Most of us are satisfied with nature’s plan for making girls
different from boys. But she really went over board on the his and her
tear ducts. Men got a neat little valve, labelled clearly for `Emergency
use only’. But women have as standard equipment, a leaky faucet that
turns on and off all to easily. As a result we find that one sex spends
a certain length of time in sudden fits of foolish tears, difficult to
control. Doctors explain this as an attack of hiccups and just as
Meanwhile the other sex spends an equal time wondering what in the
worlds she’s crying for it means she is sad. But women can and do cry
for any one of a hundred reasons. But men with their straightforward
hearts think that all tears are alike.
They can cry because they are mad or because they are glad; they can
cry out of tenderness, vexation, they sometimes cry on purpose, and more
often by mistake and even when they don’t know why they are crying, they
certainly expect you to know why - and to do something about it.
But what can a man do? What should he do when women he loves.
Suddenly for no reason, he can see burst into tears? For too many men
fall back, at such times, they say the standard saying “I can’t stand to
see a woman’s cry is the common and old fashioned response.
A woman’s tears of sentiment sometimes are to be embarrassing coming
on at the wrong times and in the wrong place. Some wives try to conceal
the foolish tears of sentiment and sometimes brazen them out but many
others hope to be left alone, when an attack comes on.
The tears of vexation however, are extremely different. When a woman
weeps because she’s irritated she definitely does not want to be left
alone. She wants to be soothed but she is not in real anger.
Rage is too hot an emotion for tears dry up the respiratory passage
as well as the brain. A woman is far more likely to weep over a small
vexation than over a major outrage; tears of vexation are a wonderful
cooling system for the easy crier.
She will be smiling and tender again.And speaking of tenderness leads
us to the third kind of tears that women most often, shed with love. The
women you love will indiscriminately cry over anything; there are no
tricks, to getting along with a woman who weeps. Just keep cool and
figure out the reason for the latest fresher.
Asoka Samaranayake