Ice sheet melt threat reassessed
The collapse of a major polar ice sheet will not raise global sea
levels as much as previous projections suggest, a team of scientists has
calculated. Writing in Science, the researchers said that the demise of
the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) would result in a sea level rise of
3.3m (10 ft).
Previous estimates had forecast a rise in the region of five to six
metres. However, they added, the rise would still pose a serious threat
to major coastal cities, such as New York.
"Sea level rise is considered to be the one of the most serious
consequence of climate change," lead author Jonathan Bamber told the
Science podcast.
"A sea level rise of just 1.5m would displace 17 million people in
Bangladesh alone," he added. "So it is of the utmost importance to
understand the potential threats to coastlines and people living in
coastal areas."
Threat reassessed
Professor Bamber, from the University of Bristol's Glaciology Centre,
said that the WAIS posed "potentially one of the most serious threats".
The world has three ice sheets, Greenland, East Antarctica and West
Antarctica, but it is the latter that is considered most vulnerable to
climatic shifts. "It has been hypothesised for more than 30 years now
that the WAIS is inherently unstable," he explained. "This instability
means that the ice sheet could potentially rapidly collapse or rapidly
put a lot of ice into the oceans."
When the idea first emerged in the late 1970s, it was estimated that
global sea level would rise by five metres if the WAIS collapsed.
Current projections suggest that a complete collapse of WAIS would
result in an increase of up to six metres.
But Professor Bamber said that no-one had revisited the calculation,
despite new data sets becoming available, and scientists developing a
better understanding of the dynamics in the vast ice sheets. The
original estimates were based on "very basic ice thickness data", he
"Ice thickness data gives you information about the depth of the
bedrock underneath the ice sheet. "Over the past 30 years, we have
acquired much more ice thickness data over the whole of Antarctica,
particularly over West Antarctica.
"We also have much better surface topography. Those two data sets are
critical in determining two things."
The first was knowing the volume of ice that could contribute to sea
level rise, and the second was a better understanding of the proportion
of WAIS that was potentially susceptible to this instability.
Instead of as suming that the entire WAIS would collapse, causing sea
level to rise by up to six metres, Professor Bamber and colleagues used
models based on glaciological theory to simulate how the 2.2
million-cubic-km ice sheet would respond. "Our reassessment of West
Antarctica's contribution to sea level rise
if the ice sheet was to collapse is about 3.3 metres," he said.
"That is about half of the value that has been quoted up until now."
The team's study also calculated what regions were likely to
experience the biggest increases in sea level.
"Sea level rise is not uniform across the world's oceans, partly as a
result of disruptions to the Earth's gravity field," explained Professor
Bamber. "It turns out that the maximum increase in sea level rise is
at a latitude of about 40 degrees along the Atlantic and Pacific
seaboards of North America."
This would include cities such as San Francisco and New York. These
areas could expect increases of one-and-a-quarter times the global
average, the team estimated.
In other words, if the global average was one metre, then places like
New York could expect to see a rise of 1.25m. Responding to Professor
Bamber's paper in Science, British Antarctic
Survey science leader Dr David Vaughan described the findings as
"quite sound". "But for me, the most crucial question is not solely
about the total amount of ice in West Antarctica, because that might
take several centuries to be lost to the ocean," he told BBC News. "The
crucial question is how much ice could be lost in 100-200 years; that's
the sea level rise we have to understand and plan for. "Even with this
new assessment the loss of a fraction of WAIS over those timescales
would have serious consequences and costs that we've only really just
begun to understand."
-Science and environment reporter, BBC News