Sunday observer Media sponsor:
The Fab Beatles concert
First time in Sri Lanka:
The music of the Beatles can never be forgotten.The most sought after
Beatles' tribute band The Fab Beatles will perform live in Sri Lanka on
September 18 at the Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Centre.
The fabulous concert will be presented by Mystere Entertainment Lanka
in collaboration with the Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka's leading newspaper
with the highest circulation.
UK's No. 1 Beatles tribute band was formed in 1991 and have risen
through sheer hard work and dedication to be one of the most
sought-after bands in the world today. The foursome has performed
concerts all over UK and are the rage in Europe, Middle East and the
Americas. Chosen by the BBC as 'The Best' and commissioned by EMI to
promote the 'Beatles1' CD, the Fab Beatles pride themselves on
professionalism and attention to detail.
It is a well documented fact that the Fab's sound is the closest you
will ever hear to the originals. The members use only authentic
instruments and costume and can now boast to have the very drum-kit
Ringo used on The Beatles 1964 American tour no-less!
Unlike other acts, The Fab Beatles use no other musicians or tape
machines during their shows. Every instrument is played completely
'live' by them. Their shows cover all the main eras of the Beatles
trilogy. From the Cavern / Hamburg / Mop-Top period; through to Rubber
Soul / Revolver; Sgt. Pepper's and the Magical Mystery Tour, finishing
up with the songs from Abbey Road and Let It Be albums.
John Lennon's first cousin Stan Parkes has said "I must say, that
their presentation of the Beatles is excellent. In fact I could quite
believe that I was actually listening to the Beatles. I'm sending a copy
to Julia, John's sister."
The Fab Beatles are a popular band at wedding receptions in the UK
and the feedback by one of the clients Emma and Matt from Manchester
reads like this:
"Dear Kev, (the leader of the group) having just relaxed after a
fantastic wedding service and reception, I want to thank you and the Fab
Beatles for what was a wonderful fun night.
The reception was full of celebrities who are used to good
entertainment but they all told me how much they enjoyed the show. The
sound was so realistic that it felt as if the Beatles were in the room.
The Fab Beatles were great value and the DJ said that their two live
sets were the best he had ever heard.
The Fab Beatles were amazing. "So don't miss out on the music
industry's No. 1 choice.
See and hear for yourself!