Absolutely keen never married SInhala gent qualified to work abroad is invited to provide details, for social slim daughter 37 yrs. looks much younger, medium complexion, having good figure, Australian citizenship, B.Com Degree with CPA. Owns new house close Colombo Executive G/B parents request horoscope with Tel. No. etc. Email :
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified established partner sought for Govigama Buddhist attractive 40, 5’1” MBA qualified Consultant, Trainer, Lecturer. Write with details, contact No. E-mail :
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified partner is sought by B/G parents for MBBS Doctor daughter 30 years, height 5’4” medium complexion Kuja 4. Email:
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified partner sought by Govi Buddhist parents for daughter 31 years 5’3” only child well-accomplished graduate, properties include two upstair houses near Colombo and substantial bank deposits. Reply with horoscope and details. E-mail :
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified partner sought by G/B parents living in New Zealand for their fair and pretty daughter 22 years old height 5’5” presently working in NZ as a professionally qualified Engineer. Sri Lankans living in Australia or NZ is preferable. Reply with family details, horoscope and contact number. Email:
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified well mannered smart, caring, NS+TT partner sought by Kandyan G/B parents (father retired Bank Manager / mother teacher) residing in Colombo suburbs for their daughter 23+ 5’4” height, fair, slim, beautiful. She has completed IT degree, (IMUK, P.M.P (USA), presently working as Business Analyst. Only brother Australian citizen. Reply in English / Sinhala with horoscope family details, contact numbers. Email:
[email protected]
Academically qualified Govi Buddhist parents in UK seek a partner preferably a Doctor below 31 years, above 5’8” in height for their fair pretty Doctor daughter with excellent character, brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Reply with horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Academically / professionally qualified good natured partner (age 30 - 38) sought by G/B retired parents for slim pretty daughter 30, 5’5” with excellent qualities graduated and employed in a reputed State University in USA reading for postgraduate MSc inherits substantial assets legally divorced from brief marriage. No encumbrances US citizen or PR Holder preferred, other replies welcome with horoscope and telephone numbers. Email:
[email protected]
Academically / professionally qualified partner is sought by B/G South parents for their well brought up daughter slim, very fair 35 years IT graduate partner should be an Engineer, Doctor or Science Degree holder, soon after marriage hope to migrate to Australia, please respond with family details and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Academically & professionally qualified partner is sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Australia for their pretty fair daughter who is a Medical Scientist, 32 years old working in a hospital in Australia. Please respond with details. Email:
[email protected]
Academically/professionally qualified partner below 37 years is sought by G/B brother living in Australia for his attractive sister. She is 5’3’’, 34 years, Australian qualified MSc holder, currently working in a prestigious bank in Melbourne as a Business Analyst. Reply with horoscope and family details. E-mail:
[email protected]
Academically/professionally qualified partner sought by Sinhala, Buddhist parents living in Australia for their attractive daughter Dental Surgeon, 29 years old, height 5’8’’, currently doing her specialisation. Please reply with family details and horoscope at
[email protected]
Academically, professionally, qualified partner is sought by Buddhist Govi mother from Wayamba Province for her fair beautiful, daughter, Dental Surgeon 35 years, 5’ 3 1/2” She owns a land and a car. T.P. 0372298250.
[email protected]
Affluent Karawe Buddhist parents seek a suitable partner (caste immaterial) for their 28 year old daughter (only child) employed as a pre school teacher. She is very fair and 5’4” in height substantial dowry available assistance for migration to Canada or Australia possible. Email:
[email protected]
A suitable partner sought by Bodu/Govi professional parents for their daughter 29 yrs old, 5’3’’, attractive government Medical Officer (MBBS), Inherits property in Colombo.
[email protected]
A well-established professional groom is sought for our daughter, 51 years of age 5’2” in height divorced without encumbrances. Excutive in a leading private firm. Groom of similar status expected. Horoscope essential.
BK Medical parents seek partner for MBBS Doctor daughter 28 yrs. slim pretty with Sri Lankan values. Apply family details, horoscope.
[email protected]
Buddhist Govi respectable parents seek a kind caring non-smoker / teetotaller with Buddhist values, professionally and academically qualified, son with good personality and sober habits preferably living in USA for their well accomplished, beautiful, slim very fair only daughter aged 30+ and 5’4” height, she has graduated from prestigious universities in SL and is a professional, well employed in a leading group of companies in USA as a Software Developing Engineer. She possesses substantial assets in Colombo suburbs. Reply with non-malefic horoscope, family details and contact numbers. E-mail :
[email protected]
Buddhist Govi respectable parents seek suitable son for well-brought up pretty professional daughter with dowry, owns car worth 18 lakhs monthly Rs. 80,000 born 1970, 64”
[email protected]
Buddhist professionally qualified partner with good Buddhist values sought for 27 yrs old academically and professionally qualified, well mannered daughter from Colombo. Caste immaterial. Please reply with horoscope and family details. email:
[email protected]
Buddhist retired teacher mother and professionally qualified (Architect) married brother in USA seek for their daughter / sister in SL, 28 yrs, 5’3”, pretty CIM qualified merchandiser with good salary in a reputed company in Colombo, inherits land close to Colombo a suitable educated partner lives in SL or abroad Sinhala Buddhist preferred. Caste immaterial. Reply to
[email protected]
Buddhist Sinhala parents seek suitable partner for 39 yrs, pretty, fair Doctor daughter. Tel. 0112401553. Email -
[email protected]
Buddhist well established business parents seek an educated boy in Australia for their 26 yrs. old fair and good looking daughter height 4ft 8” doing Computer Degree in Australia (Ravi and Rahu in 7th House).
B/G mother seeks a suitable partner for her pretty daughter 28 years 5’8” unemployed. (Rahu in 7th House).
B/K professional parents with means living in Australia seek well educated handsome son from similar background for well employed very pretty 24-year-old Finance graduate daughter with Australian citizenship, height 5’3”, upholds Sinhala Buddhist values. Reply with full family details and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Christian, 5’2” fair 42 years, overseas worked and educated is looking for a partner between ages 40 - 55 years who is professionally established in Sri Lanka for an early marriage, religion and caste immaterial. No horoscope, legally divorced self replies welcome. Email:
[email protected]
Colombo B/G parents seek educated suitable partner for their daughter 5’3” height fair 33 years working as an Administrator in a leading company in Dubai. Studied at leading Girls’ School in Colombo. Reply with horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Colombo respectable parents seek academically / professionally qualified partner with good personality for our daughter age 28 (1983 April), fair, slim and pretty 5’5” in height, educated in leading girl’s school and graduated from a foreign university. Fluent in English inherits assets. Reply with details to:
[email protected]
Colombo suburb respectable well connected B/G retired parents seek same caste Doctor Engineer well qualified son for their 5’3” 30 yrs. pretty MBBS Doctor daughter having valuable assets sister Doctor brother Engineer. 0112752616
[email protected]
Colombo, respectable Buddhist family seek an educated, well mannered son from a respectable family with good personaltiy and built, for the pleasant well mannered daughter, attached to a reputed bank as a Legal Officer, 35 yrs. 5’6” Deva Wansa, divorced from brief proposed marriage, no encumbrances inherits valuable assets, caste immaterial. Reply with horoscope, full details and contact numbers. Email:
[email protected]
Govigama Buddhist, retired banker (father) seeks an educated, employed partner for his academically (BSc Maths) and professionally qualified Chartered Accountancy Intermediate (has passed Govt. Accountancy - Exam too) employed, good looking slim dark complexion daughter within the age limit of 35 to 40, caste immaterial include a copy of your horoscope. Reply either in Sinhala or in English. Most important factor a kind hearted partner who values Buddhist culture very much.
Govi Buddhist parents seek a partner for their pretty slim daughter 37 years 5’3” height a research associate in USA Green Card holder. Those residing in USA preferred caste immaterial. Reply with family details and horoscope e-mail
[email protected]
G/B parents from Colombo seek professionally qualified well mannered partner for their daughter, Engineer, 27 years, 5’2”, IT professional. Reply with family details and horoscope.
[email protected]
Highly educated Sinhala Catholic fashionable widow, sixties, with means seeks classy partner similar status Western educated socialising travel overseas, with complete freedom.
[email protected]
Kandy Buddhist Govi respectable parents seek academically qualified partner Buddhist Govi with a respectable character and background, teetotaller, non smoker, below 27 years, for their academically qualified daughter 22 years pretty slim 5’2” employed at a reputed IT Company. Reply with full details and horoscope. Reply through paper or Email:
[email protected]
Malay 33 yrs looks twenties 5’1’’ fair pretty religious bride wearing hijab from Colombo divorced after one month of two party registration innocent party. Presently employed in Dubai, ready to be a housewife upon request, seeks a religious, simple, kind hearted partner from a respectable Muslim family. Please reply with full details.
[email protected]
Moor parents seek partner for their daughter, fair slim 5’6” 21 years passed Sinhala A/L fluent English possesses a house. Telephone 2534396.
Muslim parents seek highly educated professional / Doctor willing to migrate. For their daughter slim, fair, 28, 5’2” a Doctor. Working in a hospital in Europe.
[email protected]
Parents seek for their Canadian educated, down to earth, 27 + years old, 5’3’’, pleasant daughter, with Buddhist values a suitable and educated, TT/NS son. She has a degree in Engineering and professional qualifications. She is employed and has a younger brother. Reply with date, time, and place of birth for horoscope comparison.
Qualified partner below 44 is sought by professional B/G family for only daughter attractive, highly qualified and well employed in a reputed company Email only to.
[email protected]
Respectable Buddhist Salagama parents in Colombo seek slim fair well natured daughter for their academically and professionally qualified 26 years old, 5’8” non-smoking teetotaller handsome son working as a System Engineer for UK based company in Sri Lanka. Reply with full family details together with a copy of horoscope.
[email protected]
Respectable Govi Buddhist parents from down South, presently residing in Colombo suburbs seek a professionally / academically qualified son for their daughter, pretty, fair 5’1” 26+ studied at a leading Buddhist school, professionally qualified and employed at a reputed company with substantial assets. Reply with horoscope and family details.
[email protected]
Respectable G/B business parents seek respectable partner for their educated daughter born in 1977. Dowry two storied business building, fully furnished house and other assets. Monthly income 100,000 from the business.
Sri Lankan Muslim parents living in the Gulf looking for a well educated Muslim boy below 30 years for their daughter 24 years, pretty, fair, well educated and working in the Middle East. Preferred boys living abroad. Contact by e-mail to
[email protected]