s dozen.
Have you ever thought about this weird belief? For instance, from
where was it originated and why do people believe in the magic of this
number! This phobia is medically known as Triskaidekaphobia (deriving
from Greek tris=three, kai=and, deka=ten. The dictionary defines it as
an irrational fear of the number 13.
But where did it begin? Is it possible that the folklore associated
with the number 13 has become a demonized numeral precisely because it
was sacred in pre-Christian times? Think about it. Number 13 was a
number central to certain traditions because it reflected a pattern
which could be seen to exist in man, nature, and the heavens.
For instance, there are 13 major joints in your body. There are 13
lunar cycles in a solar year, and the moon travels 13 degrees across the
sky every day. Six circles placed around a seventh central circle is a
model of geometric efficiency and perfection in the second dimension
that has been known to mathematicians for ages. But this same
configuration in three dimensions consists of 12 spheres arranged around
one central sphere, making 13 in all. It’s all confusing, isn’t it?
Let us begin from the very beginning. There is a biblical reference
to number 13. Judas, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th guest
to the Last Supper. Still to this day it is considered among many
Christians that it’s very bad luck for thirteen people to sit down for
dinner together. It is believed that one of the dinner guests will die
within the year.

Brussels Airlines, has been forced to change its logo
following complaints from superstitious passengers. |
“How Did It Begin?” by R. Brash (Pocket Books, New York, 1966)
mentions the Last Supper but also says: “There is a less superstitious
and more rational explanation which says that statistical surveys showed
insurance companies that of any group of 13 one person would die within
less than 12 months.”
Donald Dossey, a renowned Australian folklore historian traces the
fear of 13 to a Norse myth about 12 gods having a dinner party at
Valhalla, their heaven. In walked the uninvited 13th guest, the
mischievous Loki. Once there, Loki arranged for Hoder, the blind god of
darkness, to shoot Balder the Beautiful, the god of joy and gladness,
with a mistletoe-tipped arrow.
“Balder died and the whole Earth got dark. The whole Earth mourned.
It was a bad, unlucky day,” says Dossey. Thomas Fernsler, a scientist in
the Mathematics and Science in USA, says the number 13 suffers because
of its position after 12. According to Fernsler, numerologists consider
12 a “complete” number.
There are 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, and 12 gods of
Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, and 12 apostles of
Jesus. In exceeding 12 by 1, Fernsler said 13’s association with bad
luck “has to do with just being a little beyond completeness.
The number becomes restless or squirmy.” Fernsler continues, It seems
clear that, to the primitive mind of early man, number 13 was a mystery.
He stopped at 12. So persistent are these old instincts that even today,
we stop at 12x12 in our multiplication tables, though there is
absolutely no reason whatever why we should do so.

We also find Charles A. Platt, the Mathematician, writing in 1925
saying that the reason 13 is considered unlucky is that a person can
count from 1-12 with their 8 fingers, two thumbs and 2 feet, but not
beyond that, so the number 13 is unknown, hence frightening and unlucky.
(Strangely, this idea discounts the use of toes or other body parts
in counting.) Again, the symbolism of thirteen comes into mind when we
learn of Osiris (the Egyptian god of life and death) who was murdered by
his brother Typhon. Isis, Osiris’ wife and sister collected his body
with intent to restore Osiris back to life.
However, Typhon stole Osiris’ body and cut it into fourteen pieces
and scattered them about the earth. Isis continued her quest to revive
her beloved, but when she reclaimed thirteenth body parts, the last one
fell into the Nile and was eaten by a school of fish.
Coming down to more recent times, triskaidekaphobes quote the Apollo
13th ill-fated mission to the moon, as proof to bad effect of 13. The
spacecraft Apollo 13, named “Aquarius exploded at 1:13 (1313 military
time) on April 13, 1970.
The never-ending theories will go on and on. So, let’s skip to the
next question.
What are the consequences of this superstition, socially and
economically? This fear of 13 is strong in today’s world. According to
Dossey, more than 80 percent of high-rises lack a 13th floor. Many
airports skip the 13th gate. Many airlines skip a row 13, going straight
from 12 to 14. Hospitals and hotels regularly have no room number 13. On
streets in Florence, Italy, the house between number 12 and 14 is
addressed as 12 and a half.
In France socialites known as the quatorziens (fourteeners) once made
themselves available as 14th guests to keep a dinner party from an
unlucky fate.
Some people won’t eat out on the 13th. Some don’t like to begin
extended journeys on the 13th. In some forms of motor sport, for example
Formula One, there is no number 13 car.
In many cultures, getting married on any day of the week that falls
under number 13 is highly discouraged. Microsoft plans to skip Office 13
for being “an unlucky number,” going directly from Office 12 to Office
14. After 13 years of being the richest man in the world, Microsoft
chairman Bill Gates lost this title, according to Forbes magazine’s 2008
list of the world’s billionaires.
A new Belgian carrier, Brussels Airlines, has been forced to change
its logo following complaints from superstitious passengers. The 13 dots
making up the stylized ‘b’ brought a flood of complaints about the
“unlucky” design. The airline said it was taken aback by the strength of
feeling and felt obliged to respond.
Princess Diana died when her car hit the thirteenth pillar of a
tunnel in Paris, on August 31, 1997.
It’s an endless list.
Finally, let me ask you a straightforward question. Are you adamant
about your fear of number 13? For example, would you consider living
alone on floor marked 13 in unit 13? Ask any scientist.
He cannot offer you any solid proof, but will say it is simply a
superstition phobia. Yet, for centuries, the scary combination of the
number 13 has signified misfortune to many across this world. Although
the West is famous for scientific technological wizardry and education,
the number 13’s superstition still has a powerful hold on many aspects
of everyday life.
It seems to be that even concern authorities and governments
recognize the power of this number and willing to bend the rules.
Perhaps numbers do have their strength. That may be the reason why even
to this day, the superstition lives on.
So, before answering the question, give it a little more serious
thought. |