Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 29 May 2011





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

TUs in negotiation with EFC:

No plantation strike tomorrow

Leaders of the three plantation trade unions that are negotiating with the Employers' Federation of Ceylon (EFC) for a fresh Collective Agreement over a wage hike to estate workers denied media reports that they wil go on strike work from tomorrow, Monday. They said that they were unable to reach and agreement with the EFC over the quantum of wage increase but were hopeful that a deal would be struck in future discussions. EFC Director General Ravi Pieris also expressed confidence that inspite of the high wage increase demanded by the Unions they would be able to reach a settlement in future discussions on a reasonable increase.

Renew Agreement

Teams of the Ceylon Workers' Congress (CWC) led by its President and Deputy Minister Muthu Sivalingam, the Lanka Jathika Estate Workers' Union (LJEWU) led by its General Secretary P. Velautham and the Joint Plantation Trade Union Centre (JPTUC) led by its President S. Ramanathan are in discussion with the EFC representing the 22 Regional Plantation Management Companies (RPCs) to renew the Biennial Collective Agreement that expired on March 31, 2011.

The last Collective Agreement signed on September 19, 2009, more than five months after the expiry of the previous one, offered a total wage increase of Rs.405/- , the basic at Rs.285/- and other components of the increase at Rs.30/- for fixed output norms and Rs.90/- for attendance on the required minimum number of days.

JPTUC President S.Ramanathan told the Sunday Observer that the four rounds of talks which they so far held with the EFC have been cordial with possibilities of compromise by both sides and there was no need whatsoever for them to contemplate on TU action.

Basic wage

The TUs insisted on doing away with the wage differential in the previous Collective Agreement but instead they demanded the increase of the basic wage.

The proposal of the TUs for increasing the basic wage was turned down by the EFC on the ground that it was a demand for a 100 percent increase of the basic wage which is unprecedented and unaffordable.

The EFC was willing to substantially increase some of the components of the wage increase that are not subject to conditions, Ramanathan said.

Some Unions that are not party to the negotiations are propagating exorbitant wages to mislead the workers for their own ends, including their membership drive, Ramanathan said.

EFC Director General Ravi Peiris said that they have placed a counter proposal to the Unions' proposals taking into account the affordability of the RPCs. They cannot offer a short-term solution considering the sustainability of the industry, he said.



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