My cat Silky is a mother!
“A child brings joy to everyone.” It’s not so only for human beings.
It is so even for most animals. Being a mother is a blessing. My pet cat
Silky also got that blessing recently.A few months ago, I noticed that
my cat’s tummy was getting bigger. I suspected that it was going to have

I noticed that she was very tired than on other days. March 16 is a
special day for my brother as it is his birthday. But nobody knew that
it was also special for my pet cat.As on other days I got her from her,
SHQ (Silky’s Head Quarters).
It’s an old store room which is her home now. I petted her and put
her back. I have a habit of seeing my cat several times a day. I
couldn’t stop it.
I even get into trouble because of it. Well, as I said that day when
I went to see Silky, I heard a tiny mew. I looked at where Silky sleeps
and can you imagine what had happened? She had given birth to a cute
little kitten at about 6.20 a.m.
I ran to give the good news to my mother. Then my brother went to see
the kitten and there were two kittens instead of one.“Another kitten!” I
was as happy as a lark, because I’ve never seen such an adorable scene
like that, Silky and her babies.
The other kitten was born at 7.20 a.m.
The kittens looked just like their mother. They both had cute faces,
tiny legs and a tail.I couldn’t figure out which one was the girl or boy
and also the elder or the younger.
But I had chosen names for the kittens. Silky was much happier than
us, I think.
Now she’s got her own family, but we’re her owners and her family
too. My brother said, “It was the best birthday present he ever had.” We
are thrilled of the new members of Silky’s family.
G. R. Samadhi Gunathilake, Grade 7A,Mahamaya
Girls’ College, Kandy.
Rosi, my pet
pet is a squirrel. We call it Rosi. It has a bushy tail and three lines
on its back. Rosi always lives in our garden and runs all over the
place.Rosi always makes nests in our kitchen ceiling.
Snakes and cats are its enemies. Rosi likes to eat fruits and rice. I
love my pet squirrel very much.
Anjali Lehansi, Grade 2C, St. Lawrence’s Convent,
Colombo 6.
My little pet
My pet is a cat.

And it is very fat.
It lives in my house.
And always runs
after a mouse
Sometimes it’s dirty
And at times it’s naughty
Its name is Suzy
And it makes me crazy
Chameesha Dissanayake, Grade 4B, St. Lawrence’s Convent, Colombo 6.