19 dead as mudslide hits Rio hotel
RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan 2, 2010 - A mudslide struck a small luxury hotel
filled with New Year’s revelers on an island southwest of Rio de Janeiro
Friday, killing at least 19 people and leaving many others missing amid
tons of mud and debris.
Mudslides and flooding unleashed by days of torrential rains have
claimed the lives of 52 people since Wednesday across the state of Rio
de Janeiro, authorities said.
The heavy rains caused a hillside to give way on Ilha Grande in Rio
state, bringing an avalanche of mud, boulders and trees down on part of
the Hotel Sankay and three houses on the island.
“It is a vision of horror,” Rio’s deputy governor Luiz Fernando Pezao
told CBN radio, describing “a mountain of rocks and trees covering
various homes.”
A fire chief said the death toll at the site could rise to 40.
Authorities said the hotel was full to capacity with about 40 guests
bringing in the New Year at the idyllic seaside getaway, perched on a
jungle-covered hillside overlooking the water.
Nearby houses had also been rented out to vacationers for the holiday
The nationalities of the victims were not immediately known.
Officials said many people were still missing and believed buried by
the landslide.
“Based on our conversations with neighbors, the number of victims
could reach 40,” Colonel Pedro Machado, a fire chief, told CBN.
About 100 rescue workers and firefighters wrestled to remove the mud
and vegetation in the slim hope of finding survivors.
Machado earlier said “the chances of finding survivors are very
“Because the houses and the hotel are under tons of mud, the rescue
work is more difficult. We cannot use heavy equipment because of the
risk of setting off new landslides,” he said.
Authorities said most of the bodies recovered earlier were found on
land, but at least three had been pulled from the sea.
The Hotel Sankay, which opened in 1994, catered to Brazilian and
foreign tourists looking for a hard-to-reach beachside hideaway.
The island, whose Bananal beach can only be reached by water, is the
largest in a bay studded with pristine tropical islands.
At least seven other people were reported killed by a landslide in
the center of Angra dos Reis, a seaside town on the mainland overlooking
Ilha Grande Bay.
Although the rains stopped on Friday, authorities put Rio de Janeiro
on alert because of fears of potentially devastating mudslides in its
densely populated hillside favelas — or shanty towns.
About 20 people were reported killed on Thursday because of
subsidence and house collapses, mainly in and around the city.
In Baixada Fuminense, northern Rio, three rivers burst their banks,
forcing around 200 people to flee from their homes.