Zahira College felicitates cricketers
CRICKET: The Cricket committee or Zahira College Colombo
organised a felicitation dinner for the first eleven cricketers at the
main hall recently. The senior coach Mahesh Weerasinghe and the fielding
coach Sampath Epasinghe were also felicitated at the function.
The Chairman of the Cricket Committee of Zahira - Mihlan Lafir was
responsible in organising this function.
The chief guest at the event was Branudeen Amit the guests of honour
were Muttiah Devaraj and Samsudeen Macan Marker (former cricket captains
of Zahira College, Fouzul Hameed - Chairman of the Board of Governors of
Zahira and Principal of the school Mohamed Jiffrey.

Zahira’s senior coach Mahesh Weerasinghe (right) receives
award from chief guest Branudeen Amith. Cricket Committee
Chairman Mihlan Lafir, Sports Council Deputy Chairman M.S.M.
Mazeer and Prof. M.T.A. Furkan are also in the picture.
Picture by Ruzaik Farook |

Zahira’s fielding coach Sampath Epasinghe (right) receives
award from chief guest Branudeen Amith. Picture by Ruzaik