Anthropological account of lasting value
Kalutara an Odessey
Author: Bradman Weerakoon
Reviewed by Ranga Chandrarathne
Kalutara an Odyssey by Bradman Weerakoon, a seminal publication on
Kalutara is, perhaps, one of the best anthropological accounts ever
written on Kalutara in the post independent Sri Lanka. This rather
meticulous study not only covers its main subject Kalutara but also its
adjoining cities of Panadura, Aluthgama and Beruwela.
The author’s forte is his remarkable ability to fuse faction,
legends, history and touch of nostalgia into an enchanting narrative
which is both informative in its primary sense and absorbing in its own
Kalutara an Odessey
Author: Bradman Weerakoon |
It is not the mere flavour of didactic academic writing which looks
for exhaustive details and nor the casual diary entries of an
outstanding bureaucrat of our era but writings of an assuming humanist
who looks back, with love and justifiable pride, on the generations who
lived in Kalutara and its neighbouring townships.
It is an objective account of Kalutara tracing back its history to
the colonial past, uneasy passage to independence and the dominant
figures who defined diverse eras. Yet there is an enthusiastic voice
underneath the plain text which grabs the reader’s attention throughout
the book.
“I was tempted to base this story on the Kalutara district on the
earlier, officially written manuals of districts and provinces, mainly
in colonial times. Several of these written by administrators of the
past in the 19th and 20th century, are in the nature of classics.
There is, therefore, much that may appear obvious or miscellaneous
information in this book. …. There are two major contributions of the
people of the district…the service rendered to the revival of Buddhism
in the country through Panadura debate (1873) and the rise of reformist
sects, particularly the Ramanna Nikaya in Payagala in mid 19th Century”
states the author Weerakoon stressing the singular contribution that the
people of Kalutara district made to enrich the socio-cultural life in
the post independent Sri Lanka.
History of the landmass
Tracing the history of the landmass, the author points out that
Kalutara had attracted foreigners such as Portuguese, Dutch and English
and in the pre-colonial history the Kalutara District served as a
boundary of Ruhunu Rata.
“The town of Kalutara can lay claim to a long and colourful history.
In ancient times the town was known as Velapura and there is yet ( the
powerful of tradition and memory being so strong) a street, a junior
school and a private health clinic using the name, in its busy bazaar. I
found the authoritative Government Census Report of 1901 support the
story that city was called Velapura. …Headman’s Division of Kalutara
South and North were called Velapura Kalutara and Desastra
Kalutara…Bentara ganga marked the extremity of Ruhuna and the boundary
between the South and Western Province”
The majestic river Kalu Ganga is an important landmark of Kalutara
District. From the ancient times, the river had been used as a major
mode of transportation of goods and people from Sabaragamuwa
(North-Western Province) to Kalutara and was a principal gateway into
the country. Colonial administrator such as Emerson Tenant has described
the boat ride along Kalu Ganga.
“ ..the decent of Kalu-ganga from Ratnapura to Caltura (Kalutara) is
effected with great ease in the boats which bring down rice and
arecanuts to the coast, and the scenery include everything that is
characteristic of the Western lowlands; temples reached by ghauts rising
from the edge of the river; and villages surrounded by groves of
tamarind and jak trees, talipats, coconut and kitools. Along the banks,
the yellow stemmed bamboo waves its featherly leaves, and on approaching
the sea the crew pines and mangroves grew in dense clusters, and
over-arch the margin of the stream.”
The fascinating description on Kalu Ganga includes the history of the
river and the legends behind naming it Kalu ganga. In ancient times, the
goods were transported by makeshift boats called padda and the boat
owner was called Thandal Mudalaali . The author states that the world
Thandal comes from the English word ‘tindal’ which the Carters
Dictionary describes as the ‘owner of a dhony. As to the formation of
the name of Kalu Ganga, the author states that according to one school
of thinking the river gained its name owing to ‘its darkest mood
especially at flood times in its lower reaches” and another was that it
gained its name because of its beauty which is also described in Sinhala
with a suffix Kalu as Dakum Kalu ( beautiful), Sith Kalu (attractive).
In pre-modern times, the people settled on both banks of the river,
before the bridge was built, crossed the river by ferry boats. The wind
mouth of the river ( approximately 1kilometre) would compel a break in
transportation and invariably the habit was formed in making offerings
to four guardian deities.
“ Beginning in mediaeval times, the ‘break travel’ whether it was by
horse, bullock or on foot, needed ancillary services like food and
accommodation for the weary traveller, and rest house ( earlier
ambalamas) with galas or stables for the bullock and horses. …offerings
to the four guardians deities of the country at such vulnerable
river-crossing site was common and …following an old tradition no
traveler along the Galle Road will go past the sacred Bo tree which
stands on the southern bank of the river, without an act of obeisance to
the Bo tree”
The Great Dagoba
The account of the great Dagoba or pagoda which is a prominent
landmark of Kalutara is interesting one. The Dagoba was constructed in
1970s by famous Sri Lankan engineer A.N Kulasinghe. The unique feature
of the Dagoba is that devotees can visit the core of the Dagoba and the
inner wall of hallow was adorned with paintings depicting scene from
Jataka stories.
Tracing back to the history of Dagoba, the author states; “Before the
European conquerors, starting with the Portuguese, came in 15th century,
the small hill on the Southern bank of Kalu Ganga on which the Dagoda
now stands was the site of Gangatileke vihare. Close to the vihare had
been planted a Bo tree of Anuradhapura, which has stood there since its
planting at the time of the Arahat Mahinda in the 3rd century BC.
Incidentally, I was reliably informed that the Bodhi tree on the sea
side of Colombo –Galle road, at which the majority of passers-by make
their offerings , is a later addition-possibly sapling itself of the
ancient Bo tree on the landside at the edge of the river and alongside
the Dagoba. “
It is obvious that the author has done meticulous researches not only
into places of interest which are also prominent landmarks of Kalutara
but also into lives of prominent personalities associated with Kalutara.
Sir Cyril de Zoysa
One of the colossal figures associated with Kalutara is Sir Cyrill de
Zoysa who founded the Kalutara Bodhi Trust. It was thanks to his
pioneering effort that Sri Lankans can worship the Dagoba and Bodhi tree
which is now famous throughout the world. Sir Cyril de Zoysa was not
only a highly successful lawyer who practised at Kalutara and Matugama
Courts but also a transport entrepreneur who owned ‘Swarnapali’ Bus
Company which was later came to know as ‘South Western Bus Company’.
“I made his acquaintance after he entered politics and became
President of the Senate in the 1960’s. (That was the time when Mrs
Sirimawo Bandaranaike, the world’s first woman Prime Minister was in the
Senate and I worked as her official secretary)”
Sir Cyril de Zoysa is best remembered for the establishment of the
Bodhi Trust of Kalutara in 1980’s. Zoysa’s struggle to make the Bodhi
accessible to devotees was a bitter struggle against the colonial
authorities. He commenced his campaign in the 1940’s and wrote about the
then state of the Bodhi which was barricaded on one was allowed to enter
the premises. Cyril de Zoysa himself wrote ; “ No one was allowed to
approach the Kalutara Bodhi even if it were only to offer flowers or
light a lamp. The Government Agent of Kalutara deployed the Police to
secure the place and chase away people who came in to the Bodhi to
worship there. I got wind of this. I cannot indeed account for the
sentiments that arose within me to erect, even forcibly, a stand to
place flowers before the Bodhi and conduct a Buddhist religious ceremony
Following a bitter struggle, Sir Cyril de Zoysa was able to obtain
the entire area, 10 acres of prime land from the Government for him to
set up the Bodhi Trust of Kalutara.
Many faces of religions
Although Kalutara is famous for the Bodhi and numerous Buddhist
temples, its religious diversity is breathtaking. One of the facts of
the predominant Buddhists of Kalutara is their higher degree of
religious tolerance.
“The large number of churches, statues of Christian saints and
numerous mosques one sees on the coast road (the A2) between Panadura
and Aluthgama speak to the tolerance that the large Buddhist majority
display in regard to religious diversity. The history of this area in
particular the heavy penetration of the Christian religion and work of
missionary societies –has left a legacy which remains. In many middle-
class family networks it is not unusual to find branches of family that
have adopted faiths different to that of the original forebears. Other
important Catholic churches and shrines, which draw large crowds at
festival time are ones at Kalamulla, Payagala and Maggona. A replica of
Mount Calvary in Maggona is especially venerated by the devout Catholic
Kalutara in Colonial times
The author in a moving piece of research records the importance of
Kalutara in Colonial times. One of the facts that the colonials were
attracted to Kalutara was that the large river mouth offered a
convenient anchorage for their ships and gateway into the country. One
of the prime motives of colonial occupation of Kalutara was trade.
“The Dutch occupation of Kalutara and their presence in the district
was motivated chiefly by their interest in trade. The 17th century
Europe saw the rise of Dutch power through their enterprising merchants
who were determined to wrest control the spice trade from the
Portuguese. Europe needed spices-chiefly cinnamon, cloves, mace, nutmeg
and paper. The East Indies- especially Java and Sumatra and later
Ceylon, were the prime targets for these commodities. Earlier, for
centuries these essential spices for food preservation during the long
European winter months had come overland along the Silk route, also
called spice road. “
The United Dutch East India Company (VOC, Vereenigde Netherlandsche
Oostindiche Compagnie) with the support of the Dutch Government played a
prominent role in the trade.
In describing the society in Colonial times, the author noted how
Sinhalese rose in rank to occupy prominent positions in the then British
colonial society. Remaining legacy of such personality was the Richmond
Castle built by Padikkara Mudliyar Don A Silva Wijayasinghe Siriwardene
Richmond Castle
One of the important facets of rise of Don A Silva Wijesinghe was
that it marked the formation of Ceylonese bureaucracy. His lavish
wedding vindicates the power and wealth he gathered during the colonial
times as an important official in the British colonial administration.
“ …Siriwardene was able to contract a marriage which brought in
status and property enabling him to live a life of great influence
rivalling the hospitality of the legendary chieftains in the time of
Sinhalese kings. His wife of Kandyan Sinhalese origin was from the
Suriyabandara clan and the wedding party travelled by special train to
Kalutara from Kandy , along with British officials from Colombo for the
elaborate ceremonies arranged in the ‘Castle’ which Siriwardene had
built on the bank of the Kaluganga. …it was conceived of the image of
royal castle in England. Richmond Castle is a two-storeyed building with
99 doors and 34 windows. “
Among the important Government establishments in Kalutara are
National Institute of Health Services (NIHS) and the Police Training
Although the book is primarily on Kalutara, the author explores the
adjoining towns such as Panadura and Aluthgama. In the chapter on
Panadura. Apart from great debate on Buddhism (Panadura Vadaya) ,
Panadura is famous for some of the well-known personalities. Among them
are Mohottivatte Gunanada Thera, G.P Malalasekera, Wilmot A Perera and
Cyril Jansz.
Multilingual constituency of Beruwela
The detailed account of Beruwela is an interesting one. The author
states that this unique multilingual constituency is one of the 39
Divisional Secretariat Units (Outside the Northern and Eastern
Provinces) where Tamil shall be used along with the official language
(Sinhalese) for administrative purposes.
“Many travellers over the centuries have written of Beruwela which
was at most times regarded as the main centre of Muslim settlement. A
tombstone with the appellation ‘Hijra 331’ found in a cemetery in
Beruwela, indicates that Muslims had settled there from as far back as
the 10th century.”
Kalutara District is noted for its diversity in livelihoods.
Prominent among the main livelihoods are farming, fishing, handicraft,
toddy and arrack, tourism, garment industries. Among the sports of the
District include cricket, water scooting and motor sports.
The diverse cultural life of Kalutara District is vividly captured in
the Chapter 3 in which among other things author has mentioned the
overarching European influence on the cultural life of the population
and the other influences such waves of migrants as Arabs which resulted
in the formation of a sizable constituency of Muslims in the District.
“The geographical location of the Kalutara District, on the South
Western seaboard of the island, endowed with numerous bays and estuaries
which provided safe anchorage in the days of the sailing ship, made it a
natural site for migration and entry. And history records that they came
from the South and West of India, from Arabia, the eastern African coast
and Malay Archipelago. The position of the district, facing the Arabian
sea, in the time of European expansion into the East in the 18th and
19th century, further influenced the ethnic mosaic of the district. In
colonial times particularly, Kalutara became a plural district, one in
which the Sinhalese, Muslim, Tamil, Burgher and Malay people live and
where Buddhist, Islamic, Christian and Hindu religions also coexisted
relatively harmoniously. “
Interestingly, colonial influence is not only visible in the
architecture of the building but is new words which have been easily
found their way into Sinhalese. The author pointed out that some of the
Portuguese words such as janela (window), mese (table), almariya
(wardrobe), Kamisa (shirt) Kalisan (trousers), mes (Stockings), Sapathu
(Shoes) , alpenetti (pins) and bottama (Button) as well as Dutch words
such as istoppuwa ( veranda), soldare (upstairs) and Tarappuwa (
Staircase) have been added over the years to Sinhalese.
In the chapter 7, the author offers a detailed account of the history
and the developments of networks of roads, railways and by ways in
Kalutara District. Although coaches, carts, hackery or buddy cart in the
colonial times to transport passengers and mail, commencement of railway
heralded a new era in Kalutara District linking it from Matara to
Colombo and among the coastal townships. It was the British Governor
Gregory who commenced the construction of Southern line around the
In the chapter 8, the author inquires into the political and
administrative structures of power past and present. According to folk
lore, the District of Kalutara had been divided into Raigam and Pasdun
Korale apparently by the Kalu ganga (Black river) which flows in the
middle of the District. In the mediaeval times, the coastal strip was
sub-divided into the Kalutara Totamune and Panadura Totamune.
Kalutara, an Odessey offers readers a wealth of information on
Kalutara District along with an anthropological account. It is
noteworthy that meticulous research went into the book has made it a
repository of facts and figures so much so that it can be reference book
on Kalutara District. It is a must read for scholars who are interesting
in Sri Lanka and a good and informative read for deserving readers.