Delmege "Tea Dansala"
Delmege Distributors, a member of the Delmege Forsyth Group of
Companies, celebrated Vesak this year by holding a `Tea Dansala' at the
Kelaniya temple.
Delmege `Tea Dansala’
at the Kelaniya temple. |
The company's very own brand of tea, Delmege Talawakelle Kahata Tea,
a unique tea, specially blended for the Delmege Group, was served to all
who visited the `Tea Dansala' on Vesak Poya day.
According to the CEO of Delmege Distributors, Dinesh Nalliah, "we
wanted to give something back to our customers who regularly purchase
our products and are instrumental in helping our business to grow.
This particular blend of tea is meant to refresh and energise the
consumer, therefore we thought it was a fitting drink to be served on
Vesak Poya day".
Delmege Distrbutors have an islandwide distributor network with a
comprehensive reach, servicing different channels such as traditional
trade, modern trade, food service, as well as non-conventional channels
such as cinemas, clubs, and other outlets.
Nalliah said that Delmege Distributors has established itself as one
of the most reputable and efficient FMCG distributors, hence the
conducting of the Delmege Talawakelle Kahata Tea Dansala, was their way
of expressing their appreciation to the public for their continued