Land disputes a major social problem -Secretary
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Secretary, Lands Ministry Jayalath Ravi Dissanayaka said that land
disputes are among the major social problems in Sri Lanka.
Twenty-eight-thousand Land title certificates (LTCs) were issued last
year to reduce the number of Land disputes, he said. This year’s target
is to issue 75,000 LTCs, he said.
Surveying lands is highly costly and time consuming. The government’s
allocation for 2007 was Rs. 500 million. Senior Assistant Secretary (SAS),
Lands Ministry, P. M. B. Udayakanta said that the Bimsaviya program is
being implemented in 18 Divisional Secretary divisions in Colombo, Kandy,
Ratnapura, Gampaha, Anuradhapura, Kurunegala, Badulla, Moneragala and
Polonnaruwa districts.
He said that the government will expedite the implementation of the
program at the request of the relevant government authorities and the
people. Long-standing issues such as the boundaries of lands donated to
the people by the Government and the government authorities such as the
Mahaveli Authority will be settled under the government’s LTC program.
The Survey Department, Land Reclamation Department and Registrar
General’s Department will assist the Land Commissioner General’s
Department to implement the Bimsaviya program.