Christmas without Scampi
Your were like the morning star that came to my life;
Innocent and trusting to create life's joy
Full of love and bondage to last a time,
To what lay ahead which you announced;
It became the decade that you and I only knew
Built on pillars of human strength....
You were the joyous melody of SPRING
And rays of the glowing golden SUMMER
You wipe out the cruel bite of WINTER
And watched the falling leaves of AUTUMN
As you passed the ten seasons, one by one...
Day and night I am left alone dreaming;
Empty vision merging the restless night
I hear your soft moans as if you are still there:
As emptiness greets me everywhere,
And precious SCAMPI, you are still my world
Where memories abide, now and ever...
Flowers bloom again though I am sad
As mist gives way to each new morn,
The same birds chirp atop the trees
And look down in search of their canine pal
To find a void instead their friend
As Christmas winds chill the air ....
I was richer with your abiding love;
That I found in your gentle tender eyes
They told me an amazing wondrous story
That words could never write
But you are gone my precious child
Taking happiness away from my life
The ache in my heart keeps swelling with pain;
As joyous Christmas bells peal the air
And to know you are not there to hear them sing
And share the hymn's love and peace
But your loving memories linger
As fresh as the bright morning star ...
My words fall short of what I wish to say;
How sad and lonely I am on Christmas day
When joy and tiding spread upon the earth
And you are not there to share it with me
But wherever you are, my eternal friend
Happy Christmas
Gwen Herat
The poet conveys her heart-felt grief for
the dear departed pet Scampi. It is the Christmas, the time of merry
making as well as time of remembrance of the departed kith and kin. In
this long narrative poem, the poet describes in eloquent terms what a
bigger role that Scampi had been playing in the poet's life. It was like
the morning star and the poet could feel the emotional void that the
death of the pet created in her life. The poet skilfully recreates the
void of the pet in the readers when she referred to everyday occurrences
associated with the fond memories of the pet. As before the flowers
would bloom, mist gives its way to each new morn but without the
presence of the pet. Now, instead of the pet, there is a vacant kannel
and an unbearable void. The poem is noted for its evocative diction and
master craftsmanship which have made an individual experience, a
universal one.
New Year without my mum
Here comes it again
The New Year's dawn
All are waiting for
With feelings nice and glowing;
Yet, my heart's yelling
With an unutterable grief
How can I ring the door bell,
When you're not in, to open the door?
None can do it like you,
None can make me happy like you,
None is at home to welcome me;
None is there at home any more
To talk and laugh with;
To air my grievances;
To share my happiness;
To care for me and the kids
You're the one and the only one,
Who ever could make me really happy
Alas! Now....
Who's there in my home;
To caress me, solacing me with both hands;
Who'll listen to my travails and worries;
To solve them in every best way?
I feel my mum call me lovingly;
I feel her love, warmth and gentleness;
I feel you're always with me, mum,
I feel you live among us forever
When I step into my hometown,
I feel you're at home
Yes, mum, I imagine you're at the gate,
Waiting to kiss me as usual...
Oh! My beloved mother,
Home is really empty without you
The great one is missing forever
How did it happen? I don't know
Cruel destiny!
Why did you take away, my Mum From me?
So, my dearest darling Mum,
New Year without you is utterly meaningless ...to me
Who will ever be able to fill that vast gap?
Farewell! With collapsed heart,
The poem is dedicated to fond memories of a
mother. The poet describes in intimate terms the pivotal role that her
mother played in her life. The mother's loss is irreparable for her. The
poet is, somewhat, successful in translating an individual experience
into a universal experience.
Justice (?)
Oh! dear lady,
You appeal to us-
Women of this country
To join hands with you
To demand Justice!
And may I ask you
Twenty years ago
Did you ever think of
Joining the mothers
Who lamented
For their lost sons
And bereaved wives
Of many innocence men
Who lost their lives
At the killing sprees
Carried out with so much zealous
By both 'Reds' and 'Greens'
I know you didn't hear
Their cries and pleas
'Coz, you were fast asleep
In your comfortable world
Your family safe and sound
Intact of all the evils
While our sons
Were abducted
Tortured and brutally killed
For appearing
And clamouring
For Justice!
So, I tell you lady
Sorry, I cannot join you
'Coz, my justice
Does not equal
With the terms of
Your Justice!
Ambika Dissanayake
In this poem, the poet sarcastically
addresses a lady who appealed to the women to join hands with her.
However, the poet reminds that 'saviour lady' had been silent when the
sons of the masses were abducted and tortured by the 'reds' and the
'greens' so the poet's notion of justice is not the same as the
'justice' of the lady. The poet has used simple diction lased with
An ode to immortality
It is quite rare
Like the sight of a unicorn
In close proximity
Ready to charge you
At the slightest provocation
As the sagacious poet
Reciting poems,
In a trance
Woven with depth
And varying layers of meaning
Wearing nonchalantly
A white Kurta
With eye-catching designs
And a pure-black trouser
Are there your poems
Loaded like missiles
Targeting their victims
Found its specific qualities
Of breath-taking accuracy
And piercing sharpness
By being a diasporic writer
Travelling the globe
Accumulating the heavy-load
Of heart-numbing and tantalising
Array of experiences
Later finding its shape
As nostalgic memories
Transmuted as words
Parading with pomp and pageantry
Giving birth to written form
Ensuing it is collected
And safe-guarded
As bulky book of wisdom
Later when you
Autographed your anthology
Which I bought
Without regret
Pricing its value
To multiply with the
Steep steps of time
Ensuing that I cherish
The lengthy and friendly
Conversation we had
I, seated next to you
Having a sumptuous dinner
Naturally, you being the host
Was quite effervescent
Spreading the gospel of goodwill
With cacophony of laughter
Making the feast
An event of merriment
With the stark realisation
Of our imminent parting
Giving way to
A stabbing pain
Vowing to subside
The inflammable joy
With a chilling prospect of
Impending winter of despair
On the event of
Our irrevocable farewell
Ranjan Amarasinghe
The long narrative poem is about the poet's
last meeting with a diasporic poet/ writer. The diasporic writer, who
gathered a wealth of life experiences during his many encounters and
travels in diverse parts of the world, had presented them in a memoir.
At the launch, the poet had met the writer and had a long chat not
knowing that it would be the poet's last encounter with the diasporic
writer. Although the poem is about an encounter, the long narration has,
to a certain degree, hampered the effective conveyance of the message.
The poet has used down to earth diction.
Greatest son
The carbuncular ulcers
Of sanguinary war
You head with valour
And profound wisdom
You shielded me from howling storms
Blowing from the West
And feared not the zombies
Of mercenary combats
Like bodhisattva
Who swarm for days
You saved my life from
Violent chauvinist waves
You touched my heart strings
With your unflinching love
And your respect for me
Is deep and fathomless
I bear no fear now of such
Dark calamities
And I feel secured
In your boundless warmth
And you are the greatest son
Born of my womb
Anil Pagoda Arachchi
The poem is a tribute to armed forces,
leaders who contributed to the total eradication of terrorism. The poet
echoes the great sense of relief that masses experienced following the
defeat of terrorism. Now, there is no terror out there lurking to pounce
on the masses in the forms of time-bombs and ambushes. So, the one who
salvaged the nation from the terror is the greatest son.
Of what life's like
A dew drop
On a blade of grass
At dawn...
Conceived in the eye of God
Born of the mists of air,
Shining lowly sings its song
Bright but sad
Twinkles through
A heavenly ray of light;
Silver, crimson, orange, green,
Indigo, violet
Vanishes now, a little dot,
Into nothingness
Back to the ether
From where it came
Winston Nicolle
In comparing life to fragile and transient
occurrences, the poet tries to describe life, its uncertainties and its
fragile nature. It's like dew droplets on blades of grass in the morning
and like a rainbow which would reduce into a dot in a second. The poem
is noted for its brevity.
Dear Mrs soldier
I know that they all are happy
As the war took last breath
Seems forgotten, burnt yesterday
All back in the competition
Dear Mrs Soldier... Yet, you aren't
You were crowned with thorns
When, we marched through
The silver swards pointed to infinity
Memories, of us as bride and groom
It's been too long now since I first left,
For my tour of duty at country's request
We, thought, rather fight in the other's soils,
Than to have our country become spoils
I might come back clad in medals or a coffin
Even flown in wounded and coughing
But, you told my kids "Dad will be all right"
And you hope "it's not a lie"
We fought in sand dunes &dense jungles
Had a single enemy to take on
Fought in office, school, market, hospitals
You, my brave; on my behalf
Acted as my cook, maid, nurse & therapist
I was top in your protocol
When I got my duty calls,
You became my No. 2
They kept me on top, even above God,
'Cos they wanted me to lower their fear
And die for them, shed blood for them
They enjoy the Victory, didn't care blood or tears
Turned back, for the first time in my life
I was nowhere in their list, no one knew me
Only dry cleaner knew me by first name
Asked, what they gave me, as I gave all mine
Came back to my home, as no other options
Knowing, I must settle there for the rest of my life,
With, a tearful welcome kiss and opened arms
You whispered, "You are my hero and no 1, ever"
No one ever felt, recognized, praised or stood for
The unfatigable & brave heroin, behind the screen
Neither me, shamed; yet, you still loved
Hence, on this judgment day; let me stood to......
Salute you and your love .......
Hubby -in Combat
Lt. Col. Nilantha Jayaweera
The poem is aboutthe battle-hardened
soldiers who valiantly fought to liberate the country from the
terrorists. It was a fierce battle in which thousands of brave soldiers
had to sacrifice their lives. The poet who is also a battle -hardened
soldier had led the Sri Lankan forces to victory. |