Conduct of the UN and the Security Council
Comments, conduct, behaviour and the power of the world body set up
in place of League of Nations and brought into force on Oct. 24 1945 in
order to save the world from the scourge of war and for equal rights for
men and women of all nations, small and large is a crucial and decisive
factor for any member state.
It is the largest and most powerful international non governmental
institution consisting only of the members of the world family.
Its subsidiary bodies and Security Council officials have made
statements that attacks have taken place in the “safe zone” where the
civilians are trapped by the LTTE against the wishes of the people. The
statements of most of the world leaders and INGOs on the Sri Lankan
issue is varied and mixed.
The statement made by Wiss the Permanent Representative of UN in Sri
Lanka is controversial and biased.
He speaks of credible reports and sources, exactly similar in tone
and contents to LTTE frontline organisations and websites including the
Tamil net, the official organ of the LTTE, now on the run.
What is the legal basis and effect of the direct and indirect
intervention of the world body on us is a moot question and it is safer
to take all precautions in the interest of the nation and the future
generation. (Please read the article by this writer on Sunday Observer
of May 10, 2009 on legal basis and International pressure on Sri Lanka).
Indian and international factor
Sonia Gandhi allegedly has made different controversial and
inconsistent statements. She is one of the main policy/king makers in
India and charismatic leader of the Congress Party. All other leaders in
the election battle have been inconsistent in making statements on the
Sri Lankan matter which they consider as an important election issue.
Election results of the average Indian citizen in the largest democracy
indicate the will and wish of the people in India, whose presence and
the influence we have to take into serious consideration.
Sonia has claimed equal rights for all Tamils. She was not properly
guided and educated on the equal rights enjoyed by Sri Lankans including
all minorities who live as brethren.
Human bonds are more and stronger in Sri Lanka than in India among
ethnic groups. David Miliband of the United Kingdom and Beranrd Koucher
of France have made comments showing concern over the situation in Sri
Lanka, they say is a matter for concern for them.
Treatment meted out to minorities and immigrants in the UK and France
are substandard. Tamil is one of the three national and official
languages in Sri Lanka. This equality is not found in India and the
More Tamils live in the South than in the North and the East they are
concentrated in. In Colombo, the business capital of Sri Lanka, the
majority community and the business Giants are Tamils and most of the
properties and business enterprises in the city limits are owned by
Tamils and Muslims which is a fact and reality the Sinhala majority in
the country is not unhappy about.
The 13 Amendment to the Constitution which is the main by product of
the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord in 1987 has given more power to the periphery
than the power given to the states in India. Powers to the Provincial
Councils were given on the basis of the powers of and constitution of
the States in India.
Muslims in India do not enjoy equal rights and threatened by the
raciest parties (such as the BJP) and elements who challenge them in
public and politically. Racist powers and extremists in India are in the
main power struggle.
In Sri Lanka equal rights are guaranteed in the constitution and
institutionalised and practised from top to bottom. The Indian factor
and election results have direct bearing on us, and our position in the
Due to Geopolitics and our geographical positioning so close to the
most ambitious regional leader with whom we share religious customs
intermingling in every sphere, we are not in a position to live in
isolation in this changing and fast developing world.
These are realities we have to live with though it is bitter and
uneasy for a genuine and sovereign emerging nation. India too is full of
controversies and problems.
Any member state is selfish and self centred. India is fighting for
power struggle and political supremacy for power being the largest
democracy; generally depends on “Hung” Parliaments.
Security Council
UK and France foreign ministers have initiated discussions in the
Security Council (Please read the article in the Nation of April 19,
2009 by the writer on diplomatic missions and international law) in a
formal meeting in an informal way in which the findings and discussions
are not binding and have no legal validity.
It is heartening to note that at last the Security Council has
condemned the LTTE as a terrorist organisation and declared that Sri
Lankan government has a legitimate right to combat terrorism.
Russia, China, Vietnam, Libya Asian and the Middle East acted as true
friends of Sri Lanka and justice for the members of the world body in
need of the help of one another in difficult times. President Rajapaksa
thinks and sees far ahead and meeting world leaders who matters in
making decisions.
His visits to meet world leaders are well organised and planned.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) a powerful INGO has made 170 reports one after
the other adverse to Sri Lanka that the security forces are using heavy
artillery in the final push.
It is time for our professionals to bring this to the notice of the
funders of HRW which is expected to be impartial. LTTE has brought many
organisations under their control in some way with their money which
should not be underestimated.
The sources, from which the information is gathered, are unclear and
uncertain. (Please the article in the Sunday Observer dated March 23,
2008 on Country reports - the real truth by the writer).
But KP the new LTTE chief negotiator has given a million dollar
contract to discredit Sri Lanka and the warfront the Sri Lankan
government claims a humanitarian operation to free the remaining few
thousand civilians trapped by the LTTE cadres in a tiny “boxed” area
surrounded by the Sri Lankan security forces.
The LTTE is desperate and has taken steps to take all investments and
resources out from the shelves in this last few moments of the terror
history of three decades.
They spend lavishly to win over the world media, international
organisations and important personalities. (Please read the article on
human rights and human shields by the writer on May 3, 2008 the Sunday
Observer ) Bribery and corruption is rampant worldwide and money speaks
in the west and among the INGOs.
If one is capable of spending a few hundred thousand dollars or
pounds it is easy to obtain the services of a university, a leading
international Lawyer, and Media/TV and INGOs to promote and enhance any
movement or ideology.
The LTTE has the capacity and resources of which the maximum use is
reaped today which speaks of the world propaganda for the LTTE and front
European Tour of Opposition Leader
The European tour of the Leader of the Opposition is controversial
and ill or well timed when Sri Lanka has pushed LTTE to the wall and a
waiting for the final push which no government or a leader was able to
He has met Soleheim, and addressed a number of meetings in the West
and Europe with world leaders and international organisations. He is
travelling in the west calling for press freedom in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka has expelled few unruly reporters and is careful with NGOs
with different motives and agendas.
His meeting with members of the UN and the Security Council and our
“Funders” (IMF and others) when we are expecting legitimate injection of
funds for development especially in the north and the east is crucial to
us as there are elements waiting to make use of all opportunities to
give a breathing space and a life line for LTTE to regroup and
Prabhakaran to escape.
The powerful international “Lobby” is fierce and effective. It has a
careful strategical approach carefully worded and monitored.
It is now not disputed by the world organisations that the LTTE is a
terror group and the civilians are trapped by them against the will. The
number of trapped civilians is only around 10,000 according to defected
LTTE leaders. No credit is given to or good is spoken of the Sri Lankan
government or the security forces acting in a most professional way and
utmost care to protect fleeing civilians and pave the way for the safety
in a carefully orchestrated humanitarian operation ever taken place in
human history which is unprecedented and unparalleled by any world
standard in safeguarding and protecting over 198,000 civilians seeking
The Sri Lankan army is rated the best and most professional and is
credited with clamping down the most feared, ruthless and most powerful
terrorist outfit, the LTTE.
No motions, discussions, agitations or actions are proposed against
the LTTE for atrocities and human suffering, current human tragedy and
disaster and thousands of innocent lives taken locally and
internationally in the guise of proclamation of a Tamil State based on
ethnic and linguistic considerations contrary to the aspirations of the
United Nations. (Please read abusing international conventions dated 2nd
may 2009 daily news by the author and protecting Diplomatic missions and
international law).
Pressure mounting
Pressure is mounting on Sri Lanka to “halt” the humanitarian
operation with the LTTE on the run alleging civilian casualties. Some UN
agencies, INGOs and member states of the UN claim to have received
credible information via credible sources. (Please read International
pressure on Sri Lanka dated May 10, the Sunday observer by the author of
this article). But the good news is that some world leaders including
the Home Minister of India Chidambaran has said that Sri Lankan
Government could be trusted that it would not use heavy weapons in order
to minimise civilian causalities.The international community is divided
on the Sri Lankan issue which attracted international headlines and
attention. During the recent informal discussions of the security
council USSR, China, Japan, Vietnam with South Asian and Middle East
members have agreed that the current Sri Lankan issue is an internal
issue and an internal matter and not a matter which amounts to breakdown
of world peace which warrants intervention of the security council.
The Security Council consists of fifteen members of the United
Nations consisting of China, USSR, USA, UK and France and ten other
members elected annually from the non permanent members for a period of
two years.The primary duty of the UNSC is to maintain international
peace and security and act in accordance with the principles of the
United Nations.
The procedure adopted in the UNSC is complicated but a main factor of
the powerful UN subsidiary body is the “Veto Power” by the members to
“stop” or `act’ and every decision should be based on unanimity.
Actions through United Nations
Article 55 of the UN Charter imposes upon the members of the United
Nations that legal obligation to promote and respect for and observe
human rights.
Security Council may investigate any dispute or a situation that may
endanger international peace and security (Art 34) We do not understand
how elimination of the most ruthless terrorist organisation will lead to
the breakdown of world peace.
This indicates how volatile and vulnerable Sri Lanka in the present
vigorous campaign backed by wealthy LTTE front organisations, some INGOs
and some western states. We should be again and again grateful to our
friends in need in the world family for blocking possible adverse
decisions and comments of the UNSC prompted by UK- the self appointed
negotiator, France and some EU countries.
President unshaken and undeterred
President Mahinda Rajapaksa is unshaken, cool and acting in the most
diplomatic and responsible way regardless of the high pressure exerted
by the LTTE frontline organisation backed fierce propaganda tacitly
approved and encouraged by the leader of the opposition currently on a
world tour on the same project.
It is sad and unfortunate that all the decision and law makers who
claim to serve the nation do not speak with one voice in this critical
moment, when the terror regime is about to be eliminated with the blood
and sweat of our security forces who have made the supreme sacrifice.
It is not too late even at this last hour to come to senses and to
realise that we can fight petty political disputes when we have saved
the country in which all can live in peace and harmony as equals.
Honestly, we Sri Lankans enjoy human rights and human dignity better
than the citizens in the United Kingdom and India. Our land is fertile
and is so fortunate to possess the best climatic conditions with the
citizens of intellectual and healthy. I think we should not miss this
golden opportunity to be a leading nation in the world family in which
the Human Rights, Human Dignity is given the highest priority and people
are free and economically self sufficient.
The writer is an LL.M London (International Law) Solicitor in England
and Wales. |