The tentative world of Darusman Panellists
by Prof Rajiva WIJESINHA
Having now seen more of the report, I am impressed by the skill with
which the three Panellists have woven a highly emotive narrative out of
It is noteworthy that they rarely commit themselves, which suggests
that they have not abandoned all understanding of basic principles of

LTTE female cadre |
However, they make up for this by repeatedly bringing up the same
points, with variations on what they claim they know definitely, and
what they grant is tentative. Initially I thought this was subtle, based
on a desire to sound as convincing as possible, but the more one reads,
the more one gets the impression that they were haphazard about the
whole business: having decided to crucify Sri Lankan officialdom, they
suddenly remembered that they might be asked to justify their claims, so
they threw in markers of uncertainty at regular intervals.
I explore here the allegations they make about rape and sexual
violence, advanced relentlessly as though to push the right buttons with
whoever it was supplied false information to Hillary Clinton, for which
Patricia Butenis apologised, though without, I suspect, drawing the
attention of her boss to this egregious blunder (or, rather, to the
deceit practised on the poor woman by her trusted speech writers).
The following extracts make clear the haze of uncertainty in which
the Darusman crew steered their unwieldy bark. I have juxtaposed with
them an instance of another set of claims inimical to Sri Lanka, in
which there was bad faith of a more ludicrous but perhaps more honest
Para 152 - There are many indirect accounts reported by women of
sexual violence and rape by members of Government Forces.
Indirect accounts
Does this mean women reported indirect accounts, or that there are
indirect accounts of reports by women? What is the difference between a
direct account of a report, and an indirect account, and is this double
distancing intended to deny responsibility for the accusation while
still making it?
Para 153 - Many photos and video footage, in particular the footage
provided by Channel 4, depict dead female cadre. In these, women are
reportedly shown naked or with underwear withdrawn to expose breasts and
genitalia. This is a strange use of the word ‘reportedly’, implying that
the Panellists have not seen the footage that shows naked women, or
women with withdrawn underwear, whatever that means. Was it that they
were shy to look at the pictures, or did they look but find it
difficult, given their doubtless innocent lives previously, to recognise
a naked (or underwear withdrawn) woman, so that they had to rely on
reports to interpret what they saw?
Or is it simply that they did not bother to look at the pictures and
video footage themselves, but relied on yet another network of
informants? The Channel 4 images, with accompanying commentary in
Sinhala by SLA soldiers, raise a strong inference that rape or sexual
violence may have occurred, either prior to or after execution.
The Panellists have no doubt that the soldiers belong to the Sri
Lanka Army, but there is only an inference that rape or sexual violence
may have occurred, another instance of double distancing.
Channel 4 video
Stomping on the leg of a woman who appears to be moving: It is not
clear whether the woman appears to be moving, or only her leg, which is
reminiscent of the moving leg of a supposed dead man in the Channel 4
video, a movement that led to one of Philip Alston’s experts (whom he
claimed established the authenticity of the video) declaring that “it
remains uncertain as to what accounts for the movement of this
individual’s left leg” and (with regard to another person it seems),
“Under normal circumstances and without something maintaining his leg in
this position, I would not expect his leg to remain in this position if
he were deceased”.
Incidentally, Alston’s casuistry led him to answer this by admitting
that there were “a small number of characteristics which the experts
were not able to explain”, but to claim that “Each of these
characteristics can, however, be explained in a manner which is entirely
consistent with the conclusion that the videotape appears to be
authentic”. Even more entertainingly, Alston’c chief expert produced a
completely dotty explanation. With regard to the rising leg, the
imaginative Mr Spivack says “it has not been definitively established
whether this person was already deceased, or merely wounded,
intoxicated, sleeping, or possibly even uninjured and feigning death
after being shot at and missed to evade actual injury or death at the
hands of a more competent marksman”. (My stresses). The idea of the
wicked people who shot two victims through the head at close quarters,
having adopted a different approach which led to one of the victims
feigning death, is almost as bizarre as someone who is sleeping through
this whole performance lifting up his leg and then letting it collapse.
Clearly Philip Alston had found experts with similar thinking skills to
his own.
Escape route
Alston, however, was comparatively an honest man and, when he had to
bite a bullet, he did so with grit and determination. The Darusman
Panellists leave themselves an escape route by refusing to commit
themselves, knowing full well that their cheerleaders will claim that
they have established guilt without doubt.
To go on to a recycling of the same factors as were described in
Paras 152 and 153 - Para 214 - Credible allegations point to a possible
violation of this provision in as much as members of the SLA may have
raped or committed sexual assault against women. The allegations are
deemed credible by the Panel. But they realise that they only point to a
possible violation, two usages that suggest uncertainty. This
uncertainty is reinforced by the ‘may’ in the next clause.
The Panel notes in particular the Channel 4 photographs of what
appear to be dead female cadre including video footage in which naked
bodies of women are deliberately exposed accompanied by lurid comments
by SLA soldiers raising a strong inference that rape or sexual assault
may have occurred prior to execution.
Earlier definitely dead female cadre were claimed to have been
depicted, now what is seen only appear to be dead female cadre.
Conversely, what were only reportedly shown naked women are now
transposed into definitely naked bodies of women. Sri Lankan soldiers
continue to be definitely identified, though again there is only a
strong inference of rape or sexual assault. Now however it is confined
to before execution, whereas previously the possibility of necrophilia
was also floated.
There is a strong inference that the Panel swallowed wholesale the
whoppers conveyed to them. They may have been bribed or otherwise
influenced by former terrorists who have allegedly supplied them with
much of their information.
The last paragraph above is totally true. Is there any reason to
think it more nonsensical than the statements quoted above?