Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 17 May 2009





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


Tigers take the West for a ride

Previous governments in Sri Lanka failed to take notice and act in a responsible manner in the interest of our nation to counter false propaganda and overseas fund raising activities some 20 or 25 yrs ago which could have weakened, prevented or stopped , this war being escalated to these proportions.

It is better to understand the core of the problem we are faced with. A war cannot proceed without expenditure, therefore funds are the most important asset that could play a decisive role in any form of conflict.

There is a general belief that the west, importantly the USA and UK would support this cause. But not quite true. They understand terrorism prevailing in Afghanistan and Pakistan are quite different to what prevails in Sri lanka.

Firstly we are not fighting a war against a foreign power. That could be totally devastating and complicated. We are fighting against a ruthless ethnic guarilla group who wants a separate state within our own country.

If the LTTE and the Tamil diaspora believes carving out a separate state within the sovereignty of our country is the only way to satisfy the minorities are quite equal as majority, this cannot be fulfilled under the provisions of the existing legal frame work of our constitution.

People of this country going to rejoice about a government decision to take action to counter LTTE’s false propaganda work. They will certainly appreciate this decision taken for the best advantage of the country.

However not for immediate benefit of that or this politician or party.

False propaganda by the LTTE is not a new threat, its been there for decades. Its heartening to see this Government had the vision to size up the menace of this “Unscrupulous mongrel” who is not prevented by scruples of conscience which financed decades of this ruthless war against a democratically elected government.

With all the experience in the past with the terrorists previous Presidents and Prime Ministers kept repeating the same mistakes in a sense hitting their heads against a wall built by the terrorists wondering why the wall remains while their heads were hurting !

We need to convince the international community that this Government took every conceivable effort to avoid this war now concluded by adding a jewel to their crown.

But those efforts made earlier by the Government were considered too lightly by the LTTE as a weakness of the Government. We won’t forget those carnages they staged brazenly which depicted their sheer brutality leaving behind scenes of their invincibility.

With these set of feelings that influenced their behaviour on the back of their heads deceived successive governments saying that they wanted peace and willing to negotiate only to betray and attack the Armed Forces. This Government is mindful of what went on in the past and what’s going on and be able to convince the international community.

Now the Armed Forces uncovered LTTE’s top brass luxury living styles up in the Vanni region. Whereas the international community was told those contributions which they made directly went into a charity and it will be used for women and childrens homes but instead of benefiting from their charitable contributions ended up in warfare.

LTTE are extremely good at circulating false publicity intended to persuade and convince the international community.

Most of the present generation of Tamil diaspora are either born in Europe or accompanied their parents to settle down in European countries. Badly brainwashed from their childhood with wrong beliefs about Sri lanka which they received as training and education and mentally elevating those influences as they grow older.

These beliefs although held, fully knowing the Sri lanka government is not against all Tamils, but when it comes to false propaganda the sinister intentions changes according to their faceless deceiving methods and successfully use evil misconceptions among European nations, putting pressure on their local MP’s.

Isn’t this exactly whats happening right at this moment, is this the root and core of the problem we are faced with ?

Additionally the Tamil diaspora is a force to be reckoned with, while most of our Sri Lankan associations, Societies and right groups are scattered all over the world needs to be incorporated into one voice where false propaganda and fund raising matters are concerned, we need to show our solidarity, tolerance and our unwavering quest to put the records straight.

But now Sri Lanka has to make a conscious decision, we can therefore distinguish between three situations. In the first situation Sri Lanka had got rid of terrorism successfully led by a conscientious leader who applies his theories of principles rigidly against terrorism, an example to other leaders.

This impossible task he took like no other, was prepared to put his political survival on the line. It was a feat never equaled by any European or Asian country. Then the Governments capability shut down front organizations fakely operated during the tenure of various past presidents under the guise of charitable organisations.

In the second situation we need to continue with the same political leadership to continue without “Breaking the Momentum” and continuity.

In the third situation the worst was over and we need to move on, we need to understand how the world community who had been mislead, now look at us with the latest achievement. Despite with unconfirmed beliefs, in terms of being a safe and friendly nation, to deal with, tourists who visit our country will no doubt would harbour those misgivings and feelings need to be explained without putting down the extremists.

We, peace loving people of this country really expected the war would go on dragging its feet indefinitely - but to our surprise peaceful transformation was made possible by the government & the Armed Forces.

Although the war came to an end does not mean false propaganda will ease, as a matter of fact this problem will be doubled or trebled.

There will be more resurgent efforts to nullify and disprove pictures of Sri Lanka. Fresh efforts would emerge to resurrect their crumbled deceitful campaign.

As a result our image will be distorted and sullied to affect our tourist industry and our creditworthiness, which will have a bad impact on our economy.

We need to find fresh solutions to overcome these barriers. Have to find the most cost effective method to operate from Sri Lanka and now lets see what those options are.

The most cost effective method to counter false propaganda would be to obtain the services of our already established Sri Lanka Right Groups, Associations and Societies.

These organisations could work with the Sri Lanka Diplomatic missions.

This substantial coming together would help us to understand more about the way in which our drive should proceed according to conditions prevailing in those countries avoiding unnecessary time consuming procedures.

As these members & their community leaders have been already domiciled and work live with our adversaries, they could play a role avoiding unfavourable elements and only bring harmless inexpensive methods so that this drive become a success. In short they say “Horses for courses” and the “Best way to Advertise is by mouth!

President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s popularity among Sri Lankans abroad will raise this profile of this push for greater support from these communities.

In UK and Canada joining a rally or an organization constitute a human right, the home country cannot blame one political party or the Government specially both institutions are represented at these events, which means they do not know which way to go, which one to believe.

The LTTE are masters of deceiving international community and knows ways to achieve their aims by using cleverly contrived misinterpretations about Sri Lanka. They can instill damage, injury and tarnish Sri Lanka’s image and reduce our “value” as a safe and friendly tourist destination or simply paint the town in red the Sri Lanka Government committing human rights violations.

The onus of power sharing resting purely on the people whom they elect as their leaders. In the meanwhile there has been continual interpretation as to how power sharing that will ensure justice to all communities.

Basically the power sharing to operate in Sri Lanka rested on a number of notions which became increasingly harder to justify.

It must be remembered whilst the British took steps towards granting independence, it also refrained or stop short from any important steps of unifying most of the power sharing with any particular ethnic group or any profound reforms in the legal structure of that transition.

The British was essentially handing back our country which they took from us and consolidated those measures.

The government and the experts with the help of leaders of different ethnic groups are presently looking at this problem and lets hope, people of these country become victorious and contented, their aspirations and earners desires are fullfilled at least according to international standards and norms.

Precisely it must be fair and correct in every sense that Sri lanka government and it’s people are a society which accepted superior beliefs and values of life based on our religions are a better society ; because we care about our minority ethnic groups ; they are our own people, they belong to us ; it is now up to these groups to evaluate whether they would get their aspirations fulfilled in accordance with the existing democracies in the world, a government by all the people favouring democracy.

There is no doubt that many of these values and beliefs are held by our people, Sinhalese, Muslims, Burghers, Malays and Tamils who will no doubts live their lives according to them.

[email protected]


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