Despite 26m global IDPs:
Sri Lanka’s IDP issue blown out of proportion
* No one in the world clears mines more quickly than
Sri Lankans - Defence scholar James Clad:
* IDP welfare centres have primary health centres,
mobile health clinics, mobile labs, doctors, nurses and ambulances:
* Over 4.2 million Iraqis are either living as
refugees or IDPs as a result of US invasion in 2003:
* Government is spending over Rs 1.4 to 1.8 billion
per month to upkeep IDPs:
* No other country resettled 40,000 IDPs within three
months of ending a conflict:
by Shenali WADUGE
The latest buzzword today is obviously IDP. Many are not aware of or
fail to acknowledge that globally, there are 11.4 million refugees and
26 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), according to the latest
estimates from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
It is little Sri Lanka that has to bear the brunt of accusations for
the manner it is looking after the IDPs. The IDP issue is currently the
main topic that allows the UN and western forces and their allies to
stampede upon Sri Lanka with varied accusations. It would be interesting
what their next modus operandi will be once the IDPs are all resettled.
But past experiences will predict that strategists must already be
planning out how else to ensnare Sri Lanka. The simple question remains,
if the Government had no care for the fate of these IDPs , why should
Government be spending over rupees 1.4 billion to 1.8 billion per month
to feed and maintain these innocent civilians in welfare centres?
Globally there are 11.4m refugees and 26.4m IDPs according to UNHCR.
Darfur crisis affected 4.2m people and displaced 2m in 2004 today
448,889 people are still living as IDPs. In Chad, where 700,000 have had
to flee fighting more than 185,000 people are displaced and living in
camps. In Congo, around 1.36m are displaced with 45,000 dying each month
from poverty related causes and other diseases. The lives of innocent in
Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of US-led strikes will reveal even more
gruesome stories.
As of 22 May 09 there were 288,938 persons at welfare camps in the
North of Sri Lanka. None of the above countries or any other including
Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans were able to resettle 40,000 within
three months of ending the conflict and none of these conflict ridden
countries can boast of having ended a conflict which means that these
IDP or refugee figures globally are likely to escalate at any given
Moreover, all resettlements of the displaced in Sri Lanka are tied to
programs that provide each family with 25,000 rupees to rebuild their
houses, free seed paddy to start their livelihood and free food for 6
months - even the poverty stricken others throughout the rest of Sri
Lanka are not given such facilities. A Samurdhi recipient gets only
Rs.100 per month.
It is now 60 years since the United Nations adopted the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. It is obvious that despite the reduction in
conflicts, there is a steep rise in IDPs. This could be the new strategy
of the Western powers whereby they would not have to commit their
soldiers and lose popularity at home by outsourcing fighters and
transporting them from country to country to create problems within
countries and uprooting divisions internally. This would allow Western
powers to shrug conspiracy theories of direct links to terror and their
own involvement while giving them the right to question the welfare of
human beings who now belong to a group called IDPs.
This strategy is being backed further by the UN which has even
appointed a Special Rappoteur on Human Rights of IDPs. Fantastic
strategy to adopt - these nations could then decide which countries they
could force entry upon (military intervention even) and which they could
ignore - the case of the Balkans becomes a perfect example where the
conflict was created by outsourced jihad fundamentalists but the western
powers divided Yugoslavia and created an independent Kosovo that would
serve their vested interests - unfortunately nothing much was done to
the IDPs of this region and nothing will be done either. The irony was
that the allied forces and NATO descended on Yugoslavia using the IDP as
a tool but little has been done to address their needs and nothing very
much is taking place in Iraq or Afghanistan either.
It was in 2004 September that then Secretary General Kofi Annan
invited Walter Kalin, a professor of Law at Bern University, Switzerland
to take on the role of his Representative on Human Rights of Internally
Displaced Persons - a role to be supported by the Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights. Walter Kalin’s predecessor was Dr.
Francis Deng, whose title did not have “human rights”.
* When there is a person designated by the UN for IDPs and their
“human rights” why did Sri Lanka have to bear the diplomatic niceties of
so many other UN envoys over the past several months asking to be shown
how we are looking after our own people? Shouldn’t Walter Kalin have
been the first to arrive in Sri Lanka no sooner the IDPs started life in
Government controlled camps?*
The UN Commission on Human Rights in 1992 acknowledged that internal
displacement was a serious human rights problem, yet there was no treaty
for their rights and no provision in a human rights convention
guaranteeing their rights. Yet, despite the mandate nothing has been
done in Iraq where there are 4.2 refugees and IDPs or Afghanistan since
2002 but there is unprecedented clamour about IDPs in Sri Lanka who is
signatory of the Guiding Principles.
Ultimate defeat
Perhaps this is the very reason why where one aspect of the guiding
principle identifies the relevance for UN peace keeping and thus the
concerns made by Sri Lankans of a foreign intervention. How can a
foreign peace keeping force provide the answers to returning IDPs back
to their homes? Over 230,000 Afghans are still homeless since 2002
despite an increasing number of foreign forces in Afghanistan.
But, little Sri Lanka home to what the FBI has described as the
world’s deadliest terror outfit and one that was banned in 33 nations is
surprisingly having plenty of powerful countries even those that banned
it attempt to stall its ultimate defeat. This may sound strange to
anyone who believes and accepts that the US, UK and the EU are strongly
in favour of eliminating terror. Why would they then attempt to even
create a scenario pushing for a deal that would give amnesty to the
fighters and safe passage of the LTTE tiger leaderships to an unknown
destination in Europe?
Sri Lanka was inundated with foreign dignitaries on the guise of
desiring to know the situation of the ordinary Tamils caught up amidst
the fighting. Not many voices rose out or laboured to free these people
while they were kept as “human shields” but no sooner they were saved
and given shelter, food and other essentials the world decides to send
countless more envoys to see the living conditions of these people. How
they lived earlier in fear is of no relevance to them it seems.
The facts are very clear - in just over three months the Government
has managed to resettle over 40,000 to their homes or homes of
relatives. All these are taking place as efforts continue to de-mine
areas which were under LTTE control. Over 400 Sri Lanka Army personnel,
seven INGOs and some Indian units have undertaken this task. Defence
scholar James Clad of the National Defense University noted in a recent
terrorism seminar at George Washington University that, “no one in the
world clears mines more quickly than the Sri Lankans.”
The Government has spent $2.5m to purchase five Slovakian de-mining
Would a Government unconcerned about the IDP welfare have done such a
purchase? It must be pointed out that while much uproar transpired for
the right of these IDPs to go to their relatives when the Government did
announce that relatives could sign up and accept the IDP relatives -
Only 2000 came forward. Contrary to what is promoted internationally 53
NGOs have access to these welfare centres and these centres have primary
health centres, mobile health clinics, mobile labs, doctors, nurses and
ambulances. All critics are kindly asked to check such facilities
available to IDPs in the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and conflict areas
of Africa before accusing Sri Lanka. Lynn Pascoe who was appointed Under
Secretary of the UN for Political Affairs in Feb 2007 took almost a year
to visit Iraq to assess the situation there.
Iraq may have had problems pre-US invasion but not to the extent it
is suffering as a result of US invasion having to deal with the largest
humanitarian and displacement crisis where millions of Iraqis have
either fled their homes, gone to other countries or living in constant
fear. All Iraqis now agree that Saddam Hussein’s era was not half as bad
as the present predicament.
There are 1.5m Iraqi refugees living in Syria, Jordan and other
neighbouring countries and 2.7 million IDPs in Iraq itself by June 2008
uprooted from their homes since the US invasion in 2003). These IDPs had
been displaced during 3 phases 1.6m in February 2006 during sectarian
violence including multinational military operations, 190,000 during the
general violence from 2003 to 2005 & 1.2m as a result of Saddam
Hussein’s “Arabization” of Kurdish areas.
Most of these have little access to food rations and are unemployed
and live in squalor. The Govt of Iraq has access to large sums of money
but it has done nothing to address these humanitarian needs which have
been taken over by Shiite and Sunni militias who now monopolize the
delivery of food, oil, electricity and money. The dangers of this
exercise only time will tell.
The International Organization for Migration in its bi-annual report
says “This is not a call for the U.S. to “do more”, to send more troops,
or to alter its strategy for withdrawal from Iraq. These problems
weren’t solved or even materially addressed during the “surge”, and
slowing down withdrawals wouldn’t make the slightest difference”.
The situation in Iraq where 4.2 million Iraqis are either living as
refugees in other countries or displaced within Iraq arose directly as a
result of US invasion in 2003 - therefore it becomes a moral right of
the US and allies to see that the people of Iraq are taken care of & the
“non-committal UNO” to ensure that the expensive foreign trips made by
their UN envoys are not subject to diplomatic niceties and no pressure
exerted upon the larger western nations for their violation of human
rights of innocent people.
Makeshift shacks
Afghanistan became the next target of the US and allies no sooner
9/11 occurred, before investigations even started or concluded
Afghanistan was attacked and today thousands of Afghans live in fear or
are homeless.
*At least 235,000 people are living in formal IDP camps since 2002
*while large numbers live in makeshift shacks, mud huts with almost no
sanitary, water or toilet facilities. A makeshift mud hut in the
outskirts of Kabul has over 4500 IDPs who had abandoned their homes due
to aerial strikes.
All of Afghan IDPs have to suffer the severe cold and there have been
unconfirmed reports of some IDPs even selling their children to survive
& feed the rest of their children. We can recall the 2004 tsunami in Sri
Lanka wherein amongst the kind hearted there were many who “stole”
children to be used as domestics and it was taking to consideration this
live example that the Government decided to have a stricter screening
process for the IDPs in the camps in the North.
* It is to be noted that since 2002 with a figure of 235,000 IDPs the
Afghan Govt and the UNHCR has still not confirmed the accurate date on
the IDPs or profiled each completely.*
Therefore, Sri Lanka deserves more praise than it is currently
Media has gone overboard with false accusations some even implying
that the people are being kept in “concentration camps” these accusers
should then explain why the Government would spend SLR9m per month for
the people’s welfare, provide healthcare and medical equipment and other
mobile services which even facilitated issuing of National Identity
Cards (in collaboration with UNDP), provide artificial limbs, hold GCE
O/L and A/L examinations and even provide additional teaching to train
them ahead of the exams, even provide vocational training to enable them
to start a means of livelihood once they leave the camps, provide
wheelchairs, crutches, white canes and Braille slates as well as housing
hundreds of elders into elders homes as no relatives have thus far come
forward to undertake to care for them.
Why would the Government also arrange with the Bank of Ceylon to
establish five banking units inside the welfare camps where 5000 IDPs
had been able to deposit Rs. 100m in just two months and 21,000 had even
opened new accounts? But, amidst these numbers there are large numbers
who belong to the Mahavir families of LTTE fighters & it must be posing
a task to have them accept that the LTTE killer force that provided them
a better means of living amongst their own is now no more and the
screening of these people is lengthy and time consuming.
UN agencies themselves will vouch for the difficulty in processing
people in the Balkans and Afghanistan and that exercise is still not
We all agree that life in a camp is not and would never be as
comfortable as living in one’s home - nevertheless we must remember that
these people did not jump from the frying pan into the fire - it is
actually the other way round. Would it have suited them to continue to
live as “human shields” of the LTTE? If the Government a year after the
LTTE defeat continues to keep these people in these camps then there is
all the reason to question why - but as of present when over 40,000 have
been resettled within just three months of eliminating a terror outfit
that reigned for almost 3 decades a little breather must be given and
Sri Lanka deserves not to be chided in this manner when the West has yet
to show a victory in terrorism despite having two key weapons at their
disposal - the sophisticated machinery and the skills in negotiating
Sri Lanka tried the second option over several decades and had to opt
for the 1st option of militarily defeating the terrorists and this
proved the most successful option with results appearing in less than
three years. Could it be that some may be eyeing potential “fighters”
within these camps as the world knows how dangerous LTTE fighters are -
recruiting and enlisting them is a better option than training
Courtesy: Asian Tribune |