She is Sarala, the beautiful daughter of Bisomenika who lived in the
little hamlet of `Katuroda’. Biso, a poor woman who toiled day and night
to keep the home fires burning, her husband died six years ago as a
result of an explosion in a quarry. This poor woman was not paid any
compensation, but only the funeral expenses.
The daughter was quite small then. Biso left the village after her
husband’s death and now lives in another village with her little
daughter as she was not happy living at Katuroda.
She was given a little house by a wealthy land owner, Ratemahattaya
and his wife Kumarihamy, as she didn’t have any place to live. They are
generous people.
Since Biso had no income, she toiled hard to bring up the little girl
by working in well-to-do houses in the village without grumbling or
envying the fortunates, “what we are today is because we have sinned in
our past births that is why we are like this today. I envy nobody”, she
She is a humble woman, whatever she got, she brought for her little
daughter Sarala. Sarala studied in a village school. She is beautiful.
One would wonder how beautiful she could be when she grows up.
Her mother had been a beautiful woman in her young days. Little
Sarala become prettier day by day and she was a bright student in the
village school. She had dreams of going to the city school, but poverty
stood her way. They had a milking cow.
Biso got up early in the morning and milked the cow. Little Sarala
took the milk to the village boutique and with the little money she got
she brought provisions for the house.
Sarala was becoming prettier and she never knew how beautiful she
was. She was admired by some, but others did not want to comment. She
looked prettier than the girls of rich families.
Tikirihamu of Rideedola Waluwwa was the owner of many properties. He
was the only child of Ratemahattaya and Kumarihamy. It is in their
property, that Sarala and her mother lived. They always helped the poor.
They were willing to educate Sarala and see to her future. When
Tikiri got to know this a strange feeling aroused in him. When Tikiri
saw Sarala after some time, he said, “You have become prettier, you were
a small girl just yesterday” to which Kumarihamy said, “she is not small
any more”, and Sarala gave a shy look.
Tikiri looked at her and admired her secretly. But Sarala never knew
that she was being admired. She was too small to know what love was. She
was happy as there was happiness everywhere.
It was Sarala’s daily routine to take the milk to the boutique, and
to take the cow `Raththi’ to the meadow before going to school, and
after returning from school she had her lunch whatever her mother has
prepared, then bring back the cow from the meadow.
It was a rainy day, darkness and gloom was spreading, but Sarala had
to fetch the cow home, if not they would not have money to buy their
provisions for the next day. Thinking all these she went along the path.
The hidden thoughts to see Tikiri was in her mind. The thought itself
made her happy. Usually Tikiri stands near the window and gives her a
smile, the smile that Sarala looks forward to, but today, he was not
there. She was worried in fact she had come inspite of her mother’s
warnings. She wanted to go home before it was dark.
Dark clouds were gathering in the distant skies, hurriedly, she went
thinking to come back soon bringing the cow. All sorts of things started
circling her mind, the mother, the home, the sweet thoughts of Tikiri,
which she secretly kept in her mind suppressed, while thinking of all
these she came to the middle of the stream. Before she could get to the
other side water came pushing her way which she never expected.
She shouted for help, but all in vain no one heard her cries. She was
washed away by the angry waters and she breathed her last.
The villagers hearing Biso’s cries came to help her and started
combing the river. Tikiri too came with his men, and started searching,
but all in vain. They found the body of the girl, with her angelic face
up right with her hair floating in the water.
Tikiri was repenting for not being able to show his love to her whom
he admired secretly, there would have been reasons for it. Her body was
brought to her humble home laid in a coffin.
She was as sweet as a rose brought from the paradise. She was laid to
rest in the humble way. No satin lined coffins, no orations. Tikiri
wiped a tear from his eye. He wept in his heart. The past - the
beautiful past was haunting his mind. But for poor Biso, for whom will
she live? But she has to live.
Patricia Mangalika Yahampath