Muthu's Life after Love launch
An anthology of poetry titled 'Life after Love' by Muthu Padmakumara
was launched last Wednesday at Galle Face Hotel. Public Administration
and Home Affair Minister Dr. Sarath Amunugama was the chief guest while
Minister Prof. G. L. Peries was the guest of honour.
The anthology codifies the intricate web of emotions and scares in
the emotional life after `love'. The anthology is made up of 49 poems on
diverse themes pertaining to a love life of a maiden. The illustrations
for the book are based on paintings by Dr. Sarath Chandrajeewa.
The book is marked for its language together with its apt
illustrations. Muthu uses a lucid and matter-of-fact language in most
economical manner.
Every line is well-stitched to the following not, perhaps, by subtle
rhythm but string of thoughts. She stands out for her brevity of
expression and her razor-shaped insights hidden underneath her short
Three ladies read out some of poems from the anthology while Harsha
Makalanda beautified the occasion with his soothing music. `Life after
Love' offers a rich harvest of a creative mind and gives a glimpse into
Sri Lankan womanhood and particularly into the love life in Sri Lanka.