Academically and professionally qualified person
or educated, English-speaking business person is sought by parents from
Kandy, for academically qualified, and well employed attractive
daughter, 49 years, residing in the U.S. Prefer a Sinhalese
Catholic/Buddhist non-smoker with sober habits either well settled in
Sri Lanka or in the U.S. Daughter will be visiting Sri Lanka in July.
Please reply with full family details to Email:
[email protected]
Respectable professional Sinhalese G/B parents
living in Canada seek a professionally and academically qualified
partner for their pretty, slim daughter 27 years, 5'3" with good
character, B.Sc., M.Sc. Canada, USA, UK/EU preferred. Aus/NZ also
considered. Please reply with a copy of horoscope and family details to
[email protected]
A suitable partner sought by Govi Buddhist
Colombo resident mother for pretty fair young looking, Visakhian, M.Sc.
IT, University Lecturer, 36 yrs., 5'3" daughter presently nearing
completion PhD. on Scholarship/prestigious Australian University, PR
Holder, assets including house, coming on vacation July. 071-4422150.
An educated respectable teetotaller non-smoker
son is sought by respectable Buddhist Salagama retired Teacher parents
close to Colombo for English Graduate pretty daughter 30, 5'7", working
in Executive capacity in Colombo's highly reputed private organization.
Reply with horoscope in Sinhala or English. Email :
[email protected]
Buddhist Deva wealthy parents directors of a
large group of companies in Colombo seek a suitable partner below 30
years teetotaller with sober habits for their only daughter youngest in
the family 24+ years 5' slim, medium complexion, medical graduate
currently undergoing internship training. Caste immaterial. Reply with
horoscope with family details. Email
[email protected]
An academically/professionally qualified loving
son is sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents living in the UK for their
fair beautiful only daughter age 29, 5'5". She is qualified from a
prestigious UK University and is a professional holding a senior
position in a Global Consultancy. Dual citizen (UK/Sri Lanka). Divorced
without encumbrances. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email :
[email protected]
Respectable G/B professional parents resident in
Sydney are looking for a suitable partner for their daughter who is a
postgraduate medical Doctor. She is 30 yrs., 5'5" tall, fair, slim and
smart. She is well accomplished. She has been broughtup with good
values. Parents are seeking a partner with similar background and
education and with sober habits, preferably with overseas exposure.
Please send details with horoscope to
[email protected]
B/D mother seeks a suitable partner for
attractive daughter 46, 5'3", M.Sc., MBA qualified Bank Senior Manager.
Email [email protected]
G/B parents seek suitable partner for their
daughter B.Sc. Engineer 39, 5' 3 1/2" pleasant younger looking &
Government employee. 071-6858283.
Retired Senior Government Officer B/D and
professional mother G/B seek a suitable partner educated smart kind
hearted teetotaller from a respectable family for their well brought up
5'2" fair pleasant 27+ years daughter educated at a leading school in
Kandy graduated abroad and worked in UK with the MSc. Presently in Sri
Lanka and will return to UK soon. Reply with full details of family and
horoscope including address and contact number.
B/G retired Executive father seeks educated
professional for only daughter with dowry, 32 yrs young looking, pretty,
postgradaute scientist abroad, willing to reside here / abroad. Malefic
horoscope. [email protected]
Colombo G/B parents seek academically
professionally qualified son with sober habits below 33 from a
respectable family for their well brought up only daughter 29, 5'3"
Diploma holder in child Psychology (USA) Marketing (UK) currently
reading for counselling Psychology and employed at a reputed Airline.
Family details with horoscope. email:
[email protected]
Respectable Sinhala mother seeks for eldest
daughter 5'1" tall medium complexion educated in International School
with dual nationality living in London will inherit house in Colombo
looking for qualified caring partner 24 - 28 yrs. should be willing to
live in UK. 0776974899
[email protected]
Roman Catholic Sinhala parents seek an educated
person with a good profession or a businessman well mannered partner for
their fair & pretty daughter 26, 5'5" only child in the family. She was
educated in a convent and now working in a reputed company. Reply with
family details with contact numbers. e-mail:
[email protected]
Sister seeks educated partner for foreign
qualified doctor Govi Buddhist fair and pretty 31, 5'4" Doctor Engineer
[email protected] 071-8347725.
A respectable and affluent Sinhalese Buddhist
family of educated parents with means seek an educated partner with
compatible background for their well accomplished pretty 26 year old
(5'4") daughter who is currently employed in the USA after completion of
master's degree. She eventually hopes to settle down in Sri Lanka.
Please respond with full details of family, and horoscope by either
[email protected] or by normal post.
Burgher / Sinhala parents working in the Middle
East, seek a suitable partner for their pretty well mannered and
educated daughter aged 25 also working in the Middle East (nationality
immaterial but should be Catholic or Christian). Reply to
[email protected]
B/G parents from Kandy seek academically
professionally qualified partner for only daughter 29 yrs. medium
complexion 5'3" BSc MSc Chartered Architect. Well employed fluent in
English. Non malefic horoscope. Email
[email protected]
G/B Colombo mother seeks a partner for only
daughter 35, 5'3", younger looking, has a higher diploma in Computer
Software Engineering, employed in Government sector. 071-4425086,
[email protected]
G/B downsouth parents seek a partner for only
child, daughter, 33, 5'2" surveyor degree in Surveying Sciences,
[email protected]
Sinhala B/K/D caste immaterial retired
respectable parents seek professionally qualified partner preferably
Doctor, Engineer, Accountant, good character to their daughter with Sri
Lankan traditional values 29, 5'5" graduated in nursing in USA PR Holder
pleasing personality, fair, slim, only sister Doctor married in UK. Owns
house & property assets in Sri Lanka. Apply residents in USA or willing
to migrate. Contact 0602386289,
[email protected]
Burgher / Sinhala parents working in the Middle
East, seek a suitable partner for their pretty well mannered and
educated daughter aged 25 also working in the Middle East (Nationality
immaterial but should be Catholic or Christian). Reply to
[email protected]
BG professional parents living in Canada seek
educated partner for daughter 27, 5' educated and employed in Canada.
Shani 7, Kuja 8, Mesha lagna, Sa nekatha, reply with horoscope. Family
[email protected]
A never married gentleman around 38 with
qualifications to migrate is invited to send particulars and horoscope
for smart daughter 35 looks young 5'3" having a degree, Australian PR
and modern house in Nugegoda. We are G/B and bride can be met this week
preferably with parents Email <[email protected]>
B/Govi father, B/Salagama mother seeks a
professionally qualified son, over 5'10", not the eldest, between 25-28
years, with a pleasant character, as a partner to the only child, 5'9",
23 years, with Mars (Kuja) in the 8th house, attractive with medium
complexion and a permanent resident of Canada, presently in Australia
with an Australian degree in bachelor of commerce, and waiting for the
Australian PR. Please reply with details and a copy of the horoscope to
[email protected] Phone 2866529 / 0775034665 (only till
Academically / professionally qualified partner
from Sri Lanka or abroad sought by Sinhala / Buddhist parents from
Colombo for their pretty, fair, slim 36 yrs 5'4" daughter, divorced with
6 yr old son, residing in UK with British and Sri Lanka dual
citizenship, working as a qualified medical doctor (MRCP-UK) in
prestigious hospital in London, reply with full details and horoscope.
[email protected]
G/B respectable parents in Colombo, seek
professsionally / academically qualified partner for their graduate
daughter, 25 years, 5 ft. 6", with assets and employed as an Executive.
Reply with family details, copy of horoscope and TP No. Email:
[email protected]
GB/UK family holidaying Sri Lanka seeks
professional partner for daughter 36 employed in UK.
[email protected] 0112508086.
B/G parents living in Australia seek Sinhala
Buddhist well educated professional qualified son preferably working in
Australia with sober habits from a respectable family for their 26 year
attractive slim qualified Engineer daughter with an excellent character.
Reply with horoscope and family details in first letter. Email:
[email protected]
Professional Sinhalese parents in USA invite
proposals for only daughter brought up with Sri Lankan values. Born 1984
slim fair attractive and reading for PhD. Ideal groom is less than 32
years and in similar Medical or Engineering / Science fields and career
oriented. Medical students from any country are encouraged to apply.
[email protected]
Sister from a respectable Govi Buddhist family
seeks for well established widowed sister 46 with child, a kind-hearted
partner with means. E-mail:
[email protected]
Buddhist Karawa family seeks a suitable partner
for their 28, 5’3” fair daughter B. Eng. MSc graduate (Computer Science)
permanently employed and living with sister in Australia. Owning assets.
Very pretty with charming qualities brought-up with Sinhala Buddhist
values. Kuja in fourth house. Reply with full details and horoscope.
Email: [email protected]
Expatriate SB parents seek a well employed groom
of good character below 31 year and above 5’5” for their university
educated daughter. She is 26 years of age and fair with pleasing
features. Kuja in 2nd house. Australian or UK residents preferred.
Please forward family details and horoscope including place (city) of
birth to email
[email protected]
B/G fair pretty tall slim in good health 43 yrs.
Educated at H.F.C. Colombo 4. Employed at Air Lanka as a Receptionist.
At present employed as a English medium Teacher in International School
Colombo. Caste religion nationality not important. Consider sincere &
honest interests - Burghers Muslims & Sinhalese reply with contact
number. Correspondence strictly confidential.
[email protected]
High level professional parents G/B seek
suitable partner for their daughter age 37 height 5’2” medium complexion
young-looking pleasing personality highly qualified with PhD in
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry presently holding post-doc position
with prestigious universities in U.S.A. Horoscope essential. Email:
[email protected] Tel: 011-2933682,
Buddhist Govigama parents resident in USA seek a
professionally qualified partner under 35 years for 29-year-old daughter
(US citizen) with a degree in Business from a US University. Presently
employed in a Multinational company in USA. Please reply with family
details and horoscope.
Professional respectable Govi R/C Colombo
parents seek a suitable, professionally and academically qualified
partner for their daughter B.A. (Hons) Management with other
professional qualifications, 25 years, 5'2" slim fair pretty and Colombo
Convent educated, smart and well mannered daughter employed in a reputed
Multinational Organization in Colombo. Inherits a house and valuable
assets worth over 40 million.
[email protected]
Academically qualified son with sober habits
sought by Colombo suburb GB parents for pretty daughter 5' tall born
October '78 Attorney-at-Law LLB LLM. Reply with family details and
horoscope. [email protected]
A B/G Co. sub. Govt. retired parents seek
partner below 47 yrs with sober habits for only daughter Consultant in a
Ministry reading for Doctorate in foreign country about to complete a
scholarship, she is 40 yrs. 5'4" v.fair slim extremely pretty with
pleasing personality divorced after brief marriage. Doctors Engineers
professionals preferred. Dowry assets cash. Respond with horoscope.
Returning here next week
[email protected] 0718266049.
G/B Colombo suburb parents seek a suitable
professionally qualified, well-mannered partner for their 34, 5'2",
slim, pretty, MBA qualified daughter, working in the UK. She owns a
house in Colombo. Caste immaterial. Tel. 0718021211. (Email
- [email protected]) A partner working/residing in UK preferred.
A qualified partner for Govigama Buddhist MBA
qualified daughter 39 attractive. Email
[email protected]
BG Medical Consultant London seeks for sister 35
5'6" fair slim attractive B.Sc. Software Engineer assets UK/SL working
UK professional Buddhist partner horoscope necessary due holiday July.
Affluent Govi/Buddhist professional
brother (USA) seeks academically / professionally qualified sober
partner (44-50) for sister 5'4" fair attractive well educated Senior
Executive prestige organization considerable dowry expecting family
details horoscope contact number in first letter. Email :
[email protected]