Intriguing and emotional account of a natural calamity
Reviewed by Katherine Abeykone
A story is told about a village in Narigama, Hikkaduwa when the
tsunami crashed into its shores and brought about devastation and
destruction to the fishing community in and around the area. A poor
fisher family living in this traditionally fisher-cum-tourist resort in
the south of Sri Lanka takes a beating like numerous families did, on
Boxing Day in December 2004. The daughter and mother are out shopping in
the southern city of Galle when the tsunami strikes; the mother perishes
and the daughter Devika, is struck down and rendered unconscious, then
suffers loss of memory and ends up in hospital.
This is only the beginning of her travails, as scheming flesh traders
connive with local counterparts to spirit her away, with other girl
children, to the flesh pots of South East Asia, to feed the demands of
the growing number of perverts in that region.

Poseidon’s Wrath....Author: Lucky de Chickera |
Her brother Lal, and two friends, Kamal and Mihiri, with the help of
Kamal's uncle, a retired GA of yesteryear, and his DIG friend from
university days, trace the girl to the hospital, and then when she is
abducted from there, track her down through intriguing southern trails
of Mirissa and Matara where her deportation by sea is planned. The
confrontation comes to a climax on New Year's eve on the shores of the
Matara seas when the Special Forces under the command of the DIG indulge
in shootout with the foreign abductees, based on a yacht out at sea.
Devika's father, a fisherman, has fallen amongst a rum lot, and
regularly comes home drunk from his fishing trips causing problems for
the household especially to his wife Menike, until the destructive wave
hits, and his eyes are open, to the misery and unhappiness he has
brought about on his family. In his blind fury he visits the ravaged
beaches of Narigama in the dead of night, and curses Poseidon,
challenging the Sea God, to release his wife and to take him on, in a
tryst to death, which ultimately results in his demise.
The first part of the tale tells of the massive destruction brought
about but the killer wave, leaving thousands of locals and foreigners
dead in its wake. The descriptive powers of the author is eminently
displayed when the returning children and Kamal's uncle beheld the utter
chaos on Galle road after tsunami had struck, and I quote;
"There were holes as big as craters on the seaside, where there were
boutiques and shops, now there was empty space, buildings had caved in,
there were all sorts of twisted and damaged furniture strewn around,
tree trunks lay across the road, perimeter walls were completely
destroyed, and there was an awful smell of stagnant water and rotting
vegetation, and then, and then, they saw the inert dead bodies;
grotesquely still, and twisted in death, tourists, locals, naked, half
clothed, some of them holding on to each other, glazed eyes, faces
reflecting fear, mouths open, hands raised as if trying to deflect a
striking force; children, men, women, old and young, all lay motionless,
Then Lucky goes on to relate the disastrous train tragedy at
Peraliya, in his own imaginative style, and brings out the pain and
agony of those who survived, whilst conveying to the reader at the same
time, the trauma and tragedy of this horrendous accident. It is so
vividly described that one feels the direct involvement of the author.
Lucky very skilfully relates the part played by Poseidon the mythical
God of the sea who has powers over volcanoes, earthquakes, horses and
tsunamis. The prologue tells of the Sea God's destructive power in the
ancient world of mythology, and the fear, the people of Greece whose
Mythical God he was, looked upon him with.
He then brings the reader upto present day happenings of erupting
volcanoes, melting ice caps and rising tides, in his epilogue, tying
this up with the destruction of the environment by modern man, who the
author says, will finally have to face the wrath of the God of the
Sea... Poseidon, for his wilful damage of nature and Poseidon's
domain... a prophecy?
The story brings out the poignant flowering of first love between a
young boy and a girl who cannot understand the feeling but enjoy the
relationship without damaging its wonder and beauty.
It tells of the strong bonding between two long standing friends of
the old school type, one a retired Sinhala GA, and the other a Tamil DIG
of police who work hand in hand to overcome a web of deceit and
abduction. The question Lucky asks here is why this cannot be done in
today's Sri Lanka between professionals of the two ethnicities, without
yielding to petty, divisive thinking, and disruptive politics as is
Lucky also spotlights on the rampant bribery and corruption that
prevails in our society, and lays the blame squarely on the laps of our
politician, whom he holds responsible for the lawlessness of the
Even the public servant who is honest and persevering and wants to do
a job of work becomes demotivated and frustrated when he sees his
colleagues and those around him resorting to unethical lifestyles, and
flourishing in the process. OIC Siriwardena a clean cop who was
handpicked to fight the drug and sex trade is ultimately won over by the
International Mafia, as he confesses to his superior in a pulsating
"Yes for money, money I would never have earned in many lifetimes
working for you, money I should have received, but never did from the
likes of you...." "... I was never appreciated nor recognized by the
people I worked for; I was just a bit of furniture..." "I tried to be a
clean cop, whilst others were making hundreds of thousands, millions and
living it up in style. They aligned themselves with powerful politicians
and helped themselves in stashing away money by giving protection to
those every same corrupt saviours of the masses, and crawled up the
ladder to higher positions in the process. What happens to Ms Clean Cop?
he went on, No promotions, no money, no family, no nothing, just eking
an existence and running the risk of getting maimed for life or being
Like the humour that Shakespeare brings into his plays, releasing the
tension and tenacity he builds up in the audience, Lucky introduces the
reader to some of the lighter sides of his story and brings a smile to
our faces on a number of instances, when in the midst of high drama.
The Author uses very clear cut and laid back prose right through his
novel and the reader should have no difficulty in understanding and
enjoying this intriguing and emotional description of a once in a
lifetime natural calamity that befell our country, as told in this
story, in his own inimitable style. Like what Capt Elmo Jayawardena, the
well-known Sri Lankan English writer and winner of the Gratiaen award
said"... the author has moved up in the Sri Lankan Literary World from
inessential spectator to privileged actor, and I cheer him on", so do I.