Floodwater threatens overwhelming damage to Great Barrier Reef
The great deluge is pumping contaminated water into
the ocean, with potentially disastrous results:
By Michael McCarthy
Previous floods have hit the reef's biodiversity but this event is in
a different league Australia's great Barrier Reef, one of the ecological
wonders of the world, may also be severely affected by the Queensland
floods. The pristine waters of the vast 1,400-mile reef system, home to
thousands of exotic and often endangered marine species, from whales and
dolphins, seabirds and tropical fish to tiny coral polyps, are
threatened by huge volumes of polluted floodwater flowing out from the
coast. Already the brown flood "plume" has been detected offshore over a
huge expanse of sea, stretching more than 1,000 miles from Cooktown in
northern Queensland to Grafton, south of Brisbane in northern New South
Wales. But it is in the centre of this area - the Barrier Reef's
southern sector - that the threat is greatest.
Will the Reef survive?
Here, three big rivers are pouring their swollen and filthy waters
out constantly - from north to south the Burdekin, which flows into the
sea at Upstart Bay south of Townsville, the Fitzroy which enters the sea
at Keppel Bay near Rockhampton, and the Burnett River, which empties
into the Pacific at Burnett Heads near Bundaberg.
In all of these, top soil, sediment, rubbish, pesticides and
fertilisers from farmland are being washed through the river systems out
to sea, as well, potentially, as trace metals from flooded mines. All of
these contaminants will be dumped on the reef and affect its salinity
and water quality, besides directly threatening much of the fragile life
in what is the world's largest living organism and the only one which
can be seen from space. The sediment in particular can silt up the coral
reefs, the foundation for the whole ecosystem, and other habitats such
as the extensive sea grass beds, which are used for grazing by those
exotic sea mammals, dugongs. And there can be other, stranger impacts.In
the past, large floods of the Burdekin River have led to outbreaks of
coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish, and there is concern that a new
wave could soon form on the reef.
"The timing and location of the three observed outbreaks of
crown-of-thorns starfish in the past have all coincided with the times
and place where the largest Burdekin floods have impinged on the reef,"
said Dr Katharina Fabricius, principal research scientist at the
Australian Institute of Marine Science. "These outbreaks are still the
greatest source of coral mortality on the Great Barrier Reef." Off the
Fitzroy River delta, where hydrologists estimate that the equivalent of
three Sydney Harbours of floodwater is flowing out to sea through nearby
Rockhampton and into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon every day, the Keppel
Island group is in the firing line. Floods in
1991 wiped out vast swathes of coral in the islands. Laureth Craggs,
who runs the tourist resort of Pumpkin Island, said that water
visibility was already down to one metre. "It is normally 25-30m under
water, but the usually crystal-clear turquoise water is a murky mud
brown," she said. "You can't see a thing."
Ms Craggs, who owns the five-cottage eco-island with her partner
Wayne Rumble, said: "It is frightening to think that if 90 per cent of
the coral dies, then all the sea life and tropical fish will also die
with it or disappear." "These are extraordinary events," said Jon
Brodie, principle researcher for the James Cook University's Australian
Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research. "The whole of the inner-shore
reef lagoon is filled with river water."
Mr. Brodie describes the threat to many coral reefs closest to the
flooding rivers as "quite high" but expects the flood waters to affect
in some way the reefs stretching from Frazer Island, 125 miles north of
Brisbane, all the way to Cairns, 930 miles further north, as the
prevailing tides and south-easterly winds mean the flood waters will
probably continue to head in a northerly direction. "It's quite
remarkable to see," he said. "If you were to snorkel where the flood
water meets the seawater and look to one side, the sea water will be
clear with visibility to 50 metres, while the other side is fresh, dirty
brown water where visibility is down to a metre."
The mix of nutrients, sediment and pesticides from agricultural
run-off, plus unknown amounts of trace metals from flooded mines, will
be likely to have an immediately devastating impact on corals and sea
grasses, Mr Brodie said, with salinity possibly dropping to 10 parts per
thousand or less, and remaining like that for weeks. "Nothing can live
in those conditions," he said.
The reef is one of the world's most biodiverse, or species-rich,
habitats in the world.
Besides its 1,500 species of tropical fish, 30 species of whales,
dolphins and porpoises have been recorded in its waters, along with six
out of the seven sea turtle species, 15 species of seagrass, 215 species
of birds and 17 species of sea snake.
Courtesy: The Independent