Domestic Aides / Services
Active Attendants Cooks, Drivers, Gardeners, Houseboys,
Housemaids, Nannies, Watchers, Helpers, staying daily visiting. Also English
speaking persons with working experience for foreigners. Available at reasonable
rates. 0777-571336. CTS Enterprises, 20, Daham Mawatha, Katubedda.
Positions Wanted
Software Developer with more than six year experience
seeks a job .Net, Web, Desktop application, can work independently. Mobile
Tuition Available
ABA CIMA Edexcel Local Cambridge MBA Undergraduate
Programmes Mathematics Business Psychology Accounts Law Economics Commerce
Entrepreneurship. "COS" 2685649, 2671710, 0716128439.
Maths O/Levels 2010 London June Local December six and
twelve months crash courses covering basics Revision Nugegoda group classes
visiting mornings afternoons Kohuwela Dehiwela. 0755116762.
MI1378 |