Sri Palee holds diamond jubilee
The Horana Sri Palee Vidyalaya popularly known as a fountain of
oriental literature, arts and culture, founded by the late Wilmot A.
Perera following the laying of foundation stones by Noble Prize winning
Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore on May 20, 1934, will celebrate its
diamond jubilee on May 20 this year.
Students, teachers, past pupils and well-wishers of the Sri Palee
have made elaborate arrangements to mark the event in a fitting manner.
The celebrations will commence with a commemoration ceremony at the
Sri Palee Theatre (Rangahala) on Tuesday May 20, followed by religious
ceremonies, events displaying talents and skills of students and
teachers and cultural displays as well.
The religious ceremony includes a blood donation campaign, a Pirith
pinkama and a Sanghika Dana to invoke blessing and bestow merit on all
students and teachers past and present including pupils who laid down
their lives in defence of the nation.Events displaying student skills
would include an educational and science exhibition, a paintings and
sculpture exhibition, essay and oratorical contests, volleyball, chess
and boxing contests and a gymnastics display. A `Guru Ranga Soba' which
will display the talents and skills of the teaching staff who guided the
students will also be launched, sources added. |